How many amps do you own?

i am wondering how many folks here own more than one amp. I own a couple of amps...a tube mono block ( Jadis) and a stereo ss Jeff Rowland model 8t ( modded). These two amps give me what I consider to be the best of ss and tubes. i do NOT use the amps in the system at the same time. As such, the system requires two sets of speaker cables and two sets of ic cables. I can run two amps off my preamp. Anyone else have the option of two amps..if so, what are they and why do you run multiples.

Showing 1 response by cousinbillyl

I too suffered badly. My obsession ended when I finally reached nirvana.

Atma-Sphere MA-1, 140w OTL. The amp I will use till I'm buried.
Tenor Audio 75i, 75w OTL. Fabulous amp. Not in the same league as the AS MA-1's, but fabulous in the midrange. Grounding nightmares relegate it to digital duty in my son's condo.
Vacuum State DPA300b OTL. Wow, but no bass.

Counterpoint SA12 tube hybrid. The amp that hooked me on tubes.

Magnum Dynalab Hybrid integrated. Backup for when I'm working on upgrades for the MA-1.

I've tried selling some of my 'stuff'. Take the pictures. Get the ad ready. Never press 'apply'. I already know; my wife will chuck everything in a dumpster, along with 2000 vintage tubes. Oh well!.