Useful Information

Parties interested in receiving useful information are invited to PM. This way we can share useful information without triggering others, having posts and threads removed, and having to scan past oceans of mindless blather.
It would not be very surprising if he planted those stories in the press.

« According to his own estimate, he is worth in excess of $10 billion. If we take him at his word, that means his charitable contributions come to about 0.05 per cent of his fortune, or five cents for every $100.»

But his worth is at most probably around a billion then he gives 50 cents for 100 dollars...
Nonoise, might be a good time to get a windmill if only the stim package would pass...
I've been waiting for that stimulus package since he's been in office. He promised it to get elected and then went the way of his donors and benefactors. 

What he would like to see is public financing of existing projects only to award them to his cronies through privatization. Another example of reverse socialism.

Windmills are starting to look like an option.

All the best,

No I dont hate the thrice married, porn star raw dogger fake follower of Christ at all.  
Post removed 

"The public may be gullible at times, but they are never that stupid."

uberwaltz:" Unfortunately nowadays it does appear that yes they really are that stupid."

+1 uberwaltz

     Thankfully, the overwhelming majority of voters aren't that stupid.  But apparently, all it takes is enough stupid voters, who are angry about being poorly educated, low paid losers due to all the poor decisions they've made in their lives as well as very easily conned and in the right states to elect a leader that is every bit as dopey as they are.  
     A highly unlikely, perfect storm combination of circumstances that resulted in electing a man with a long list of major malfunctions.   

Post removed 
Fascinating, the parallels between audiophile elitism and political elitism and how both often miss the forest for the trees.  
Its looking a lot like I will be voting for Willie Nelson again in the coming election just as in the last.

Maybe the only useful information in this thread.
Hey miller, as long as you’re telling heartwarming stories about your savior, why don’t you tell us the one about Vera Coking? you know, the frail, elderly lady he tried to kick out of her own home using every dirty trick in the book so he could put in limo parking where her house was. Come on, tell us. A feel good story if there ever was one!
I don’t imagine I’ll get a response. You have a habit of gleaning over posts directed at you that you have no defense against.
Ok, forget what he tried to do to Vera Coking, how do you feel about his decades of sexual harassment, of which he was undeniably caught on tape joking about, or is that all fake news too, because it doesn’t fit your naive narrative of what a stand-up guy he is. Jeez, his minions are as delusional as he is.
Haters are going to hate, whiners are going to whine no matter what the circumstances...sad.

I guess if you can't decipher reality from irresponsible reporting then who is the minion?  Exactly why a change came about.    Baaaah..... 
Hi pops.
Can you elaborate on your last two sentences? Not quite sure what it means.
I do like the "Baaah....." at the end!
I vote, but I consider myself apolitical concerning people/personalities.
Issues are what drive me to chose which way to vote.

Having spent several years in the Marine Corps I have always considered
the president to be the Commander-in-Chief and nothing more. His first responsibility is to protect the people of the United States from all enemies. 

Every president does/says things I don't like.  This one included.

Concerning our current national dilemma please watch at least 10 minutes of this YouTube video.  The real deal.

Stay safe,
Sgt. Barts U.S.M.C.
Thanks for the video ….My best to you...

This video must be listen to by all....
Sure thecarpathian.  It wasn't necessarily  a response to your thought but I did use minions....thanks - excellent word!

Simply a response to many in this thread, who like the press corp, pile on and create narratives.

The left had 8 years and that's why a change came about.  I agree with Barts "every president does/says things I don't like.  This one included."  Sometimes I cringe but at least he speaks directly and not the rhetoric former lawyers - now elected officials speak.

Ask number 44 what the time is and he spends an hour telling you how to build a watch.  
Frangelico and Bailey is a great combination.  Ocassionally I throw a little Kailua in.
Regarding hydroxychloroquine I have several patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus who are in very marginal financial shape who suddenly can’t afford their medicine because unqualified aholes are promoting it for Covid.  These are people who could never afford fancy pants audio systems or expensive cars.  They are just trying to live in less pain and be more functional.  If anyone on this site has been promoting it, please stop.  This is not a debate about a runbber footie improving your $20,000 preamp
Yes, it's a travesty when those who are supremely unqualified recommend a drug based on limited knowledge, to the detriment of those who in fact rely on it.

On a lighter note, yes! Can't go wrong with adding a little Kahlua.
The holy trinity as it were. The mirepoix  of tippling additives.

    I tend to doubt such a large minority group of blue-collar, hardworking individuals, even if they were justifiably angry at being neglected by their government for decades, would be naturally drawn to and select to support an individual who inherited $500 million and filed for bankruptcy within a decade, had never previously displayed any concern for their welfare and was generally considered a prodigious blowhard, liar and conman.  
     I think it's much more likely that this conman and his cohorts identified and targeted this group as ripe for exploitation, manipulation and recruitment as a viable voting base, in other words an easy mark.  They hatched a scheme to pander to this group's existing anger at being neglected by their government, xenophobia, slow wage growth, the exportation of their jobs and the browning of their country along with their in spite of it all patriotism.  
     I think the majority of this group still honestly believes they selected him as their spokesman and advocate, still not realizing it was the master conman and inveterate liar and manipulator that selected them for recruitment.


Tim, you have hit the bullseye dead center (so to speak ;-). I admit I was surprised (and shocked) by how many fell for his obvious con (I think he was too). Had they not heard of his "university", "airline", "steaks", "wine", and other numerous scams? I assumed they would recognize a New York Con Man when they saw one, and would resent being viewed as so gullible.

When they let him get away with saying what he did about an American hero in my eyes---John McCain, I gave up all hope of them ever seeing the light.

Two of the biggest cons to ever grace the Oval Office were the sex addict/rapist from Arkansas and the smooth-talking, beautifully smiling, community organizer from Jakarta.  
barts ...

Thanks for posting that excellent video. I've shared it with family and friends.

Post removed 
And talking about cons ...

Liberal special interests ...

"The 1119-page bill is Christmas in March for liberal special interests. It imposes racial and gender pay equity provisions, diversity on corporate boards, increased use of minority-owned banks by federal offices, and a grab-bag of other diversity-themed requirements. It increases the collective bargaining power for unions and cancels all the debt owed by the U.S. Postal Service to the U.S. Treasury. For the global warming crowd, there are increased fuel emission standards and required carbon offsets for airlines, plus tax credits for alternative energy programs. For the kids, there is a provision for student loan payment deferment, and for the education bureaucrats who overcharge them a $9.5 billion giveaway to colleges and universities. It gives $100 million to juvenile justice programs, and suspends various aspects of enforcement of immigration laws.

Perhaps the most troubling sections of the bill are under the rubric ‘‘American Coronavirus/COVID–19 Election Safety and Security” or ‘‘ACCESS” Act. This section would impose requirements on states for early voting, voting by mail, required mailing of absentee ballots to everyone, ballot harvesting (i.e., having third parties deliver absentee ballots), online voter registration, same-day registration and other practices which undermine confidence in the integrity of the ballot. In these days of increasing threats to election security, we should be moving rapidly back to in-person paper ballots, but this bill would be a radical step in the wrong direction.

It is hard quickly to root out whatever other aspects of this bill bear no relationship to COVID-19, but to its backers, that is the point. We can’t really know what’s in it until they pass it, to paraphrase Speaker Pelosi on another such memorable occasion.

The politics of the Democratic proposal are not hard to figure. Democrats are concerned that the Coronavirus crisis could be a “9/11 moment” for President Trump, that people might put aside partisanship for a moment to rally around a leader trying his best to help the country cope."

  • "No greater love hath Trump than to lay down your life for his reelection."

Don’t worry, all will be okay. The virus will be squashed just as soon as the airlines become subject to carbon offsets, and when corporate boards are diversified.

Fascism, anyone? 

+1 Frank great post.

Save your sour grapes and energy for the ballot box.  Surely after 4 years of searching for a new presidential candidate you found your best.  Best of Luck!  
I think people are rooting for everyone to do the right thing to get everyone through this. That applies to the President the most. It’s a rough job but that is what he signed up for.
When I watch these pressers it all sounds good until the President starts talking, ignoring unpleasant realities, and sugar coating things and using that podium to attack his enemies. I go in always hoping for the best and end up disappointed.   All I hear is a salesman spinning.  

Oregonpapa, please explain two things.  How is Donald Trump any less a sex addict/rapist than Bill Clinton?  How did Barack Obama get elected if he did not meet the Constitutional citizenship requirements?
onhwy61  >>>

  • Oregonpapa, please explain two things. How is Donald Trump any less a sex addict/rapist than Bill Clinton? How did Barack Obama get elected if he did not meet the Constitutional citizenship requirements?

Thanks for the questions. I'll take a stab at answering them just as soon as you tell the group how all of the Pelosi pork additions to the Coronavirus bill will curb the growth of the virus and save the lives of those affected.

I suspect whatever Pelosi does is done in the belief it is best for her constituents which is how all successful politicians work, right?

These things are all about representation and who gets what.

The Senate bill, written with little bipartisan input but certainly influenced over the past several days, has yet to reach the house. It will today.

I would prefer seeing corporate aid in the form of a new emergency SEC regulation allowing for the immediate issuance of a special form of preferred stock which the US Treasury could purchase and hold. It could have a capital gain cap at whatever is fair depending on the holding period. At some future date, the company can buy it back or the Treasury could float it to the market. No free lunch. We are about to bail out all US companies and by default, many foreign companies by virtue of supporting their US based workforce and its a staggering number financially.

Im politically moderate and fiscally conservative but above all else, Im a believer in truth and fact. You are welcome to feel however you like about former presidents but to give the current one a complete pass due to displayed character flaws is unfortunate. Lets forget all the white noise and reframing of truth to date. I just have a simple but unemotional question. Did our current president deduct hush money paid from his taxes. According to several people I know with knowledge of the situation, that is why tax returns wont be released. It will show clearly tax fraud was committed. DOJ won’t let that happen and a self granted pardon will block it.

i have high hopes for our national leadership, I always do. 

**** I suspect whatever Pelosi does is done in the belief it is best for her constituents  ****

Seriously?  Taken a look at SF lately? 
I’m not anywhere near SF, but my understanding is homelessness has been a growing problem there in recent years.

I have observed that first hand in recent years in various East Coast Cities though.  Not to mention crime which tends to go hand in hand with poverty.

Another issue is lack of facilities to accommodate the mentally ill in recent decades.   All related.

According to several people I know with knowledge of the situation, that is why tax returns wont be released. It will show clearly tax fraud was committed. DOJ won’t let that happen and a self granted pardon will block it.
Ah, yes. Trump is listed as "unindicted coconspirator #1" in the case that sent his lawyer, Michael Cohen to prison. As soon as he leaves the WH, he can be arrested and the trial should be very short. On that charge alone, he can serve 10 years.

Then there's AG Barr and his squashing of several cases by his own DOJ and what he's trying to shut down by other jurisdictions AGs. He was always a bagman since his days as AG for Bush. Once a new president is in office, all manner of cases will be reopened.

It will be fun to watch his assets frozen, his properties seized, his offspring fighting like King Lear's kids over his crumbling empire of grift, greed, and avarice. People will line up for their pound of flesh from this con man.

All the best,

Oregonpapa, I don't understand why you cannot defend your earlier statements. To be completely honest, I am disappointed.
I’m sure Don will do anything and everything he can over the next few months to avoid being exposed to prosecution with little or no regard for how it affects others.

Not only that but Trump’s business empire must be getting hit hard by all this and my understanding is that it will not be eligible for any bailout money now since Trump is a government official and still owns them.

Now if he would have not been greedy and divested before being sworn in like the experts advised him (to avoid conflict of interest) like every prior more-rational President did, that would be a different story.

Can’t say I mind seeing greed get its due.

     How can you tell our Liar in Chief is lying?

     His lips are moving.

     Trump happens!

    But we can flush that big stinky turd in November.  We may need a plumber, though, I doubt any toilet or country has disposed of such a  colossal piece of poop.


Frank posted: 
"Liberal special interests ...

"The 1119-page bill is Christmas in March for liberal special interests. It imposes racial and gender pay equity provisions, diversity on corporate boards, increased use of minority-owned banks by federal offices, and a grab-bag of other diversity-themed requirements...."

Frank, will you please cite your reference for this cut-and-paste post? I doubt any of this would be included in a package mainly authored in the GOP-controlled Senate that passed by a vote of 96-0. It seems you have fallen victim to right-wing click bait. So, please--list your reference, including author, if there is one, publication and internet address. 

The "safety and security" ACCESS provision is pointed toward making voting easier in November, a time of year when the COVID-19 virus is expected to make a second, more virulent appearance, especially after social distancing has been lifted.  That's the way I am reading it, anyway.   


  • Oregonpapa, I don’t understand why you cannot defend your earlier statements. To be completely honest, I am disappointed.
1. We are all sex addicts to a certain extent. It’s called preservation of the species. When it comes to The Orange Man ... there is something called redemption. I don’t think that applies to the Rapist From Arkansas.

2. The smooth-talking, beautifully smiling, community organizer from Jakarta had one parent from Kenya and one from the United States. Therefore, he was a U.S. citizen, born of a U.S. citizen.

Now that I’ve answered your question, and relieved your disappointment, how about answering my question ... How will all of the Pelosi pork additions to the Coronavirus bill curb the growth of the virus and save the lives of those affected?


Speaker Pelosi is in the House, no authorship of the bill. It came out of the Senate.

What is "redemption" and how does that apply to anyone in the conversation?
jafreeman ...

  • Frank, will you please cite your reference for this cut-and-paste post? I doubt any of this would be included in a package mainly authored in the GOP-controlled Senate that passed by a vote of 96-0. It seems you have fallen victim to right-wing click bait. So, please--list your reference, including author, if there is one, publication and internet address.

Here you go, Joe ...
i'm not really surprised that Frank is blasting away at those most hurt by this and not a peep about the slush fund for the filthy rich. He keeps looking down at what he thinks is the problem and not up at the well fed vultures that run this economy, always looking for a way to further enrich themselves at the expense of the less fortunate. 

But at least he's staying in character. 👍

All the best,
ghasley ...

  • Speaker Pelosi is in the House, no authorship of the bill. It came out of the Senate.What is "redemption" and how does that apply to anyone in the conversation?

Yes, Pelosi is the Speaker of the House (Congress). These pork-barrel items were added by Pelosi, then sent to the Senate for approval. Actually, it is over 1100 pages long, so past experience would tell us that it was already prepared by staff members to be presented upon Pelosi's return from vacation. 

Redemption is attained by asking for forgiveness by The Great Redeemer. Of course, there is no way to know another man's heart, but as far as we know it, The Orange Man has been walking on the straight and narrow. No Cupie Doll ... no cigar. :-)

nonoise ... 

  •   i'm not really surprised that Frank is blasting away at those most hurt by this and not a peep about the slush fund for the filthy rich. He keeps looking down at what he thinks is the problem and not up at the well fed vultures that run this economy, always looking for a way to further enrich themselves at the expense of the less fortunate.
  • But at least he's staying in character. 👍

My point was about the pork added to the bill that has nothing to do with curing the sick, or saving the dying. Subsidies for NPR and the Kennedy Center? Carbon offsets and diversity on corporate boards? Maybe you can tell us how they apply to the coronavirus.


wow! That explains it! The article you site is written as an opinion piece by someone who is attempting to rewrite the foibles on full display with the US handling and strategy during the Tet Offensive. Further, he is criticizing the house draft of a coronavirus bill which is not under consideration.

I should have known when you mentioned the page count that you did that you were mistaken. The actual bill is under 900 pages and has very little in common with the draft you site. Now, I dont mean to be critical of your analysis, if any was performed, but I am critical when someone reads something such as the article you site when it was an opinion piece in USAToday. At least you could have digested the content, taken a moment to fact check and then use your intelligence to recognize the writer was criticizing something that has no bearing on this conversation.

I also worry there are many out there who merely parrot what they skim without any display of thought or analysis. Like quoting “Christmas in March”! Do those with this level of allegiance still believe the virus is a democratic hoax? Those who cited and repeated this irresponsible line of thinking should pause and reflect. The mark of an intelligent being is to reverse course when they are wrong.