Useful Information

Parties interested in receiving useful information are invited to PM. This way we can share useful information without triggering others, having posts and threads removed, and having to scan past oceans of mindless blather.

Showing 3 responses by barts

I vote, but I consider myself apolitical concerning people/personalities.
Issues are what drive me to chose which way to vote.

Having spent several years in the Marine Corps I have always considered
the president to be the Commander-in-Chief and nothing more. His first responsibility is to protect the people of the United States from all enemies. 

Every president does/says things I don't like.  This one included.

Concerning our current national dilemma please watch at least 10 minutes of this YouTube video.  The real deal.

Stay safe,
Sgt. Barts U.S.M.C.
Chuck, Must be a real PITA always being the smartest guy in the room.
It's lonely at the top........very lonely.

Stay safe on your new quest.

@millercarbon " Sarcasm. Clever. Maybe you are lonely too. Or if not no worries, keep on running around without a mask and you will be."

Mr. Miller, Had I known that you are actually lonely as you elude to in your reply I wouldn't have gone there. I don't roll that way. 

Yes, I have masks for all of us, N99 in fact, carbon filtering also. Not sure why you assumed I wasn't taking all precautions. 

BTW I enjoy most of your posts.  Although I have no way of knowing I'd bet you're a much more pleasant person than your posts suggest.

Stay safe, as will I.
