

Responses from danmar123

Experience purchasing a used high-end cartridge
I did a Orthofon Cadenza Black with less than 15 hrs. on it, for a 3rd of the price. 160 hrs. on it now & plays like a champ.  
Technics SL-1200G Mat Recommendations
I use on my GAE, the Boston audio mat 2, after many attempts with other mats. It's the most neutral for my set up.    
Looking for RCA cables from preamp to amp?
StraightWire for me, Very neutral..  
Technics Turntables...really???
I just took my 1983 original owner 1200 mkii out of mothballs, which has the GAE arm on it. The AT 159 mlx on the setup ''shines'' in my other system, (Fisher 800C pushing modded 84 Klipsch Corwalls). Going to be a family heirloom one day, their j... 
Looking For Technicans That Would Rewire A SME V
I'm also thinking of having my 309 done. Keep us in the loop.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Turntable setup NYC area
Steve/Ray @ VAS, in N.J. Class act.  
VAS (Steven Leung) cartridge repair/retipping service?
Yes Steve & his son Ray are class acts.  
Technics Turntables...really???
@jymc , Realy? Not to get into a heated discussion, I have an GAE, Thorens 126 & an EMT 948. All have their own signature sound. My GAE w/an SME 309 can sometimes give my EMT a run for the money with certain lp's. At the end of the day, the E... 
How often, and how, do you clean your stylus?
@axpert Exactlly! 🙂  
SUT help
@bobsdevices , I have an Hana ML. which one of your products do you recommend? Even older models would be fine. I also have the Mod Wright 9.0.  
Speakers On Wheels?
+1 Drill a 1/2 inch depression in the dolly with a bit the size of the disks so that nothing moves around.  
JBL C36 Restoration
You can go to JBL's Facebook page & ask there.   
Re: streaming recommendations for newbie
Follow up from 4/18, ’’@soix , yesterday I tried to handshake my phone to the Oppo, no dice. Did a google search & came up with an Oppo app for my droid. No dice there too. I can connect my Comp. via Cat 6 wire. I have an Creative sound card ... 
Re: streaming recommendations for newbie
@soix , yesterday I tried to handshake my phone to the Oppo, no dice. Did a google search & came up with an Oppo app for my droid. No dice there too. I can connect my Comp. via Cat 6 wire. I have an Creative sound card there. I'll give that a ...