
Discussions jc4659 has started

Anyone compare Zesto with Backert preamps?199118
Isolation transformers output voltage higher than wall14079
Was it really an impedance mismatch?14354
New transport or repair CD player252822
Speakers on carpet over concrete350416
Is teflon based lubricating spray bad for tonearm bearings?15908
Ayre Codex (former) Owners, what did you move on to?470220
Anyone drive Verity Audio Parsifal Encores with tubes?316524
Time to retire a retipped Linn Troika. Best replacement cartridge?18582
Best means of isolating digital equipment i.e. DACs, CD transports, wall warts etc.231626
Need help Meridian 508 CD player Upper Midwest16725
Competent electronics tech in the Milwaukee area12095
MC cartridge loading: still baffled425631
LINN Ittok needs rewire Suggestions?36988
Phono switch box cable question17433