
Responses from jc4659

Anticable Cables: what do you like about them thread?
Old thread, I know, but bought some level 5.3 XLR interconnects from Paul Speltz (nice guy) and recommended by Don Sachs (I own the Raven preamp that he designed, sold by Spatial Labs audio). First thing I noticed was the dynamics, then the clarit... 
Verity Audio speaker parts
Excellent speakers!  I have a pair.  
Spatial Audio Raven Preamp
@phono2024 Congratulations on the new Raven preamp!  You have a very nice system. It's interesting that you "cannot comprehend what soundstage, depth, separation, air, fast bass, music floating in the air..."  I get all of those things to a greate... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
^ excellent album!  
One box solution
@silverfoxvtx1800 Sorry to hear about your health issues and hope that being able to continue to enjoy music in your new facility brings you happiness and comfort. We will all be there at some point.   
@oddiofyl I stopped by the Studio Electric room last year at AXPONA and was very impressed particularly by their M5 speakers IIRC.  
Put my old Crown Xs500 amp in my main system. Holy cow!
@ditusa have you compared any of the Schiit amps with Crown? I was toying with the idea of a Wotan but not sure how much better it would be compared to the Xs500.  Might buy one anyway since they have a fair return policy.  
Put my old Crown Xs500 amp in my main system. Holy cow!
Fun reading your thread, Mike. Thanks for pointing it out. So I'm not the only one. "There are others"  LOL  
Here's a really, really great video on Richard Manuel (and oh yeah, The Band).
Funny, I watched The Last Waltz just last week...out of the blue.  I have it on DVD and had to wake my DVD player up to watch it which it didn't like at first but then settled in and played flawlessly- just like The Band :)  
New Amp Advice
@zlone Mind expanding on your comment that the Audionet amp was very different from the Coda amp?  How?  Which Coda amp?  Thanks!  
+1 @bjesien as an owner of the Parsifal Encore I totally agree with your recommendations for something with both power and a bit of bite.  
Linn LP12 turntable
@signaforce you said "But not sure what listening at the dealer might do. They have my speakers, but a different cartridge, electronics & room acoustics. Would that not be too many variables?" and you also said "a P10, the table I had planned... 
Linn LP12 turntable
Is your favorite audio store a Linn dealer? Is there one nearby that can make sure it is set up properly, arm bearings ok, etc.?  You are asking the right questions but if all the upgrades were done and they are only asking $2400 I would do it.  I... 
I agree with @dentdog but he meant to say you should contact Geoff Poor at Glenn Poor's Audio-Video in Champaign, IL.  He is the guy you need to talk to without a doubt. He knows BAT and Dunlavy.  
Lamm or Allnic Preamp
I own the Spatial Audio Lab Raven. It is the brainchild of Don Sachs and Lynn Olson; two very talented and highly respected audio designers.  It is outstanding and my end game preamp for sure. All those mentioned above are widely praised by those ...