

Responses from theo

Anyone wear gloves to handle vacuum tubes?
Always wear cotton gloves I get from Dan at dedicatedaudio.com    
How remove odor from interconnect?
Try WD40, it may remove any printing, but Cardas does somewhat impregnate their printing. If not another thing you might try, I learned this is the car business to get rid of odor in some cars. Fill a bag with fresh coffee grounds and place the ca... 
Bose Chucks Mac
I think Bose is taking these measures to bolster the image of the McIntosh brand and return them to specialty audio dealers. I am sure they felt the image and legacy of the McIntosh product was not best served by being under the same roof as Mayta... 
Audio Research LS28/SE, Ref 5/SE … what do you like better?
I owned a REF5SE and sold it to buy a Ayre And realized my error and bought a LS28SE which I currently have. Between the two the 5 was better in bass control and depth, but I believe the 28 delivers better mids with a harmonious spacing between lo... 
How would an interconnect that seems intact in every way stop working, and how to fix?
It happens. I have had a couple of Cardas Golden Reference ICs do the same. sent them in and they repaired it at no charge. Be sure and send both cables, Cardas had changed the heat shrink from gray to black and they redid both cables No charge e... 
Has anyone tried these SnugPlugs?
An electrician friend of mine said that they will ruin the outlet. Over time the contacts writhing the outlet will be pushed back and loose the ability to hold a plug with or without them. For 3-5.00 it’s best to replace the outlet. If it’s a heav... 
Patty Barber Like JT
I got to see her the 1yr of the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. She performed in a smaller room, with may 2-250 attendees. Like an idiot she did 3 maybe 4 performances and I only bought tickets for one. And I was told each show was a different set. Phe... 
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard?
I went to see the Moody Blues and the tickets had a totally unknown by the name of Stevie Ray Vaughan. But about 18000 people heard of him that night. 3 encores we settled for the Moody Blues. Not fair! The Moodies gave a tremendous performance. ... 
Linn Sondek LP12 setup/tuneup service anywhere between Philly and Northern Florida?
If your not opposed to shipping, contact Rick at Audioalternative.com. He set up LP12’s for people around the country, and although I can’t attest to his quality of work vs others, I can say that he is extremely detailed and knowledgeable.  
what is more popular silver or black face plates
Black The Rolling Stones had it right from the start! I see silver face plates and want to paint them black no champagne or gold for me it’s got to be flat black i see my line of gear and they’re all painted black I returned the silverl am... 
Linn LP12 turntable
Signaforce,,  yes the LP12 is more sensitive to footfall. One suggestion I can offer is to place a clear glass of water on the stand for your turntable. Walk around as you might while listening. If the water shows movement then that indicates the ... 
Linn LP12 turntable
I owned an LP12 and loved it, still miss the sound of it. However the LP12 must be “tuned or set up properly” to be fully enjoyed. I had issues with footfall and the LP12 is very susceptible to environmental influence. However is you have a very s... 
I would respond, but am currently listening to music  
RCA Interconnect recommendations
Contact thecableco.com and take advantage of their cable lending library. Free and they can advise you on a couple different cables to try. If you can ask for John Pharo, he’s a great guy to work with. but I can tell you I am using Cardas Golden ... 
Happy Thanksgiving!
And to you as well. A day to appreciate the Blessings bestowed on us. A day of gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy to live as we wish or at least as we can financially sustain. Be warm, be comfortable, enjoy the music that bring you peace and happ...