Has anyone tried these SnugPlugs?

Hi All,

Could these be a simple solution for those heavy cords?

Inexpensive enough to give them a try.  I think I'm gonna order a set.

Snug Plug - Your Loose Outlet Fix! – Snug Plug LLC

What do you think?

- Jed



They might make a tighter mechanical connection but I don't think they will do anything to make a tighter electrical connection.

These are for the outlet where the cleaning lady always plugs in the vacuum cleaner and after 20 years, it falls out.  the right answer is replace the outlet. 

many use hospital grade outlets for audio.  one of the features of the hospital grade is very snug holding of the cord.  I guess you don't want the lifesaving equipment to come unplugged.


I have used them in places, other than my audio, video equipment, and they do keep the plug in tight.


@ozzy  it looks llike they go into the plug and thus are obviously non-conductive.  So now the plug is making contact only with the outside half of the receptacle.  Is that right?


Yes, I think that is right. But it may just be in the front and the rest of the AC blade is still the same. That is why I didn’t use them in my Audio System.


A high quality AC outlet grips much better , I bought the $200 Furutech  outlet very good and sonically better but take a full 200 hours to runin.

An electrician friend of mine said that they will ruin the outlet. Over time the contacts writhing the outlet will be pushed back and loose the ability to hold a plug with or without them. For 3-5.00 it’s best to replace the outlet. If it’s a heavy use outlet buy a better brand, e.g. Hubble

I would want to know how they change the sound before I decided on using them.

Go for a better outlet.  I noticed a bigger improvement in sound over new a/c power cords.

For $10, I'll just buy a good outlet. 

Put "audio" outlets on my 2ch and HT setups, even changed my bedroom one. The new outlets hold cords very, very well! It's hard to plug in, and even harder to unplug. Did not go crazy on outlets, they were around $30 each. 

Sadly, most house outlets are dirt cheap bulk items, you know the 20 pack for $10 kind of outlets. They do not last, and are crap to begin with. If you replace them with good outlets that cost $2-5 each, they will be a huge upgrade. 

On my house, they backstabbed most outlets. Just changing that was an upgrade. 

Furutech GTX-D Rhodium outlet or Cardas 4181US Duplex Power Outlet are way to go. Lot's of these fora too.

I replaced my AC outlets with medical grade outlets and they hold great. I would like to find something to snug up my IEC connections. I have 2-3 that are jiggley and I’d definitely like to tighten them up.

Sounds like another 1/2 way gimmick, God knows audio has enough of them. Take the hospital grade advice.. will still give you full contact, +solving the jiggle problem. Don’t worry about any of the burn in BS or high dollar supposedly audio specific outlets, do worry about diminishing returns.

Interesting idea, but my guess is that for most "loose" outlets, the Snug Plug would make it difficult to fit an audiophile plug once they were inserted into the outlet.

That being said, I wish I would have thought of it. 

If you notice, there’s Vaseline in the outlet to ‘demonstrate’ the loose plug. 99.9% of outlets don’t loose the plug to that extreme. If it does, replace it. Use a hospital grade outlet and save your $$ on the audiophile type.

+++++++1 to just replace the receptacle. You will get a vice grip type connection, and superior audio performance. I've tried well over a dozen receptacles, and all improved the sound over a stock socket. Look around for prices, they can vary by as much as $50 per unit

I use (and can highly recommend): Furutech GTX-D(G or gold) $165, Furutech GTX-D(R or Rhodium) $180, Oyaide R1 (Not SWX series) $160, and for the more affordable range Acme Audio Labs (Silver, cryo'd, CFC coated) $75

Dear lord, no. laugh

If your plugs are that loose they need to be replaced. The NEC now requires tamper resistant outlets in most outlets in the home, so not even sure a snug plug would work in any outlet that’s compliant.

A decent "commercial/residential" outlet runs under $5. These are commercial grade outlets with tamper resistance also I think. Check Lowes or HD for bulk deals (10 in a box).

If you still have a loose after replacing your outlet get a hospital grade plug like this one from Leviton which also saves you on floor space. The extra thick prongs and ground pin make them grip much better.

Next, if your outlet wiggles in the receptacle use spacers like these or these to make sure your outlet is rock solid.

One of the biggest reasons for replacing the outlets is also to check for backs stabbed connections which are dangerous and prone to failure. They have tiny little prongs which grip up to 14 gauge wire. Worth removing and side wiring or back wiring. Back wiring still uses a screw and clamp mechanism.

In my listening room I have a daisy chained circuit which is mostly isolated, but daisy chained back stabbed outlets are definitely worth removing.


Thanks for your inputs.

After the many "don't do it" comments, I will have the loose outlets replaced.

- Jed