ozzy62, on what are you basing your last statement?
Hi pops. Can you elaborate on your last two sentences? Not quite sure what it means. I do like the "Baaah....." at the end! |
Yes, it's a travesty when those who are supremely unqualified recommend a drug based on limited knowledge, to the detriment of those who in fact rely on it.
On a lighter note, yes! Can't go wrong with adding a little Kahlua. The holy trinity as it were. The mirepoix of tippling additives.
Unfortunately, his support base, believing any and everything their savior says, will metaphorically and literally swallow anything.
Anyone want to trade some eggs for some toilet paper? Ridiculous. There is a shortage of nothing. Until people believe there is a shortage. It's a self fulfilling problem. If we all just bought groceries like we normally do, there would be plenty of everything to go around. |
Nice score, uber. I think the Great TP Shortage is winding down. I'm seeing it numerous places without a mad dash to get it. Now the Great Egg Shortage is in full gear. Not a fan of the B&W sound. Might let them go for just a 6 roll.... Well, off to Publix to try to score a dozen jumbos. Eggs, that is.... |
It appears miller has abandoned his own thread. Perhaps he and his personal fan club, the 'carbon copies', are secretly reading it all and mocking us via pm. Just a short PSA for our friends who enjoy a drink or three during this unpleasant time. Alcohol suppresses your immune system, so please use good judgment. And wash those hands like you just picked poison ivy! |
uber, He doesn’t understand that this thread is now about a little friendly banter and camaraderie during a trying time, and we appreciate the moderators for allowing it to continue. These concepts are alien to him. He also believes he and only he is the Keeper of the Truth. He is a beacon of light cutting through the fog of ignorance. I’m telling you, there is no way he doesn’t have a wicker ’throne’ and Burger King hat in his one man bunker. How ironic that the most ignorant one thinks he’s the only one with the answers.
By the way, if you are low on anything, the Middleburg Aldi is loaded with everything. Meat, eggs, chicken, etc. The smaller one by Lowes. |
Hiya, miller! Well, it seems you’ve negated your little ’explicitly clear OP’ speech by in fact, returning to post. Understand? You see, it’s all about reading comprehension. Get some. |
ozzy62, Spoken like a true Trump disciple. Long on insults, short on facts. Are you truly that ignorant? Wow. Stay safe in your delusional little world. Everyone else who lives in the real world, be kind, be smart. We will come out of this. No matter what that ignorant, clueless, self serving man child says, I have faith that state and local government leaders will do the wise thing. Sure this thread is marked for oblivion, see you in the other side.
Callous, ignorant, out of touch, and more concerned about economic numbers and how it will reflect on him than about keeping vulnerable people alive... |
Ozzy62- "If we drag this thing out..." What nonsense is that??!!
Miller, You have to scan past all of the mindless blather from us ignorant masses and put up with all the unfair, stilted police state running of this forum. We have to scan past your obscure site quoting, paranoid, conspiracy theory, insulting mindless blather. So I’d call it even. If you’re So in a tizzy about how this forum is run and all the ignorance you have to put up with, quit. Simply quit. Why put yourself through the aggravation. |
Hey uber, Next time you do have a coffee with Bailey’s, add some Frangelico. Called a Nutty Irishman. Great after dinner drink. Or breakfast. Potato, potahto.... |
They and welshmen. Those guys are nuts also! |
Sorry, oz. Not wrong. Nothing to do with what anyone is trying to add to the relief package. This is about listening to economists over what EVERY medical expert is advising against. What’s worse? Waiting it out for a month or two, while this thing will likely peak and decline and continue following isolation practices, or rushing people back to work and negating the most effective weapon against this thing really exploding. Yes, it’s gonna batter the economy, but you’ll have a healthy workforce returning and getting it back on track sooner. Send everyone back before then, and you’ll see a medical and economic disaster exponentially worse. That’s exactly what he’s trying to do. Because of his out of touch ignorance. You hear the ridiculous things he’s saying. None of it based on facts. Just on what he wants to believe. |
Thank you, my friend. I hope you and your family are well also and are staying safe. We are fine. Constant hand washing and sanitizing any and every time we contact an outside surface. Even spraying our money with Lysol! Stay safe. The world is a better place with people like you in it...
So miller, have you now switched back to the doom and gloom scenario? Because the last thread you started that got deleted, you were saying that this will all be over in no time at all because the antimalarial drug Chloroquine was being administered with a 100 percent cure rate. You know, and as proof you provided a link to some obscure site that verified it. It was similar to another obscure site you quoted in another now deleted thread you started. Remember, the site that was taken down because it was proven to be pure road apples? Will your next soon to be deleted thread be the bearer of dandy fake news or doom and gloom fake news? So hard to keep up. You are the fickle little scamp!
Before or after you seduced her?😀
You're comparing this to the common flu season??! Nonsense. And there is a right way. The lesser of two evils. Practice isolation until it peaks and declines. Sorry if that 'drags it out'. Liberals we be ECSTATIC if the economy tanks and the death rate spirals??! I don't believe that horrible scenario would make anyone feel that way. And again, nothing I posted has to do with the relief package. Now your post will likely get deleted because of who you mentioned, but it has shown where you stand. I believe we are done here. |
Um, huh? Correct me if I am in error, but the scuttlebutt around the barbershop is that slavery was indeed abolished in this country some time ago.... |
Frangelico over crushed ice. Wonderful summertime cocktail. Or when listening to your audio system. Figured it was time somebody actually mentioned audio....!
Hey miller, as long as you’re telling heartwarming stories about your savior, why don’t you tell us the one about Vera Coking? you know, the frail, elderly lady he tried to kick out of her own home using every dirty trick in the book so he could put in limo parking where her house was. Come on, tell us. A feel good story if there ever was one! I don’t imagine I’ll get a response. You have a habit of gleaning over posts directed at you that you have no defense against. Ok, forget what he tried to do to Vera Coking, how do you feel about his decades of sexual harassment, of which he was undeniably caught on tape joking about, or is that all fake news too, because it doesn’t fit your naive narrative of what a stand-up guy he is. Jeez, his minions are as delusional as he is.