
Responses from handymann

One Sub or Two?
In a choice between one or two, I’d say two. I have two JL’s, but wish I had four🤷‍♂️  
Preamplifier options - seeking help to determine which one
I don’t think you can go wrong with a tube preamp and a beefy solid state power amp. Which ever preamp floats your boat, go for it. I would try to audition any equipment first. A long trip is worth it to hear it.   
Streamer Advice
I purchased a Cambridge CXN100 and am delighted. Believe it or not Nashville doesn’t have that many places to demo equipment and God forbid you ask to demo one at home. When Cumberland Audio and Premiere Audio were here, they would gladly let you ... 
Used tube preamps, Cary, AR, Aesthetix, Wells...........or?
I meant to mention I purchased both of mine used and had them updated to Signature models. They updated my power supplies with some better tubes etc. For me, I have some $$ in them, but love them.  They’re in mint condition   
Used tube preamps, Cary, AR, Aesthetix, Wells...........or?
I purchased a Calypso and a Rhea Signature a few years back and love them. They have a little “tube rush,” but most tube preamps do. You have to put your ear up the the speaker to hear it. Those go into a couple of Krell EV-600’s and all sounds fi... 
Adding tube sound to my SS system
I have an Aesthetics Signature line preamp as well as an Aesthetics Signature phono preamp.  They are both tube preamps.  They feed into a couple of large Krell SS amps.You get that smooth warm sound of tubes and the great unlimited dynamic sound ... 
Speakers that disappear
+1rick_n It all depends on what type of music you're listening to, your room and do you also like that slam of bass.  I have Wilson Maxx II's, but my son has some Martin Logans and I love their sound.  I had a pair of Monolith's, but sold them to... 
Power Amplifier - Maximum Resolution & Detail!
I have a pair of Krell EV 600's that push my Wilson Maxx II's.  They're class A bias so they get hot, but boy how they make my Wilson's put out!  
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
One thing I learned-a good tone arm has to have sufficient mass. You can put the best cart on an arm with insufficient mass and it will sound like an old ceramic cartridge. There are many good designs out there. I installed a Koetsu Urushi Black o... 
Measurements for a dedicated line
When I built my house, I had two dedicated lines wired with 10/2 gauge with ground, both going to hospital grade receptacles. Each one is connected to the same buss side at the breaker box. I’ve never heard any noise except a fluorescent light sta... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I have had a dbx Driverack 360 for about three years. It has a Wizard that will automatically sets your parametric eq at 14 different levels, sets your roll off points for them as well. Phase control for your mains and subs, a graphic eq, adjustab... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I use a DBX Driverack 360 and love it. If you’ve never heard of it, pls take the time to research it. You won’t be disappointed.   
Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!
I owned a pair of Martin Logan Monoliths, but wanted a more in your face sound. Purchased a pair of Wilson Maxx II’s and love them. My son recently purchased a pair of Martin Logan’s, now I’m missing mine. I have a pair of Klipschorns just taking ... 
Are your listening levels healthy? Doing damage?
I’m 69 and have been using headphone noise suppression for over 30 years, when I mow, use power saws, vacuum or do anything that involves loud sounds.  I have three different SPL apps I use. All three are within a couple of db of each other. I’ve ... 
Thoughts On Turntable Clamps And Weights
I too have a VPI Scoutmaster Signature with a Dynavector DRT XV1s. After about a year of use, I applied a small portion of black permagum to the cartridge shell and adjusted the counter balance accordingly. It gives the tone arm more mass and soun...