DAC suggestions

I know I shouldn't have. I have an inexpensive PS Audio dac I upgraded after seeing it on the web. It sounds good but I'm looking for better. I would like to get away from some of the brashness, shimmer, sizzle whatever. In the past I have owned several different dacs including Antelope, AMR and an integral dac in Mac 2500 pre. Can you make a suggestion? My budget is around 2 grand used.

I'm curious about lampizator. Aqua voce, T+A. I know there are a million. My system consists of Bat 75se amp and currently but soon to change a Cary 98 slp pre and Von Schweikert VR4 jr speakers.  thanks




I upgraded from the MHDT Orchid to a used PS Audio DirectStream which was a litter over $2K used.  2K is the trade in value at PSAudio so it's a baseline to work from.

Neither of these DACs have the typical "brashness, shimmer, sizzle whatever" I've heard with some of the other DACs I've listened to..

You didn't mention your source.  I just updated my streamer and It made as much of a difference as changing DACs.  Both upgrades were upgrades.

MHDT is selling the Mhdt Audio Orchid 69SE TDA1541A-S2 version of the Orchid that uses the 6922 tube on ebay and has been updated to the 1541-a S2 chip which should sound pretty sweet.

I just upgraded to Holo May DAC KTE. It is very Musical, dynamic and transparent. PS Audio is about to release a new DAC. The designer has posted circuit by circuit details on their forum. I think that it will be around 8K and they take trade ins...as you know.

I just picked up an Aqua LaScalla and it sounds very nice. Open, transparent, very accurate, excellent soundstage, and very detailed. Also look at the Bricasti M3 another nice DAC. 

In your price range Schiit Yggdrasil. For the money an outstanding deal. Recently got a Gungnir as research and bought a Yggdrasil for a friend. 


@dpm2340 The T+A DAC 8 is very much a bargain at your $2K budget and luckily there are two on the marketplace in that range, which is rare. I’ve personally done business, with Leonard, who is selling his unit on USAM. I can at least vouch that he is legit and will result in a seamless transaction.

T+A DAC 8 is both soulful and dynamic. All three brands you mention are in that category, but Lampi in those price ranges will not compare to the T+A and Aqua. The T+A may have a bit more bloom and separation than any Aqua units you can get in the $2K range. 

FWIW I am a T+A dealer but the DAC 8 was discontinued before I became a dealer for them. I am just speaking from experience also having owned a DirectStream and Lampi Baltic 3, among about a dozen other DACs. 

A good friend brought over his Schiit Yggdrasil to compare to my Bricasti M3 (yes totally different price points) but Yggdrasil was totally flat sounding with no life to music. Just another point of view

Steven Stone really likes this new Topping, for a "reference" budget DAC. Bargain.

Topping D90SE


I am considering the Denafrips Pontus II (laddered resistor/R2R design), though the similar R2R-design Holo Spring 3 KTE (more $$) gets good reviews too. Alvin at Vinshine, the Denafrips worldwide distributor, is said to be great to deal with. Kitsune Audio, the Holo distributor in WA/USA is too.

Pontus II

BRYSTON BDA2 or their current model BDA3 ( both preowned of course );

I have the “2” …highly recommended, and I’m not swayed to move up to the “3”.

Personally I would wait until you get the other two items you mentioned .  Making more than one change at a time can steer you down the wrong path and leave you disappointed.    

change is something I'm going to do. when and what order does not matter to me. It's going to change after that too, right? thanks all for the answers. the market is really polluted with dac manufacturers. 

I listen to Many audio systems during the year through our audio club 

Denafrips makes exceptional quality for all price ranges , from the 

Aries 2 .to thetop Terminator+  just look at the Many excellent reviews out there 

the Terminator 2 is better-then most will ever have  $4500 Dollar's US ,their website shows in in Singapore dollars ,which you can convert ,the Pontus-2  on up is good or better then most anything at 2x the cost . Just check out the reviews 

free3 day chipping DHL and a service center in TX.  Built like a tank R2R ladder dacs .i am saving for the T+ .

For under $2k it was an easy decision for me, Gustard X26 PRO, and new for $1,500. 

change is something I’m going to do. when and what order does not matter to me. It’s going to change after that too, right?

@dpm2340 Yes — one of the great things about this hobby is you can upgrade one piece at a time as budget allows and build a truly great system. But you need to take into account system synergy along the way, especially with components like amps and speakers that need to play well with each other, but it holds for all other components as well. 

the Wyred4sound 10th anniversary dac is a very analog sounding dac, it beat the PS audio direct stream chord and other higher price dacs, I find it equal to analog setups.

Seriously consider the Musician Pegasus R/R DAC. Incredible sound quality, and 1,100 USD. That’s what I’m using and am blown away by the clarity, analogue-like sound, and wide soundstage.

This might be of interest to some. I was looking at the wyred4sound 10th anniversary dac and inquired about the I2s connection for my Jay's cdt2 mk3. It is a different configuration and will not work. The Gustard and denafrips I2s do work with the Jay's. Ps audio perfectwave cd transport not like gustard either. Bottom line always do your research if you intend on using I2s which turns out to be a must for me. Superior clarity to any other connection.

Hi, I suggest you read all reviews and if possible, listen the DAC RME 2DAC FS.

It is a German company which is world leader in professional sound equipment and RME launched this first equipment for audiophiles.

it’s simply wonderful and you don’t need spend all your budget.

For me, the best equipment recently launched in Audio World.

There’s no DAC with so much resources and sound quality!

Good luck

I’m listening to a Denafrips Pontus ll as I write those and with my Hegel amp, I get a nice fairy neutral sound. Definitely not bright.

All the best.

 Hi, I suggest you read all reviews and if possible, listen the DAC RME 2DAC FS…  There’s no DAC with so much resources and sound quality!

@sacresta Ha!  What other DACs have you compared it to?  That’s just a silly and ignorant statement. 

If you do not like brashness, avoid Topping Dacs. I find them really hard to listen to, especially for female voices.They also appear to have reliability issues. In your price range I would suggest a Denafrips. Gustard is quite good as well.

you dont need to change the dac the cary preamp is really liquid you may love the sound of your system with the cary.


dacs like the aqua are offering the liqid rich sound yoy are craving

the bricasti is a fantastic dac but it is not liquid

if yyou want warm and liquid you need an r2r dac the mojo dacs are amazing but not going for 2k the naim dacs are warm

we specialize in digital we have a lot of dacs we sell naim, t+A, nad m2 tech, Bricasti, rega, Aqua hifi,chord, avik,atoll,mojo,and 432EvO servers


dave and Troy

audiointellect NJ

dac and serverspecialists

++ Pontus II DAC at $1,800 what I own) though could also agree on the Holo Audio Spring 3 (Level 2 or KTE) or May DAC…..but they’ll run $2,500 to $3,500

Another possibility is a Soekris 2541.

The Gustard R26 is well received as well.


I may end up with an RME ADI-2 as my headphone Dac in the bedroom.

Attach my Project Stream Box S2 Ultra to it (probably a year away).




Thanks all for the suggestions. My first post may have been misleading. the Cary pre will get switched to a BAT pre. That is all that is changing. The DAC can change any time one comes along. The T+A 8 was stated as being bloomy. I don't think that's what I'm after. I understand the 200 is a major step up but well out of my budget. Is there actually a budget for this stuff? I have heard good about denafrips. Is it not true that a ladder dac does not play dsd or one of the versions? I am intrigued nobody mentioned chord.

thanks for all suggestions

+1 Wyred4sound 10th anniversary DAC.

It pairs very well with my analog ears.

Another vote for Denafrips here. Sound quality, feature set, build quality, they are a tremendous bang for the buck. I have the Terminator I with the updated DSP board and I’ve yet to listen to another $3K DAC that does a discernibly better job. The ARC Dac-9 would be the next level up if I had the bank. 

My Toppoing DX3 Pro or whatever isn't brash... just ice cold. It usually sits in a box somewhere around the house until I need it for a special project.

+1 for Denafrips … and they play DSD all the way up to 1024. 
IMO, the Terminator 2 dac is a great value. 

Holo Audio also makes excellent dacs that are as good if not better than Denafrips. They also do DSD very well. 


My Gustard R26 just shipped from china today. Hope to have in hand by end of next week. Will hook up right away with balanced xlr’s upgrade power cord and play a radio stream through it 24/7 for a week before I sit in the sweet spot and do a leave me alone listening session. My first go to song is Tin Pan Alley Stevie Ray, second up will be Jethro Tull Thick as a Brick whole album. Then select tracks from Pink Floyd the wall, and to finish it off I will use Jack White Blunder Bus. Will post my results when done unless it sounds so good I take a week off work, put on the adult diaper and lock the doors to never be heard from.

Denafrips Pontus II decodes native DSD to 1024, and 24/1536 PCM via USB and I2S. It will decode 24/196 on digital co-ax, optical, and AES/EBU.....and has an upsampling mode if you choose to use it.

If you need any more tech details, I'd suggest sending Alvin Chee (owner of Vinshine, the US distrubutor.....he's great to deal, and Denafrips warranty repair is US based (assuming you are in the US?


iFi Pro iDSD#dpm2340

When talking about AMR, their sister company iFi Audio flagship DAC : the iFi Pro iDSD is also a good choice in 2k used unit with super versatile Dac at this price tag. 😎

I am currently using a T+A DAC 8 with a Wolf Server, Circle Labs A200 and Audiovector R3 Arette. I not not find it all “bloomy” (whatever that is supposed to mean) on my system. One has to keep in mind that every element of your system is going to influence the output, including your room. Of course I would like to transition to their new model but it just doesn’t fit my ascetics requirements, looks too much like many of the 60/70’s mobile recording decks I once used, plus it is very pricey. However, $2k for a well loved unit is a good place to start. Hope you find what fills your listening needs.


thanks nott. I was wondering myself what bloomy really meant. The dac 8 and it's successor the 200 come highly recommended from others I speak with. thanks

I've recently upgraded my Musician Pegasus to Lab12 Dac1 Reference. In the process I auditioned quite a lot of DACs. Here are what I think about their sound quality compared to each other:

Tier S: Lab12 Dac1 Reference, Weiss DAC502 MKII, MSB Discrete, Aqua La Scala MKII

Tier A: Rockna Wavedream, Esoteric N-05XD, Teac UD-701N

Tier B: Musician Aquarius, Rockna Wavelight, Morpheus Sonnet, Audiobyte Hydravox

By no means my tier B is not excellent, but the four I put into tier S were the ones that grabbed my attention immediately and addictive to listen to. 

I'd highly recommend the BorderPatrol SEi DAC !  I have one and it's terrific.  Very analog like and realistic sound.  It's an R2R ladder-type DAC so those types have that characteristic also its not over-sampled or digital filtered.  Well within your budget new !  

I wouldn’t characterize T+A DAC 8 as bloomy either. There is a nice liquidity perhaps, that makes it a very natural, engaging and soulful DAC in delivery but detail and separation are still leading characteristics.

And yes, the T+A DAC 200 is definitely a step above. There was a great review about it shared on another thread in this forum. 

I like my Shiit Bifrost. Sounds fluid not digital but like analog. Bass is low and clear, the rest sounds like it should. I am sure there are many good ones depending on what you want to spend. Dollar for dollar it is difficult to beat Shiit. Check them out!