
Responses from mgrif104

At the top of the line is it really all that different?
@kerrybh +1 I’ve been contemplating how to give a thoughtful answer to the thoughtful question posed by the OP. I don’t think I’ll do better than the above but will add my $.02. I’ve enjoyed every stage of my systems development over the years. ... 
Power supply for ethernet switch?
@mclinnguy  I wasn’t familiar with them either until about a month ago. But a fair amount of digging and consideration for what each respective firm was doing led me in this direction. I think they’re all trying to reduce EMI noise and use improv... 
Power supply for ethernet switch?
Despite the well-meaning intentions of those who wish to help prevent us from spending money unwisely, I recently purchased the Reiki Audio switch and upgraded power supply through Liquid Hifi. (See: It seemed more thoughtfully des... 
Power supply for ethernet switch?
@richardbrand  curious. - I don’t know why the picosecond didn’t copy over from my post. Another mystery. As to your question - I won’t venture an answer as I’m not the author of that material. The point the author was making is that a switch in... 
Power supply for ethernet switch?
@richardbrand I’m aware of how the data is handled. However, I’ll just go back to what I posted: “Some will still disagree or remain skeptical about 30 picosends of timing error being audible. So be it. But I would suggest that it’s no longer wo... 
T+A DAC200 vs. PS Audio Directstream Mk2
I own the DAC 200 in a 2nd system and had auditioned many in a similar price range before purchasing. It’s quite good and you’ll be well rewarded if you feed it with a good source.The preamp/volume (analog) are also fully competitive for the price... 
Power supply for ethernet switch?
There is some data to help answer the question of whether or not a quality switch can make a difference. Some will still disagree or remain skeptical about... 
Moon 390 Network Streamer
Costa: glad you’re here and participating in these forums.  Also glad to hear your company is doing well. I recently bought your new 761 amp for one of my systems. I considered the 861, but it wouldn’t have fit in my cabinet well. And, I consider... 
New Amp Advice
It seems to me you have a very nice system. Some have suggested upgrading your speakers instead. I disagree. Those are particularly nice speakers and it would cost a great deal more than $40k to meaningfully improve upon them - if that’s even doa... 
Moon 390 Network Streamer
I’ve heard nothing about Sim struggling. They came out with the North line which appears to be doing well. Many dealers - lots of support. Great warranty, reliable build quality  It seems to me that they’re more likely to be around longer than the... 
If you HAD to purchase a used (over 4 years old) DAC, what would it be?
@rhg3  +1 I have the DAC 200 in a 2nd system. The rumors are true - it is remarkably good. And when decoding native DSD, is shockingly so.   
Audio stores near Bloomington/Normal Illinois?
This brought back memories. I bought my first decent stereo gear (a demon integrated amp and matching tuner - both in beautiful rosewood cabinets) from Geoff and Glenn Poors back in 1981. Yikes!  Where it all started for me.  
??? What Is The MOST Expensive System You Ever Heard ??? What Was Your Opinion ???
I’ve heard three systems that were roughly $1M (or more) all in at dealers where they were not fighting show conditions. Wilson with Burmester electronics Wilson, D’Agonstino preamp/amp and DCS Varese MBL Extremes MK II and MBL electronics The... 
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”
Perhaps there’s a different way to approach this. You might want to connect with Ralph at Atmosphere regarding his Class D amps which are supposed to be wonderful (please note - I haven’t heard them). Ralph is a long time tube amp manufacturer wh... 
Signalyst HQPlayer - Is it worth the upgrade?
@milpai  Noted and good to know. I absolutely will try HQplayer and DSD 512 and 1024 and report back my results. Best,