

Responses from fthompson251

LAIV Harmony
Has anyone paired the LAiV with a DDC like the Denafrips Hermes and used the I2s connection? Do they pair up?   
Which HDMI cable for I2S?
@mswale  It is my understanding that I2s should be as short as possible and as close to 1 foot as possible. That will bring prices down.   
Impact of a DDC using SPDIF (not I2S)
My findings with my Hermes is that there is slight improvements to soundstage size, depth and better bass definition. I've had it since March of 2022. I use 3 inputs, so that is convenient.  
Which HDMI cable for I2S?
Tubulus makes specific I2s cables. I have the Argentus.  https://www.tubulus.net/product/tubulus-argentus-i2s-cable/  
Have you noticed as your system improves?
I used to be 85-90 dB most of the time, now 75- 80 & maybe 85 on peaks.  
True, very well recorded. Many on my "reference Playlist" and just all time favorites. I am currently searching out well recorded ROCK music from the 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000.  For example I listened to MJ's Dirty Diana today, WOW! Some Pink Floy... 
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!
We all have different systems, different preferences and there are a lot of choices so nothing is for everybody. Enjoy!  
Audience Front Row?
@audphile1 No, I know that they put quite a few hours on it before shipping, so sometime next week I expect.  
Audience Front Row?
Further clarification from John: Hi Fred,   The reserve USB, as compared to the regular front row, USB, has more resolution, and all that comes with that. it will allow you to hear more into the music with the greater dynamics and intimacy.   ... 
Audience Front Row?
@audphie1- It's also 3x the cost of the AQ Diamond! I have high hopes.  
Audience Front Row?
Yes, after posting this I called them. The guy on the phone told me they have OCC silver in them. I asked how they compare sonically to the frontRow. He didn’t know, suggested I email John McDonald the owner, so I did. I specifically asked him the... 
Nordost TYR 2 USB?
Never mind, I just ordered an Audience Front Row RESERVE USB cable from TMR.  
Wireworld Eclipse 8 interconnect - opinions please
I just switched from Eclipse 8 to Gold Eclipse 8 and the amount of information did improve, most notable was just more transparency, speed and top end detail. I replaced the connection from Dac to Legacy Wavelet II and from Wavelet II to Coda s5.5... 
Cardas vs Cardas vs Shunyata interconnects
@w123ale    I just moved up from Eclipse 8 to Gold Eclipse 8 and it was a nice improvment in detail, transparency and dynamics.  
Cardas vs Cardas vs Shunyata interconnects
@w123ale Just for my personal reference because I am very familiar with Wireworld cabling, what level of WW cables did you replace? Interconnects and speaker? Thank you.