
Discussions mgrif104 has started

Korf TA AF 10 tonearm feedback?3387
Matthew Bond Audio speaker cables - observations188512
Some observations from a former skeptic - and a question724256
Burning in question246715
Why do all Mahler recordings seem too bright?331246
Upgrading power cable to AQ Niagara 5000?611217
Simaudio 680D?803811
Sound quality of Roon vs. Lighting803011
Experience with Linn Select DSM?1817318
Aurelic G2 or Aurender N10827515
Different subs in pairs?27558
going backward to inwalls - some questions41625
cartridge for Dual 60464242
"House sound" of VPI, Clearaudio, Rega, MH, etc.961115
getting back into vinyl44959