How many amps do you own?

i am wondering how many folks here own more than one amp. I own a couple of amps...a tube mono block ( Jadis) and a stereo ss Jeff Rowland model 8t ( modded). These two amps give me what I consider to be the best of ss and tubes. i do NOT use the amps in the system at the same time. As such, the system requires two sets of speaker cables and two sets of ic cables. I can run two amps off my preamp. Anyone else have the option of two amps..if so, what are they and why do you run multiples.
Currently, there are about 4 amps, but 2 of them are low dollar temporary amps while I am experimenting with a Forte' model 3. It won't be even close to the original amp when finished, due to having to replace output transistors, power capacitors, and few other parts. At the moment, a Carver A220 is in the system, and has surprised me quite a bit, sounding way better than I expected. Before that, a flurry of inexpensive amps were tried, and even a digital amp that I built. It has become the sub amp, and does very well.
I have 4 in use

(2) NuPrime STA9 running mono
Adcom 3-channel for the center and surrounds
Crwn XLS2500 for the subs
Lets not go there! I think I could come up with totals of most other components I still hold on to and use much quicker. When it comes to speakers, I have a lot. When it comes to amps, it gets embarrassing rather quickly. It reminds me of an old joke. "I like both kinds of music, country AND western"... reword and insert "tube and transistor".
Two, tube mono blocks and a Yamaha as-100 integrated I use as a pre amp. This way all my equipment is used all the time, plus I can isolate any issues by using the integrated amp to test outputs. I have been caught in the past with no way of verifying or isolating problems - one channel bias, noise etc. After 40 years of hi-fi I do value a balance control as well, after years of no tone or balance.
Right now, five:

2 Pass Aleph III
2 Benchmark (Bridged)
1 Cambridge Bluetooth

"Well, this had been very enlightening and happy to find out I am not as seriously ill as I had suspected..."

Did you ever stop to think that maybe you're a seriously ill person standing in the middle of a large group of us seriously ill people?



For my main system - three.  A Bryston 4BST for the front channels, a second Bryston 4BST for the rear channels, and an Adcom 555 for the subwoofer. That about all my electrical system should be asked to handle.
I also have two more systems in the house (mostly for background music) with an Adcom 545 upstairs and a tiny little Technics amp, from the 80s, in my basement system.

Since I build reference power amplifiers, I have about ten different ones.  Lafayette KT-550 kit amp is probably the best amp I have ever owned.  Luxkit Class A again pretty close the best amp I have heard and various hybrid and Class A amplifiers with various parts of the same amp so I can hear how the parts impact the sound.

Happy Listening.

Tri-amped ATC SCM 40 active speakers, that makes 6.  Manley Mahi Mahi mono blocks plus Sudgen A21SE, 3 D chip, Emotiva integrated.  I think that makes 13.  Oh, a Sugden Headmaster headphone amp.  14, final answer.
Two Primaluna HP integrateds. (For now) One using EL 34's and one with KT120's. Revels on one system and SonusFabers on the other.

After reading the above I feel it's ok to keep going 
Well, this had been very enlightening and happy to find out I am not as seriously ill as I had suspected...

Pass 260.8 mono
ML 23.5
Bedini 100/100
Perreaux 3150 (just in case) 
LMAO... Nothing is easy in this hobby. The rewards are great though. 
A pair of Monarchy Audio SM70mkII's.
First Watt F5
 10 watt tube amp. Hand made,just not by my hands.
I, too, have the sickness:

Pass XA30.8
Nuforce STA200
Sugden A21 SE Sig.
Dennis Had Inspire PP tube
Audio Note OTO Phono Sig.

Thinking about some  mono’s.
I just picked up 4 new ones a couple weeks back. Two in each Vanatoo Transparent One Encore speaker.
I have four:  A Yaqin MC-30L (my first experience with a tube amp - currently not being used); a Peachtree Audio 220SE that I use for digital sources only (driving JBL Studio L890's); a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II paired with a vintage Onkyo Integra M-504 that I use for  both analog and digital sources (to bi-amp a set of Polk LSi707's). The Rogue/Onkyo/Polk setup is my favorite.
 I have two Decware- SE84CS's (strapped for mono)  and a Decware SE34I.2.

Plus a battery powered N.E.W. DCA33 solid state amp.

I run 3 McIntosh MC2300’s run off of a McIntosh C2500 with 2 sets of Sonus Fabers and a set of JBL’s in a room 22’ x 34’. They fill the room with great sound and yo don’t have to crank them way up to enjoy them.
I too suffered badly. My obsession ended when I finally reached nirvana.

Atma-Sphere MA-1, 140w OTL. The amp I will use till I'm buried.
Tenor Audio 75i, 75w OTL. Fabulous amp. Not in the same league as the AS MA-1's, but fabulous in the midrange. Grounding nightmares relegate it to digital duty in my son's condo.
Vacuum State DPA300b OTL. Wow, but no bass.

Counterpoint SA12 tube hybrid. The amp that hooked me on tubes.

Magnum Dynalab Hybrid integrated. Backup for when I'm working on upgrades for the MA-1.

I've tried selling some of my 'stuff'. Take the pictures. Get the ad ready. Never press 'apply'. I already know; my wife will chuck everything in a dumpster, along with 2000 vintage tubes. Oh well!.
I am less active (luney) than in the past,

especially after returning to my highly efficient horn speakers, allowing me to never need more than my current 45 wpc integrated tube amp, Cayin A88T. My Fisher 30 wpc mono blocks, with spare parts, sit unused because I wanted the direct inputs of several components and remote volume, and I found that with the Cayin which also had 16 ohm taps I need.

I had a McIntosh SS pair, C28 with MC2500, 250 wpc (actually measured accurate to 305 wpc) which I actively used years ago with inefficient speakers, but it's only use lately was in demos for others, who invariably chose the tube amps.

Home theater is a Sony receiver, all one remote for the whole system for the first time. Except the PC I still have in one iinput, hardly used now that TV's are smarter.

Office is PC into Carver Cube, 200wpc, some nice old B&W bookshelf speakers

My shop/garage is an old Tandberg Receiver, 80 wpc, two pairs speakers, 1 in small shop, 1 in garage/workroom where I am building my newly designed amp stand/ventilated base allowing tube preamps/tube tuners/any low heat component below any component on the black glass top which supports up to 200lbs. I am close to offering on eBay, perhaps I will figure out how to offer them here.
Now I don't feel bad:
Mark Levinson 20.6 Class A 100-watt monos (Winter space heaters);
Mark Levinson 23.5 (Summer);
Audio Research 100.2;
Homemade 2A3 monos;
Heavily modified Adcom 535
Two modified Threshold T-50's, Forte 6, and a Bryston SST2. All four amps are used in my system. 

ARC 160M Mono's
DAG 400 Mono's
Valvet E2 SE
First Watt Sit-3 Mono's

Audio Note Jinro Integrated

Luxman M900 mono's are next on the shopping list

I have a number of items across the board and I would like to swap them around to see effect. The big problem I have, is that would involve the usual excessive swearing, dripping sweat and highly raised blood pressure in moving them around in racks and inserting cables and plugs and sockets in impossible to reach places. For example, I have knocked over and broken at least 3 times an expensive lamp that I thought I could squeeze past each time, thinking each time my great care was going to be sufficient.
BUT .. these things are inanimate objects that have an agenda! They have a built in psyche to cause you as much distress as possible! If they can catch you finger they will - if  they can get you to fall over whilst bending round impossible corners .. they will! 
Ooh ... can we have a revolutionary system that tames these wild totally selfish sodding blocks of metal.
And it has taken me months to get over that slipped disc moving my Kell 250.
I think we need another thread of "damage inflicted upon us by inanimate objects"!! 
Teach them a lesson, I say ...

In the next room: a pair of rare Quad 50 monos, Tim Rawson First Watt F5, Quartre Gain Cell 250, GAS Son, Muse 100, Audionics CC2, Bedini 25/25. Two more rooms to go!
From where I'm sitting I see: Sumo Andromeda, BEL 1001, custom-built SE 6BG6, GAS Son of Ampzilla, Bryston 3B, Kenwood KM208. Around the corner are two SAE's (MkXXX in a wood case and a 101). 
a pre-amp and 2 monoblocks. I thought that's all one needs no ?? That's after careful selecting of course. 
well..... I counted just to be sure.  I have 18 integrated amps, 7 preamps, 16 amplifiers and 3 EQ's.   Or to put it more succinctly, I have a compulsive behavior problem. Speakers are even worse, I'm not counting.  I swap them tube, SS as the mood strikes or 2x monthly on average.
-Movie/tv room
-Music room
Rx-v2095, M-65, M-85
Pc4002m, Pc5002m

Thank You everyone for making me feel better about owning 20 different amps over the past 10 years.  I thought I was bad.  You guys are way worse, LoL.  

All of your wives are Angels
Two: NAD 2400 and Quad 606 mki, both from the 1980's; the Quad having lower distortion. Used to have a third (Parasound HCA-1500), and that one had sounded worse than the other two at $500 used (sorry John Curl), and I couldn't wait to get rid of it. I love buying older used gear on Ebay, and soldering in new components (that may or may not be better than the OEM ones). Main purpose for having more than one, is so I can have a backup in case I'm doing work on one of them, especially if the mods don't go well: for example, the Parasound was on fire; I had put a dead short on the board that had gone undetected. Luckily, it was a three channel amp, and I was able to sell the other two. Also, I would not have to do without my system, when selling and buying second hand, where I don't know how long it will take to sell an item.
Main Amp - PS Audio BHK 250
Secondary System - PS Audio M700s
HT system - EMotiva XPA-7
Office System - Schiit Vidar x 2

Main Pre-Amp - PS Audio BHK
Secondary System - Parasound P6
HT system - Yamaha 3080
Office System - Schiit Freya+

Main DAC - PS Audio Directstream
Secondary System - Mytek Brooklyn+Office System - Schiit Bifrost

I have a sickness. My wife and family still love me, despite my debilitating Audio illness. Don’t get me started on the warehouse of speakers.

Seriously, I love audio and love audio gear. I love the craftsmanship and engineering that goes into each piece. I like to reverse engineer items and learn from them. I do hobby DIY on the side and like to learn from the masters. I like to keep as many pieces as I can afford so that I can mix and match and create different sonic signatures. Once an item has cycled beyond my office system, it gets sold. A man has to have limits (so I am told). Practically speaking, the house just can’t hold more than that.

I have a pair of Quicksilver M120s that get the playing time in my main system, a Yamamoto A-08S 45 tube amp that I am likely not going to use but can't bring my self to sell just in case, Canary CA306 300B amp and a Pass Labs XA30.5 amp. The Canary and the Pass both work so well with my set up that they aren't going anywhere either. I have a like New Jolida 302 BRC in case one of my kids show an interest, a pair of BK M140s and a Yamamoto HA-03 headphone amp in my headphone system. After putting this down in print and rereading it, I think it's time to get rid of all of them but my Quicksilvers and the two Yamamotos. Thanks for bringing it up.
Four amps, (two tube and two solid state) and three receivers at the moment.

Mcintosh Ma5200 2x100
Mcintosh mc7106 6x100
Another mc7106 (cause you need two), accuphase p-250 2x100?
marantz 1608
and an old pioneer
Schiit freya +
Musical surroundings phenomena 2+

2 sets of modified/updated EICO HF35 tube monoblocs.
2 Croft 25R tube phono preamps.
A 90 pound TVA1 in need of repair.
A few solid state integrateds in boxes.
T-amp with 5A PSU for PC.

I am intrigued by4 preamps in one system.  I understand a line and phono preamp, but what are the other 2 for and how do you implement them?  Do you get superior sound that way?  This really does intrigue me.
In use:
Aloia / This is a 2 piece SS stereo unit with an induction power supply (in use). This one is exceptional with the Wilson speakers I'm currently running

Not currently in use:

Solid State:
Forte Model 1A
Valvet mono blocks / Single ended SS

Jeff Korneff 6550 SET amp
ASL Mono Blocks
Halo (not Parasound) Mono Blocks 

Too many.....somebody help!
SMc Audio McCormack DNA-1 Ultra Monoblocks
Clayton M300 monoblocks
Cary CAD 500MB monoblocks
NAD 2050 and 3040
CJ Premier 11a
First Watt SIT-3
Pass Labs XA-25
Cary Audio CAD 808/ Rocket 88R

All trip a switch in my head and after owning so many more others