What is your listening chair?

I am sure this has been discussed some time in the past, but I am curious what kind of chair audio nuts are using out there...
Just sold two leather recliners and bought two leather Poang chairs from Ikea. They seem to be better for listening to music.
What say you? What is your listening chair? Why do you like it or not??
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Sectional sofa from Room and Board and as always the sweet spot is between two couch cushions!
I’ve been happy using Wassily Chairs my wife and I purchased back in the 1970s. In addition to being a beautiful and classic design (see this Wikipedia writeup), they result in my ears being at an optimal height for my particular speakers (Daedalus Ulysses), and I would expect any effects they might have on sonics due to reflections to be very minimal compared to most other kinds of chairs. Various knockoffs are available at much lower prices than the genuine article shown at the link.

Good luck with your new chairs! Regards,
-- Al
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Lay Z Boy..... usually in recline position.    The sofa is the sweet spot but not as comfortable 
Lay Z Boy chair and a half. Its dead center is at the PLP. In my case it was/is imperative that I have one cushion.
A 1930-40’s Art Deco stuffed chair with ottoman. Deep, deep blue cloth (so deep it appears to be black) with cream piping, the top of it’s back 32" from the floor, below my ears. Elegant and comfortable!
My system is in my living room where there are are two Onda sofas by Zanotta upholstered in a heavy black wool.
Sectional couch that's deep, so that if you sit with your feet on the ground you're slouching back.  To get my ears on axis for my tweeters I have to sit tall and cross-legged, like a meditation pose.  I happen to see listening as my meditation, so it works.  
I’ve been using a BarcaLounger recliner for about ten years and while it has some good attributes, it has lousy lumbar support (for me at least, I’m currently using a small pillow for lumbar support). The lousy lumbar support is compounded by the leather being slippery. By that I mean as I sit over time my butt slides along the seat providing even less back support. I must have never been smacked for slouching in my chair as a child....

I recently tried a Poang chair and while it is pretty comfortable, I was still sliding a little and it was quite a bit lower than the BarcaLounger. The lack of recline feature was disappointing too. I also borrowed a Stressless chair from the in-laws and it was pretty comfortable in a normal sitting position, but in the reclined position it was just not right. The Stressless also has very slippery leather, so it was a no go for me (even though I could have gotten it for free!). I also had a chair similar to the Freedom Chair at work, but I could never get comfortable in it even though it had all kinds of adjustments.

So the search continues. I will say that the most comfortable seat I have is the drivers seat in my Chevy Silverado, wonderful adjustable lumbar support (usually on max) and non-slip fabric!
Maybe another Chevy Silverado seat could be affixed to the audio room floor. That would be cool!!! Haha
Isn't it best to have a chair that does not come up as high as your head? Otherwise, would it be like sitting with your back right against a wall?
My best sound, came from a hard backed dining room chair.  Nothing on either side of my body to skew the sound.  I eventually went back to my love seat, so my love can sit beside me.
I too exchanged two leather armchairs for two leather poang chairs. They don’t interact with the room like some of the other furniture that has been in there. I have a small room so any gain in volume helps. The price is hard to beat too.
Human Touch Zero Gravity Chair. Super supportive and comfortable for long listening sessions -- maybe too much so because it's pretty easy for me to fall asleep in it while listening some evenings. My second ZGC, the other is in the room with the AV system.
Ekornes Stressless, a 40 year old one that I loved and a new one that I sort of like. Changing the head rest height and reclining angle yield changes in sound presentation, but so does taking off my glasses. If I were a dedicated audiophile, I'd have a record of ideal head rest heights, reclining angles and distances from speakers for each recording. Wish I hadn't given that 40 year old one away.
Natuzzi Leather loveseat from early 90's.

Very comfortable and classy.

I have a "two seat" sweet spot.
Dux by Folke Olhsson in teak. It’s worth a lot of $$$ when restored. And mine could use a resto so until then it’s just my listening chair...
+1 for the Poang Chair (in leather) from Ikea. They are:


  • Extremely comfortable
  • Extremely cost-effective
  • Easy on the back to move around
  • Well-constructed
  • Place your ears at a good average height for listening
  • Don’t have a wad of “stuffed stuff” behind you ears


OK, enough already…

Pavilion chair which is a replica of the Barcelona Lounge chair, with matching ottoman.
So....you guys have some nice chairs. I like the Poang(s) but I am feeling a little inadequate now.
Poang Chair from Ikea. Not a big fan. Oh, it’s comfortable and everything. But it’s bad for the sound. Must be the foam inside. Try taking it to another room, then listen again. There, isn’t that better?
Stickley leather recliner

w Vandersteen’s part of the setup involves measuring ear height and a few other variables and adjusting the speaker for rake, etc
aided by the dealer provided laser jig I shot in both upright and recline and settled on reclined ( semi sober )

sounds fantastic and and feels good after midnight on those late listening sessions...

geoffkait- Yeah I like the sound, not changing the Poang. A few people here like the chair too, and bought one. Just noticed the other members chairs that I admire and find interesting.
Would you like to share what you have, since that was the question of the post????
Hey, if you like the sound and admire it that’s all that counts. 😛 As I listen to headphones these days I use whatever, currently a high back executive chair. In the past I have made my own Shaker chair knock off. You know, one without foam.
Mine is a common low back task chair on wheels with no arms that is height adjustable via a pneumatic base. It allows me to move my listening position slightly as may be needed. Unfortunately, the pneumatic base is leaking and I get shorter and shorter as the listening session goes on. Very annoying!
That's why I am visiting this thread looking for ideas for a replacement.
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My chair is a leather swivel chair on rollers which I use mainly in my computer room.  To listen to my system I simply roll the chair into the kitchen where my small system lives.  The chair is very comfortable and practical (for moving room to room).  The funny part is when I set the chair infront of the system in the kitchen and I quickly go to fetch the beers and chilli crisps, when I return lo and behold my big ginger cat has settled in the chair.  Often I delicately sit in the other half of the chair and we both listen to music, classical, rock and other stuff..
Put a Poang Chair in the room, take one step backwards in sound quality. Put two Poang Chairs in the room. Take two steps backwards in sound quality. Hate to rain on anyone parade.
geoffkait. I have agreed with you on various topics in the past, but respectfully, disagree with you on this one. I have tried a few chairs, and the poang is the best for me. No blanket statments, whichever chair floats your boat.
OK. I don’t mind you disagreeing with me, cyclops. But try taking the Poang Chair out of the room. Now tell me the sound isn’t better. Better yet, take it out of the house completely. Been there done that.
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“My last recliner look like it had been in WWII. I was actually proud of how damn shabby it looked. (no one else would ever sit in it) Alas I had to toss it.
Now my latest recliner is narrow, leather, and powered.
Powered sucks.
Mainly because I am constantly adjusting it. If it lasts two years??
I have it in the middle of the room.
My life and stereo are one.”

Elizabeth, I would not care if I had the chair you do, as I am envious of your current speakers!!!

+1 Ekornes Stressless, although the bum has fallen out of mine. I have a couple of cardboard squares to support the cushion.

+2 Human Touch Zero Gravity Chair

I have a lot of metal supporting my vertebrae so I real need something special, which usually means expensive, darn it. That's another HiFi part gone begging...

Just a very well worn but oh so comfy leather sofa which I have carefully positioned so my sitting position is right in the sweet spot. It is a lower back design so my head is above the back of the sofa and my ears are right about tweeter height.
Its a well worn cast off the wife will not have in any other room of the house any longer but works for me.
Have two other well worn and comfy sofas in the room too as prior to purchase of my Lyngdorf 2170 with its room correction I needed all the damping in the world to control the god almighty unruly bass generated in my listening room which is 3.5 walls of glass and a full tiled floor.
Yep I got the leftovers of the house for my stereo room...go figure.....
After reading this thread, I went to Staples 40 chairs to choose from..They are cheap, but nice looking and I found something that fits me, I like the color... very nice...

I also use a pair of the leather version of the Poang chairs.  I originally used the cloth cushions and maybe that is geoffkait's objection?  The leather surfaces don't absorb any sound.  At least to my ears they sound better than the cloth cushions.  Maybe I just like the leather better and have a bias.

My friend who comes over frequently, prefers to remove the head cushions.  He claims losing those improves the sound.  I don't hear any difference.  We're all different I guess.

Re Poang chairs. It’s the foam used in their construction that’s the problem. It is the same type foam as used for Sonex acoustic foam squares or very similar. Sonex also hurts the sound, even a small amount in the room makes the sound all phasey and wooly sounding. “Sonex - The Industry Standard”  😬
Maybe the best chair is no chair. Tim Cook CEO Apple informed employees last week they will be replacing chairs and desks with standing desks, citing doctors’ concerns that sitting is the new cancer. Healthier, more productive. Makes sense. I listen to headphones standing up, now. And surf the internet on my iPad on my makeshift standing desk, two CD cartons stacked on top of the table. No problemo!  What’s next, standing desks for airline pilots and bus drivers? Poker tournaments?
Glad I don't work for Apple.  I would rather it be my choice.  I agree that we sit too much.  My desk raises and lowers.  Exercise regularly if you can.  It can stave off hypertension and type 2 diabetes, and a myriad of other problems.

+1  Stressless.  Expensive but worth it.