What the Best Dac have you heard or owned. How could you tell it was that good.

I wondered what’s the best sounding dac you have heard or owned. What did it do that the others didn’t. 


T+A DAC 200. Probably end game DAC for me given my modest system and my age. I have had lesser units but never at or above its retail price. I’m a used market guy and for what I paid for the 200 was a steal in my mind. I have a pretty good tt and cart which has been the standard for comparing DACs. Besides blowing away the other DACs, the 200 now has me questioning what’s wrong with the tt/cart?! It’s that good on soundstage, voice, bass, etc. System is Hegel 590; Innous Zenith mk3/phoenix usb: Magico A3 (No subs). Tt is VPI/transfiguration cart. 

While I don’t use it anymore the benchmark DAC3 had impressive bass impact. I have yet to find a DAC that seemed as good in the bass. Not the best DAC ever but something special about the bass of the benchmark. 

@jetter Seal Beach…. still IMO a lovely California beach town….. I knew her charms well… put in a few hours there on things that orbit the earth…. Big Fish bait n tackle…. ya man

@james633 What DAC are you using now? I still use the DAC3B in one of my systems. It is too hot on top, but I can work around that.


I had the factory DAC in my McIntosh C47 preamp and then switched to a PRIMA LUNA 400 preamp with a Bryston BDA-3. Both set ups were very sonically pleasing. My current setup is Backert Labs Rhythm 1.4 and an Aqua Acoustics LaScala DAC. Both are tube based and sound fantastic. Much improvement in the bass and midrange. Please know that if budget is a concern I believe that the BRYSTON BDA-3 DAC is something to seriously audition.

One thing to keep in mind when evaluating a DAC is that it is hard since it is not the source, the "source" is the combo of network provider, router, switch, cables, digital files, software and maybe DDC and master clock. I have experienced a big jump in performance from a DAC when the whole source chain has been fully optimized. Even "cheap" DACs - say the Gustard R26 - can perform at a surprisingly high level when you fully commit to optimize the entire source chain.

I have a $80 dongle DAC I tried based on an excellent review with detailed measurements. The numbers said this DAC was a top of the heap performer that outperforms another popular “audiophile” DAC that costs 10k ( also measured by same tester for comparison). I use it only with headphones but based on what I hear I can’t disagree with the rave review. This thing is clean clean clean sounding and nails all the details and dynamics. A real giant killer!

I also have had a Chord Mojo for a number of years. This was also measured and reviewed by same source . Conclusion was the measured performance does not match the hype. I still enjoy the Mojo though It sounds much different than the $80 giant killer. Warmer and smoother but you don’t hear as much detail and dynamics . Very different sounds Which sounds better? You decide. One thing I can say with confidence is that you need not spend a fortune to acquire a top notch DAC these days . 10 years ago the story was different . Technology advances and reproducing even high res music well these days is no longer rocket science. Of course people buy stuff including DACs for many reasons. Measured performance is important to some whereas others rely solely on their ears. It a personal preference thing like always



Post removed 

@wsrrsw a guy named Ron Resnick did a Dac shoot out on another forum .  Weiss, Msb,Weiss, DCS, lampiztor, Infigo and Nagra.   My Infigo fared pretty good with the others. It became a matter of personal tastes in terms of what he liked most.  He placed our Infigo on the detailed with a hint of tube warmth and smooth side.  There were small differences in most comparisons. I’m going out to Beverly Hills to hear his home system in July. 

@calvinj i know of Ron, what does he do for a living btw? Just curious lol, great DAC collection, I follow a Lampizator thread he started on that forum.

@kairosman. I don’t know. But I’m going to hear his system.  I have cousin that is getting married in July so I will be there. I love to hear folks systems. It gives me a different perspective. Although I work for Infigo. I respect well made gear regardless of brand. I like to hear as much different gear as possible and love meeting up with audiophiles just to talk music and gear. 

Audio By Van Alstine Insight multibit dac from 2008.  Retail was around $900 then,  about $1250 as of 2024.  Bought it used for $300  a few years back.  Great sounding dac for the money! 

Hello, I'm new to digital. I've been listening to Lps & FM stations for the last 50 years. I recently purchased an Onkyo RZ-50 for my 5.1.2 system. The RZ-50 allows me to stream via bluetooth. I just joined TIDAL & use the phone app to control my music. I first connected the Onkyo to my analog system via RCA's 2nd zone, which was less than stellar, but tweaking a little here & there, I got it to sound pretty good. Then I decided to switch the connections to my OPPO 203 back to my tube preamp & the SQ of the OPPO took me closer to the real thing that as missing from the Onkyo. I can only imagine how a real DAC would sound with my setup. I can now listen to albums before I decide to purchase them.

I own a Bricasti M1 with MDX processor. I’ve heard many DACs and I thought many sounded good for digital. When I heard the M1, my impression was that it sounded good- no “for digital” qualifier 

Case closed 

This comment isn’t directed at anyone in particular, but the goal of obtaining giant killer aka "unicorn" gear (DACs especially) has been IME a fool’s errand that’s cost me money and time better spent on just buying the very best gear I can afford and which makes sense in the context of my system’s $ level. I do believe that one doesn’t need to spend a ton to put together a good-sounding system, but for example a $20K DAC is underwhelming in a $20K system, whereas it can be a jaw dropper replacing a $7K DAC in a $70K system. A $500 negligee is money well spent if your lady is Sophie Vergara.

@kairosman i can see your point. I think I got used to hearing really good high end gear. So for some a 35k dac is a no go. But I have a 90k system. I have spent years building it up to this point.  If you are musically happy it’s worth it. 


Thanks. It's probably the single best value along with highest SQ addition that I have purchased for my system. A truly amazing piece.

I use the AudioQuest Cobalt Dragonfly with my laptop. It's really amazing! I'm also running an AudioQuest cable with it to the preamp.

Currently using the Benchmark DAC3HGC and the AHB2 amp driving some ATC monitors.  There were clear steps up in performance from the Parasound ZDAC, to the Project Pre-Box S2, to the Benchmark.  I really think Benchmark is on to something by using higher line levels, the SN ratio is astounding.  Depth of field, transient response, bass detail, just everything with the Benchmark is better.

@calvinj i trust you have seen my past thread on dacs i have tried/owned... it is by no means exhaustive but given your query it should be of some help

I use my apple dongle DAC more than any other, definitely the shortest signal path and mobile, it’s perfect.  

The most satisfying and lifelike DAC that I’ve heard is the Chord Dave with a Chord Hugo M Scaler using Nick Bacon’s WAVE High Fidelity Storm BNC cables as interconnects. At present I have a Chord TT2 DAC and M Scaler which I’m very happy with. Having retired after spending over forty years in the rat race I no longer have any interest in evaluating audio gear. I would rather spend my time listening to and exploring new music that I haven’t heard before and revisiting my favorite recordings from the past. 

Lampizator Golden Gate 3 is the best I've owned.  Stunning in my system.

Best I've heard is a Lampizator Horizon which just made me want it but at mid 40k bucks it ain't happening.  I'm done with the upgrade path.

A local dealer had the bottom Lampi DAC in an all Boulder system and it was amazing! They got in the top of the line Lampi and by the time I got there (48 hours), it was already sold! Although they have another on order.😀

I recently included a Chord TT2 into my system (replacing my Qutest). It's linked to an M-Scaler and the sound is great. Best sounding DAC I've ever owned.

Cary 306 Pro. Had to sell mine for financial reasons.. Been chasing its performance ever since. Currently have a Mytek Liberty with upgraded power supply.. Still looking for the performance of the Cary. It seriously puts you in the front row, so to speak..

Calvin, did you hear the full Infigo setup at Axpona? I had a listen. What did you think?

@metaldetektor I was in the room with them. 11-6 and 11-4 Sunday. Sounded great. A sterophile guy came in and loved it. I was the bald head guy.  However I stepped out a couple of times 

Ayre QX 5 twenty. Followed by Bricasti M3. Both excellent, sound, company, support.

Post removed 

Denafrips Terminator II. Upgraded from their Venus II. Also using Iris DDC for USB.

I know it is good since it resolves details I haven't been able to distinguish before. Particularly in low regions. I can clear hear bass player taking several different notes in fast succession rather than just one pick or several smeared one over another. 

@calvinj  I finally gotten around to this thread. I have enjoyed the many post that have focused on your original question, which to me did not seem structured to a price point. 

The best DAC that i have heard is the one I currently have in my system, an Audio Mirror Tubadour III. It provides a smooth, detailed, harmonically rich presentation at a price point commensurate to my system. 


@mesch I did this so that many people would read it and depending on what price point you can afford they would all get suggestions.  My system is pretty much on the higher end. So I typically go towards certain ones because of where my system is at but I will soon do a smaller back up system. So lower price points will be in that one but I still want good performance. 


Yes, the Esoteric N01XD SE is amazing.  I upgraded from the prior XD.  I would rank it up there with the $40k DSC model.

to properly judge a dac, you need to also consider the server feeding it. and the quality of the A/C power grid, and even the power supplies of the dac and the server. it all matters when you are chasing ultimate performance.

the best dac i have heard is my Wadax Reference dac. that includes the Wadax Reference server. 30 months ago they arrived and i compared it directly in my system to my 4 year reference, the MSB Select II + the Taiko Extreme server. here.


2 months ago i added the Wadax Reference server power supply which boosted the performance further.

and a month ago i auditioned 3 Wadax Akasa DC power supply cables (1 between the server and separate power supply, and 2 between the two dac power supplies and the dac) which took things to another level beyond. very spendy. i very reluctantly returned the demo Akasa cables to my dealer, and i ordered the cables two weeks ago and should recieve them mid May. Wadax calls adding these cables "Level 4".

here is an interview with Javier from Wadax about ’Level 4’ and other Wadax details. comments on the Akasa DC cables and "Level 4" starts at 11:39 time.


the performance of the Wadax is remarkable, and the only thing i can compare it to is my vinyl and tape performance which is at a high level.....not any other dac or server.

i do listen to 70% digital and look forward to "Level 3 Wadax.......soon to be level 4" every day.

@mikelavigne im actually feeding mines for a stripped down mini cpu that took all non audio functions out streaming from audiarvana. Just want the server to get out of the way. I use our Infigo power cords that just get out of the way and let the music flow.  I tried top of line Melco.  Tried a couple other things. This sounds best. 


today a friend asked me for a dac recommendation below the Wadax and below the MSB Select II, and i did mention that i’ve really enjoyed the Infigo digital at the Seattle Show last June, and also at Axpona 24’ too. i cited that Axpona room as better than good in my Axpona report. it’s a below the radar dac that deserves some serious attention. a balanced involving sound that is less digital sounding than most.

@mikelavigne my method 4 dac replaced my soulutions 540 cd/dac player. I haven’t looked back since.  It’s open airy and spacious without sounding thin and retains musicality.  Has a great soundstage. It allows me to have detail but not in a clinical way.  Thanks for the compliment. 

I’ve heard three DACs considered to be superior: the T+A SDV 3100 HV, the Ideon Absolute and the Linn Klimax DSM/3. However, only one of those I heard in my system - the T+A unit. They were all liquid and smooth, but none convinced me (as of yet) to purchase though i now recognize that i was feeding the T+A less optimally. That particular unit (like the one I have - the T+A DAC 200) is much better on native DSD than PCM.

I use a processor to convert everything to DSD 512 in front of the DAC200. It has me wondering about auditioning the SD 3100 again sourced this way.

In any case, the Linn and Ideon DACs were clearly very good, but I heard them in million dollar systems (literally - Wilson Chronosonics and Burmester reference gear for the Linn and MBL Extremes and reference MBL electronics for the Ideon) in huge, well set up rooms. So, while great, what else was I hearing? I came away thinking my system at home is actually pretty good in my limited space. Were the other systems better? Sure, but that much better considering the spend? I don’t have the discretionary income to answer that without bias.

What I expect from a DAC: smoothness, resolution, authentic tonality on piano and voice - the two hardest instruments to get right in my view. The best DACs I’ve heard were just a little bit better than the one I own - I think, but haven’t compared directly. But as has been mentioned elsewhere, you can get pretty great performance if you optimize all elements of your digital system: network, cables, and source. I’ve done so and the performance I’m getting out of my DAC is really close to the best I’ve heard.

DCS: Known for extreme transparency but lacks natural and musical qualities, resulting in a flat and boring sound.

Playback Dacs Offers exceptional value for both money and performance, stepping above the DCS's signature sound. Preferred over MSB for its impressive performance as a solid state DAC.

Lampizator: Provides a nice, colored sound appreciated by some but not favored by all.

Aries Cerat achieves a favorable balance between PD and Lampizator, presenting a well-rounded sound that is both pleasant and user-friendly. It stands out as my personal favorite, effortlessly handling complex music with finesse and agility.

For Tube Based DAC, For me Aries Cerat,
Solid State DAC, Playback Design
Overall after comparing both I prefered the Aries Cerat Kassandra over the Playback Design.


There are so many very good to great DACs these days! I went to AXPONA earlier this month just to listen to as many DACs as I could (and there were quite a few). I ended up purchasing a Bricasti M21. Why, you may ask. I have perhaps an unusual explanation. As time has passed, more and more I cannot recall the specifics of each presentation I attended, even if they were quite marvelous -- except for one, which was the Bricasti M21. It was exceptional when I heard it, and I can still clearly remember some of the tracks played and my reactions when hearing them. I have to mention, however, that the rest of the Bricasti room's demo system was also terrific, so, to a certain extent this purchase is a leap of faith on my part because I have been unable to hear it on my own system.