Tri-amped ATC SCM 40 active speakers, that makes 6. Manley Mahi Mahi mono blocks plus Sudgen A21SE, 3 D chip, Emotiva integrated. I think that makes 13. Oh, a Sugden Headmaster headphone amp. 14, final answer.
How many amps do you own?
i am wondering how many folks here own more than one amp. I own a couple of amps...a tube mono block ( Jadis) and a stereo ss Jeff Rowland model 8t ( modded). These two amps give me what I consider to be the best of ss and tubes. i do NOT use the amps in the system at the same time. As such, the system requires two sets of speaker cables and two sets of ic cables. I can run two amps off my preamp. Anyone else have the option of two amps..if so, what are they and why do you run multiples.