on my Zenith MK3 I use a Singxer UIP1 Pro and a 10m clocked LHY Audio UIP in series. I have found them to be additive in improving the USB connection
Folks I am confused why some streamers need to be so eye wateringly expensive. I appreciate the internal basics need to be covered such as a high quality, low noise power supply and a decent processor speed etc.. but that is not rocket science.
So my question is could a decent streamer outputting its data stream via I2S to a good quality DAC receiving the I2S stream be a more cost effective way of rivalling let’s say a streamer costing 5k upwards.
I have heard and digested the argument for expensive streamers quality being centred around the management of the data timing via a quality clock circuit but there are very reasonable in relative terms, DAC’s out there that have dual super high quality temp controlled clocks within, at least the equal or arguably even better than the say a 5k streamer with some sporting dual high end DAC chips etc.
So could utilizing a good quality streamer and a separate high-quality DAC connected via I2S indeed offer significant benefits and potentially reduce the need for a very expensive streamer.
I say this with the knowledge that I2S is designed to preserve and separate the Signals so avoiding the timing issues connected with multiplexing. I2S (Inter-IC Sound) separates the music signal from the timing signal, potentially eliminating jitter or at the very least greatly reducing the possibility for the pesky music killing jitter which we all could agree would lead to improving overall sound quality.
Wouldn’t this separation ensure that the timing information is more accurately preserved, even when compared to a high price streamer, leading as clean or cleaner and more precise audio data output. With I2S, the DAC can use its own high-quality clock/s to synchronize the data, which will reduce jitter and improve sound quality.
Could this possibly mean that even if the streamer has a less advanced clock, the DAC’s superior clock can take over, ensuring best performance.
So bang for buck would it not be advantageous to investing in a high-quality DAC and using a good but not necessarily top-tier streamer to achieve excellent sound quality without the need for an extremely expensive streamer. Surely the DAC’s performance will play a crucial role in the final sound quality.
Play gentle with the pile on please....................
@antigrunge2 I have never used Roon and I’m not interested in it specifically, but could you provide more details and/or context related to your LHY UIP suggestion complementing a Pulsar? I recently bought a Pulsar and I’m using the Sense App and I have to say it’s quite good so I’m loving it. I had originally planned to get a Pulse and add the LHY UIP, but found a deal I couldn’t pass up and got the Pulsar instead. Thanks! |
@antigrunge2 I switched to the Sense app running an Innuous Pulsar after comparing it to Roon and deciding the sound was enough better to justify the expense and my leaving the Roon operating system which is immensely better than Sense (I have a lifetime Roon membership). But recently a friend lent me his Grimm MU2 for a few days and I have to say the sound with the MU2 was somewhat better than the Pulsar/Holo May KTE that I use now. Once used prices fall a bit more I'll probably pick up the MU2 and go back to using Roon. |
I’m with you. Squeeze/squeezelite provides for a higher level of resolution, less congestion, and better defined bass from my streamer versus Roon. But sometimes that extra richness Roon offers is welcomed. Through the dashboard via the app I can actually view the cpu processors usage and memory usage for both the server and the players while I listen with my K50 . Typically playing Squeeze they are at 0% after the first 20 seconds where it runs up to 20% or so, (buffering I assume) and with Roon I have seen it can take 20-50 seconds at the start of each song and then typically stays at 0%, but I have seen it waver more than Squeeze; maybe some background processes run at will; I don’t use any EQ or convolution or anything- everything that can be turned off or disabled it. memory is at 9% for the player and 4% for server regardless of software. But is Grimm, which has been optimized and voiced for Roon, better in my system compared to my streamer using Squeeze? I don’t know that answer yet. This isn’t my picture but one from Antipodes website, and the copy here is blurred and distorted, but gives you the idea: |
While I agree with Grimm design principles I don‘t believe that Roon is the best sounding software. Certainly in my comparison on InnuOS Zenith Mk3 InnuOS Sense 3.1. beat it hands down. That said, an integrated server/DAC/Preamp seems to allow for simultaneous clocking of in/output and analog conversion while obviating cable interferences,coloration, and long transmission paths between stages. More specifically Roon‘s software is substantially more processing intensive than Sense, which is a function of allowing renderer and server separation, more soohisticated library management and DSP plug-ins. This in turn requires more high powered processors which generate more heat and noise through larger PSUs |
@antigrunge2 +1
No surprise a company like Grimm that engineers its own clocks for others and who developed their own power supply tends to have nice sounding streamers.
And as a result it is reported the Grimm machines do not improve substantially with cable and filter changes as much as other streamers can. |
Yes, half of us keep saying this and the other half clearly do not. They instead "decide" what will sound best, or what will not sound better. Seems really odd in a "sense-based" hobby that one refuses to use their senses. Imagine someone calling themselves an artist yet refusing to look at the painting. |
Interesting discussion with many POV's. I'm still kinda new to the streaming world so what I have to say is based on my years purchasing and upgrading all nilly-willy. You have to take into account the overall quality of the system you have or you are striving towards. I've owned crappy systems, good systems and I think now I own the best I can afford. Having an excellent lets say CD player that plays into a crappy pre-amp that then feeds into an excellent power amp and you will get crappy sound because of, as one person has said here, there is the weak link in the chain. In this case the pre-amp. You have to look at the entirety of the system. To do any other way would bring disaster, meaning a waste of money and auditory pain. As far as the difference between various connections it becomes a matter of what you have and in the end what sounds best to you. I like the sound of tubes even though I'm aware of their constraints and how they color the final sound produced, but they sound right for MY ears. You do get what you pay for in general, but not always. You have to take into account that there is marketing involved and their job is to make you believe that you will get the newest and bestest whiz-bang for your system. In this case be wary and do your research and listen with your ears. |
This thread started in the right place: clean power and optimal clocking are the most important ingredients of a good system. Clocking unfortunately comes in various flavours: incoming signal, whether ethernet or fibre, streamer output to DDC or DAC, D/A conversion. In particular it matters whether the DAC slaves the streamer (USB) or reclicks the streamer output (I2S, AES/EBU SPDIF, Optical, BNC). In my experience outside topshelf offerings from e.g MSB, WADAX, etc, clocks in most components are not at the same level as good 10m master clocks because building a $3-10K clock into a streamer or DAC simply isn’t economically viable and additionally full synchronisation between various components can unlock additional benefits. In terms of power supplies Farad, Paul Hynes and Sean Jacobs seem to have built a fine niche supplying high end dacs and streamers from different manufacturers albeit sometimes requiring major surgery on the component being upgraded. All this goes to show that the lack of specific recommendatiins on this thread has multiple causes before you even start getting into cables, filters and active decrapifiers. So unless you pay up for absolute top components, it’ll be trial and error before one arrives at a satisfactory SQ |
The key point is the digital signal process, This could be done with a good streamer or DDC or DAC. It must be a device to take care of it in your music system. Some one choose a very expensive streamer which include the function, but it is not the only way to go. Way cheap mothed is to add DDC to let it to finish the job.
I will explain as best I can. Even between the countries of the United Kingdom, there are differences. Here in England, students generally have to study around nine GCSE subjects up the age of sixteen. One of these subjects must be science made of equal parts Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Some, but sadly far from all, schools offer the triple science in which the three sciences get a whole GCSE subject each. After that up to the age of eighteen, students traditionally study three or occasionally four subjects in much greater depth at A Level. A student wanting to go on to study Physical Science or an Engineering subject at university might choose to follow say Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Entrance to University is typically based on performance at GCSE and A Levels. Here a typical Physics student would study the subject with some Mathematics as appropriate for three years to be awarded a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Physics. There is usually the opportunity to follow more specialised topics in the second and third years. As you may imagine, there are lots of possible variations such as Joint Honours in two subjects. After their first degree, I guess most students wanting be professional Physicists would likely do a three/four year PhD in their chosen field. The picture is complicated, but Master of Science degree could be, as it was in my case, a one year course of study in one specific area of Physics to a higher level. This may well form the first part of a PhD. In my day (1970s), Physics and Chemistry students were not a diverse group. A high proportion were white middle-class males coming from privileged selective Grammar Schools or fee-paying Public (actually private) Schools. Although there has been a massive expansion in Secondary and Higher Education since that time, the number of Physical Science students hasn’t increased much. Furthermore, I think that they are still a fairly non-diverse group. Consequently, there is a dire shortage of properly qualified Physics teachers in schools. I picked a subject at masters level in Opto Electronics that was leaning towards industry as that was where I intended to go. For family reasons, I went on to work in a non-technical role in business. Despite that, I do regret not doing a PhD when I had the opportunity. That led me back to University a couple of times in later life to study Business Administration and Research Methods in Education. Although I still regard myself as fundamentally a Physicist in my view of the world, it is tempered by the more diverse outlook of social science where the qualitative is almost as important as the quantitive. Hence my opinions on sound quality which I consider is hard to quantify. |
@newton_john I think 2 or 3 years of physics should be required to get out of high school. I couldn't imagine wondering around the world wondering how things work. |
@newton_john cool What is your specialty? |
wsrrsw I've been doing some reading on the Princeton 3D Audio, Choueiri, Bacch, and Theoretica for the last few weeks. Truth is I have no idea if it will be of benefit or not, but it certainly deserves my investigation. Unfortunately, no one in my circle has any experience with Bacch. Tom Martin (love him or hate him) does a nice job of covering the basics here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq48klNJ8i0 |
@vthokie83 The Bacch is all in digital audio. Imagine a horn imagining behind you. Bacch may make having a "super expensive streamer" not so key. It’s rocket science DSP/room correction from a rocket scientist. Audio (use this link) is a side interest of his.
wsrrsw Thanks for the recommendation, though i'm leaning on keeping the streamer and DAC as separates.....though not finalized. Will definitely be looking at Weiss and Grimm, but I'm not going to be considering the Holo May KTE. I've compared it in my system against a Denafrips Terminator Plus, and I much preferred the Terminator. This year I'll be spending 2 or 3 days at Axpona, and I'll be diving in deep with the DAC and streamer vendors; as most of those I'm interested in will be there.....though I didn't see Lampizator in the vendor list. I live in the area, so it's convenient. I'm also going to spend a bit of time at the Theoretica booth, I want to learn a lot more about Bacch filters and hardware they require. There have been some really interesting reviews and papers released on Bacch recently |
@vthokie83 With your budget please check out this all in one. The Grimm Mu2.( it also can be a Roon Server). Reasonably (?) priced used DAC's like a Weiss or Holo May KTE would be on my list. (Yes, I have a Weiss and it's not going anywhere). Please consider allocating resources to ethernet filiation, switch and cabling as digital will benefit. |
No. Start with an Ocean Digital WR 10 and go from there-if need be. Paired to a great DAC , it's an astoundingly good piece of gear for an embarrassingly low cost. I know, we all think good= expensive...........
had mine for years, from Amazon, that's right. Don't be a snob......
the folks at O.D. are very nice and quick to respond too |
I’ve been following this thread with interest since I’d ordered a new streamer around the time it was first posted. I stream music via Tidal Connect and my existing chain consists of a third gen Bluesound Node (which, for the $350 price, cannot be faulted) connected via USB to a Holo Cyan 2 which then connects via XLR’s to my Hegel H390 and then onwards to a set of Boenicke W8SE speakers through Veritas’ Apurta speaker cables (great performers for the money). I gave myself a $2K budget for a new streamer and settled on Holland based Magna Hi Fi’s Mano MKIII.5 streamer with its separate matching Farad 3 LPS. Magna Hi Fi offers several optional upgrades and, after bathing in snake oil, I opted for their offered upgrades on the connecting cable for the two boxes, a fancy pants fuse and LAN isolator from Synergistic Research. I’m disclosing these choices fully realizing it may elicit flack, but for me, it was in my $2K budget (just, at $1900USD) and rather than trying to take it with me, I thought I’d have some fun spending the money in the pursuit of audio happiness. I think their base case unit retails somewhere around $1,200 and can be upgraded thereafter if down the road, if curiosity gets the better of you. At $1,900, I’d consider this at the low end of “expensive” in the world of pure streamers (units without dacs). The two boxes are matched and diminutive in size but once plugged into my system, and now connected via I2s (because, well I’m curious) I can say without question, it makes a difference. I don’t know why or how, but am really quite stunned at the improvement in sound quality. Everything I stream sounds much cleaner, quieter and more detailed. Am now a big believer in the benefits of a separate linear power supply. Also, I'd note their Level 2 silver cable works really well in a system like mine, which already has plenty of warmth. Honestly, I would not have thought a streamer could make such a contribution to my overall sound quality but it's clearly a step forward. I’m using the Volumio software (they offer several options) which is proving a solid platform for me. One downside, if you like to stream Tidal Connect natively (as I do) the optimal way to do so requires Volumio’s subscription service. Note you can stream Tidal via the Volumio software without the subscription, but to do so natively, via the Tidal Connect app, you need to pay the piper. So the answer to your question, in my opinion based on my experience with the new gear I acquired is a resounding yes. It not only made a difference, but a pretty significant one. As always, YMMV. |
@vthokie83 Nice thorough explanation. For those contemplating using I2S interface very valuable to have dac that provides the ability to use async (use dac internal clock) with that connection, with this one can determine the value of slave or internal clocking.
Also, there are streamers out there with I2S outputs, as to how they're optimized is the question. Going this route one would be bypassing need for DDC and the input to that DDC, in most cases this will be usb. |
nubiann This is a very long read, ignore if you wish. I have made this a longer more complete post on purpose, since it comes up several times each month.....and it gets old re-posting the same information in different ways. Most of this is from my personal experience and education, and not some form of conjecture. This also is a long post, so some discrepancies may exist….I’m not an electrical engineer (I’m mechanical and industrial) I'd also suggest (highly) that anyone watch the video from "A British Audiophile" as I think Tarun does a nice job of explaining a bunch of these principles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tKWWs-OMxw As you can see from all the varying posts, there is disagreement as to the benefits of I2S, the use of a DDC, better DAC versus better streamer, which clock is most important, and whether I2S/SPDIF/AES-EBU/USB is the best connection to be used. In the end we all just want the cleanest, jitter free, most accurate, best clocked data to be used.....regardless of where it comes from, that is what provides the best sound quality. Many of these posts are not incorrect (though many are), because in that poster’s experience it is true. There is NO sweeping generalization that can be made, the answer in almost all cases will be "it depends" or YMMV.....and to say that I2S is most important or unimportant connection is also incorrect, it depends. I however (correctly or incorrectly) feel that it is important to understand the underlying architecture, to learn why these variations exist. And then we have external clocking devices that set a universal clock to be used across multiple devices, so that it remains a constant. I have no experience with external global clocks, so I'll make no comment. Below is a post I made a few weeks ago about a DDC and DACs that another poster was asking about, that explains some of what I'm talking about. You can also see (from posts here and elsewhere), that the better the streamer and the better the DAC, the less need (or no need) for a DDC. But I will say that in each chance I've had to use I2S (all else being equal), it has been the best connection; sometimes by a lot. I would venture to say that most highly regarded inexpensive streamers (IE Bluesound, Wiim, iFi, Eversolo), could benefit from a DDC….many of us have found this to be the case. However the more expensive (better) DACs and streamers are optimized for different connections. Some sound best with USB, some AES/EBU, some SPDIF......it varies by product and how they were designed, where the effort and expense was put. In other words the highest quality devices basically do internal DDC functions without the need of an external unit. This is why you see posters saying USB or I2S or AES/EBU or SPDIF is the best, in their experience; that is true. But it is not universally true. On the lower end (read that as cost if you wish), none of the connections are properly optimized as that would add to cost. To say that I2s output from an average streamer negates the need for a better DAC would not be true. In fact that could be the worst case scenario, as the clock on I2S USUALLY comes from the sending device....garbage in, garbage out from a lower end streamer. In my personal situation, I still own a Denafrips Pontus II DAC because 3 years later I still LOVE it's sonic signature; it still is one of the most fun, enjoyable, easy to listen to DAC I've ever heard, with excellent presence. It's connections (and clock) are not optimal, it's an inexpensive DAC at the $1,450 I paid for it, and there are better options (more expensive) available if level of detail and nuance is your criteria. What does help my scenario (and many others), is that I/we use a DDC to take the signal from a cost effective streamer, convert it/clean it/de-jitter it/re-clock it, and send that much improved signal to the DAC via I2S where it remains clean. I2S has separate pins for the master clock, word clock, and data stream; this is known as a "synchronous" connection. Other connections such as USB, SPDIF, and AES/EBU are usually "asynchronous" which means the master clock, word clock, and data are all combined in one interface. NOTE: Sometimes AES/EBU can be either “synchronous” or “asynchronous” depending on it’s implementation. This information must be separated at some point either by a DDC or by the DAC, into separate word clock, master clock, and data. Higher quality gear does this very well. When we hear many (myself included) talking about the need or value of higher end gear, it is because they generally use much better power supplies and components to do this job very well. It is not to say that you HAVE to go that high, but if you have a “mid fi” or “hi fi’ system, the better gear will provide noticeable sound quality improvements. That is not a knock on cost effective gear, it’s a fact most of us recognize or have learned in listening. Later this year I will be upgrading both my DAC and my streamer to rather expensive units, about $15,000 to $20,000ish combined for both units. In that instance, both the streamer and DAC will have optimized connections; though some will still sound better than others and what I'll have to discover. I suspect in this case that I may not have the need for a DDC any longer, in fact I expect that I will not need one. Also high end gear may have other benefits such as the ability to shut off certain aspects (ability to remain or turn off clocking in the DAC). QUOTE: "You are in slightly different territory right now than my and Soix experience, as your Venus 15th DAC already uses the high end OCXO (oven controlled crystal oscillator), and Fred's Terminator 15th uses dual OCXOs. So if you were to add a DDC, it would have to be the Denafrips Hermes or Gaia so you don't downgrade the clock. Typically (though not always) the DDC sets the clock, and the DAC is the slave to that clock when using I2S. With USB and the other connections, the DAC clock is most frequently used.....in my experience (and a bunch of others), I2S is the superior connection. I've found the same in other systems that I've helped friends set up.....using various Denafrips DDCs. The more expensive the streamer, there is possibly less of a need for a DDC; possibly. Part of the reason that the Pontus is improved with the Iris, as the Iris has a TCXO (temperature compensated crystal oscillator) which is an upgrade from the Pontus' standard FEMTO (voltage controlled) clock (short for Femtosecond, or one quadrillionth of a second). Standard FEMTO clocks are not temperature or oven controlled, so their accuracy varies with temperature changes. The clock upgrade however is only part of the advantages of a DDC.....the Denafrips Iris ONLY has USB inputs; no AES, RCA or optical SPDIF, the Gaia and Hermes allow for those. The other advantages of a DDC are: isolates the input signal (USB, AES/EBU, RCA or optical SPDIF), filters the signal both galvanically (magnetic) and optically, and re-clocks it with the superior crystal. Digital devices use I2S internally to transmit data, using I2S to transmit from the DDC to the DAC allows for one less conversion. There is some debate on this, as I2S correctly was never designed to be transmitted over a cable.....but here we are. Also it is correct that there is no standard for I2S pinouts, but many use one of two more common formats.....and if not, most devices allow for I2S pin configuration. Most Chinese products use a similar I2S pin configuration. In my experience I2S cables should be of very high quality and as short as possible…..this is somewhere I’d absolutely look to spend money on better cables. If it were me (and I will be upgrading soon), I'd buy an Innuous/Lumin/Aurender/Grimm/etc high end dedicated streamer and see where you land. With one of these high end streamers, you may find you do not need a DDC......and you can always add one later if you wish. |
Cool! Plenty of choices out there. The two you have are two of the most popular in this forum. In addition to names I gave above, add Innuos, EMM Labs, PS Audio, Melco, Moon, Audiolab, Auralic, Wattson, Cambridge Audio, Cyrus, nobody here ever talks about Naim, rarely Linn- who invented the high end streamer. I guess it all starts with budget. Here is one cool "network player" that is totally upgradeable and customizable- buy the modules you want and don't pay for ones you don't- check out the review:
To the OP: Your emphasis on the clock is a mistake, imho. The impact on sound from a quality clock/reclocking is easily measured (jitter). The only source I know of that consistently measures jitter in streamers is HiFi News. So I put together a small database of 13 streamers measured by HiFi News over the last few years; the two streamers costing £1k or less have jitter levels at about the same levels as the 11 higher cost streamers (up to £33k), and these are vanishingly low levels of jitter. So that leaves only one other area of potential difference among streamers: power supply-related noise. And as some others have mentioned, DACs vary widely with respect to their sensitivity to noise; some are largely immune. Unfortunately, HiFi News measurements of this - thru signal-to-noise ratios - is less comprehensive. However, what measurements they have done on this issue suggest, again, that you don’t need to spend a lot of coin on a streamer. There are well-engineered noise-free streamers available for £1k or less. Finally, my own experience of streamers over the last 20 years, including a fair number of direct A/B comparisons, has confirmed what the data show. Isn’t it great when the science and our experience are consistent? |
From Antipodes:
@russbutton I’d encourage you to at least demo a decent streamer from a place like Crutchfield, Amazon, etc. that allows for returns rather than blindly holding on to the belief that it’s all just ones and zeros. Hundreds of us here have found that’s absolutely not the case for audio — not even close, so unless we’re all somehow wrong and fooling ourselves it’d be worth your while to at least try. |
Whatever interface one uses they all can be less or more depending on one's optimization. While I2S has some inherent advantages that doesn't mean it will always sound better than usb or whatever. Clocking and power supplies to the clocks is of utmost importance.. Three categories of clocks, femto, txco, oxco, in theory the order of quality least to most is femto, txco, oxco. In reality a well implemented femto clock could outperform a less well implemented oxco clock. The quality of the clock itself and more importantly the quality of the power supply to that clock matters a lot.
The above holds true whether comparing I2S implementations or comparing usb vs I2S implementations. The most optimal implementation for either of these interfaces would be a well implemented oxco clock in both streamer and dac. Good luck trying to find that in either streamers or dacs. space limitations for the power supply alone make it very difficult to implement. Femto clocks are easiest to implement with these space limitations, cost considerations probably play a role as well.
So, wide variability in clocks and interfaces and we haven't even gotten to differences in motherboards, processors, RAM, operating systems, linear power supplies, music player apps. All have a bearing on sound quality.
And then we haven't even gotten to differences in optical vs ethernet, switches vs routers, digital cables, modems, linear power supplies to all these devices, and I may be forgetting some things.
Some believe you can just slap in any streamer and get the same quality of sound with a fully optimized streaming setup. I and many others have experienced otherwise so believe whatever you want to believe. |
Good analogy @2psyop Exactly. Nobody goes to the Lexus forums and calls them all "luxury-fools" for spending there money this way, but plenty do this on audio forums. |
Yes, but all of your Q and A above talks about clocking, and implies the clock is the only part that matters, and overlooks the most important part of a streamer: If the power supply(s) are insufficient not much else matters, and the concept that the clock can just "clean everything and make music perfect" is incorrect. From Antipodes: "a clock stage is only as good as the circuit it is used in and the power supply that powers the circuit. And the re-clocking stage needs to receive a low-noise signal with high-bandwidth, before it can re-clock the signal accurately. If the signals before and after the re-clocking stage are polluted by noise below the bit-rate (such as from employing linear power supplies) then the re-clocking will be largely ineffective. Anyone that claims that digital is 'just ones and zeroes' has not applied their knowledge to demanding real-world problems." All the best super-expensive, no compromise streamers have gone to huge lengths to develop their power supplies, which is a large portion of their expense. Grimm, Antipodes, Taiko, Xact S1 have developed these power supplies all in-house, these are not off the shelf parts some Joe can buy off the street and think he can make the same streamer himself. Same goes for the computer boards. Not sure how Aurender goes about their power supply but their website states this: N30SA’s unique hybrid power supply delivers a pure DC current to flawlessly power the digital audio output board, while a separate linear power supply chain feeds clean power to the non-audio adjacent components of the machine. Of course we all understand power supplies in amplifiers matter, but there is a reason why people buy a $7000 Sean Jacobs power supply for their Chord Dave. Quality power makes a huge difference in all components.
Okay, your last paragraph addresses this. But just go and listen to a no compromise streamer and hear it for yourself instead of "believing it" due to responses or trying to rationalize it. Most times in life you get what you pay for.
+1 ghdprentice and I might add. Some would say... buy a Lexus and be happy with your journey Others would say... why buy the Lexus when you can save money and buy a Kia Soul,... after all you are just going from point A to B Others would say... why buy the Kia when you could buy a bicycle and get there much cheaper and you might be healthier. To each his own and be happy. |
Many thanks, nice if you to say so. Whatever the decision, I will come back and say what I opted for but I wont review because there will be a danger of confirmation bias no doubt. |
I have been overwhelmed by the extent of engagement on the subject of my enquiry. So I used AI as a cross referencing tool as I waded through the depth of knowledge deployed in response. I am a Sony Trained engineer so my "indoctrination" into the Japanese way and tendency to scrutinize is almost second nature. I am also a global quality Auditor, so my style of writing can come across in an overly logical fashion or somewhat formal report style but throughout my dialogue here, my deductions and questions generated are very much my own curiosity, as dumb as they might seem to some expert contributors. Most people have been understanding here and for this kindness, I am very grateful. The advice has helped and tempered my over enthusiasm. I have now shortlisted some streaming products from Aurender and Lumin, maybe I might add HI FI Rose also. I am still looking at options for DAC’s that maybe a possible synergistic match for these products as well as the rest of my system. Are you tending toward AI integration more in your daily life? Thanks for your comments anyway. Gerald.
@nubiann A well thought out response. Good luck with your search. |
Having chewed my way through and taken on board the many interesting, informed, passionate and sometimes provocatively forthright opinions from within our community, I have been through a weekend of introspection, weighing up what I have learned and asking some questions of myself. I reached a few at the very least tenuous conclusions and knowing that there are many here with far more detailed knowledge and experience I will still risk sharing my thoughts with you all. My reasoning seems to make sense at least to me but does it align with common practices common to higher-end audio setups? Instead of following the I2S yellow brick road, I may now focus more on a synergistic combination of attributes approach but since mine is not a limitless budget I still need to find a balance between budget constraints and the relevant talents of the two components. In doing so, I have to be prepared for this particular voyage of exploration to conclude at the same port. Further Questions & Answers (generated via maybe a still emerging appreciation of this whole new world). Q: Could the answer to how much I spend on a Streamer vs a DAC be about a combination of one having a femto clock and the other having one or more OCXO clocks? A: Yes, there could very well be? Q: Is there an inherently better reason for utilizing femto in a Streamer A: It seems accepting femto clocks are better at reducing Phase Noise which is more common in streamers as they have more fundamentals in common with a PC than other components in the audio chain. If a streamer has a high-quality clock (like a “femto” clock), it can provide a stable and precise signal to the DAC. This can reduce jitter at the source, however, the DAC still needs to re-clock the incoming signal to ensure accurate digital-to-analogue conversion. Q: Why OCXO Clocks could be a good choice for DAC’s? A: Temperature Stability: OCXO clocks provide excellent long-term stability due to their temperature-controlled environment, minimizing frequency drift as well as further reducing jitter, an OCXO clock could help the DAC produce a more detailed and natural sound, with better imaging and soundstage. Q: Will the DAC Re-clock any incoming data from the streamer? A: The DAC’s clock/s are crucial for re-clocking the signal it receives. Even if the streamer has a good clock, the DAC needs to ensure the timing is precise during the conversion process. This means that even if the streamer’s clock is not as good, the DAC can still ensure high-quality audio output. Q: Could both Clocks Matter? A: Yes, a good clock (Femto better) in the streamer helps minimize noise & Jitter introduced at the source, potentially affecting the signal before it reaches the DAC. A high-quality DAC with one or more OCXO clocks will re-clock the incoming data from the streamer, further reducing jitter and ensuring precise timing particularly influencing the digital-to-analogue conversion Temperature Stability: OCXO clocks provide excellent long-term stability due to their temperature-controlled environment, which can be beneficial for maintaining consistent audio performance. Temperature Stability: OCXO clocks provide excellent long-term stability due to their temperature-controlled environment, which can be beneficial for maintaining consistent audio performance. Q: Does System Synergy Count here? A: The consensus strongly suggests just as most parts of the chain, best performance is often achieved when both the streamer and DAC have high-quality clocks, ensuring minimal noise and jitter throughout the entire signal path, will lead to better audio quality. How large and consequential such improvements are and how they are quantified is not easy; I guess its system and probably subjective listening dependent at this level. I cannot envisage an opportunity to conduct such an in-depth auditioning opportunity. So I will need to narrow down any list by a combination of factors not all listening experience with my system. If my budget allows, my approach may well be a femto clock in the streamer to handle initial signal processing and an OCXO clock/s in the DAC for final re-clocking, leveraging the strengths of both types of clocks in within their respective environments. Overriding practical considerations Budget Allocation: Depending on my budget, I may still need to prioritize spending more on the DAC, as I still maintain no one has debunked its almost paramount importance as more influential for the final audio quality. However, I will look at streamers very closely and try to invest in a very good streamer with a femto clock, strong Power supply electronics and thoughtful design, because I now recognize it can also make a significant difference in the overall performance. |
I was a believer in i2s fairly early on and on paper it makes sense, however....... After trying both PS Audio and Topping DAC's with i2s inputs, connected to either a RPi streamer or NuPrime CD transport with i2s outputs, the results were not show stoppers and in all combinations a decent (Only £50) coax lead sounded better using SPDIF! |
@soix So what youʻre telling me is that you can transfer terabytes of data halfway around the planet, transversing dozens of routers, going from fibre to copper to fibre and wireless with 100% accuracy routinely, but you cannot reliably transfer 10 to 50 megabytes over a USB cable? |
No. Folks look for certain attributes in amps that supports their listening styles. Those attributes don't necessarily command high prices. Some folks like 10-watt single-ended triodes. Those rarely cost a lot. You can even build them yourself. 10-watt amps are not my style, however. I like high-current big iron. That doesn't necessarily cost a small fortune either, on the used market at least. Now, if you like that new-gear smell and you don't know a soldering iron from a clothes iron, then "super expensive amps" may well be your best bet. Also, there is no need to yell, unless you were just emulating OP's caps style.
@grislybutter +another one. Maybe if some folks would use the search bar before reiterating the same old same old.....anyway....No one relishes a rebuke and many find it difficult to be open minded that someone else might have a clue. If I could I'd get The Merging Technologies stack, DCS Apex, T+A Elektroakustik SD 3100 HV or the Aurender MC20&N30SA. |