Useful Information

Parties interested in receiving useful information are invited to PM. This way we can share useful information without triggering others, having posts and threads removed, and having to scan past oceans of mindless blather.
Salutations to you thecarpathian...I hope you are well, you and your family in this crisis times ?... My best wishes for you and for all...
Thank you, my friend. I hope you and your family are well also and are staying safe. We are fine. Constant hand washing and sanitizing any and every time we contact an outside surface. Even spraying our money with Lysol!
Stay safe.
The world is a better place with people like you in it...

I cannot give to you my hand but I can offer to you a home in my heart….My best wishes...
On a sad note, Lupus sufferers and there are many are now not able to get a critical med....

I could never figure out the kind of people that get their panties in a wad about a message forum.
Have met a few of them already though, you know , Nutty Irishmen.
Well, you can add one more to the list. Some of my tattoos are of a Celtic Knot, a Shamrock broach, and a Celtic circle of three Irish Wolfhounds chasing each other in a circle with each grabbing the tail of the one in front. 

Something to do with pastoral splendor.
Nutty indeed.

All the best,

Nutty Irishman is also an excellent pipe tobacco. Just thought you guys should know :-)
And this is why I keep coming here.
Where else could you learn so much trivia in one night!
...I'm still mulling over the 'elevated' part of the comment....

If 'elevated' means that ones' posts are not subject to a response that doesn't instigate 'fawning' or 'sycophantic responses', well...

Enjoy your self-imposed exile.*wave*

MC, every now and again, you would expound in detail about and on a subject of interest.   Every now and then....

It's when your ego and delusion of self got into'd go annoying.

Me?  I'm annoying up front.  I have my attitude; I don't object to being ignored or disregarded.

But I've known for a long time that my views are 180 out from most...if not 99.99....

And I consider it a Gift. 
Frangelica is so seductive. Like, you have a tumbler of it and before you know it, the bottle is gone. 

I remember seducing my wife on our first date on a moonlit hike with a bottle of frangelica. Good times. She thought I was gay. 
Frangelico over crushed ice.
Wonderful summertime cocktail.
Or when listening to your audio system.
Figured it was time somebody actually mentioned audio....!
Figured it was time somebody actually mentioned audio....!
Say what?
Whats that then.....?
@millercarbon " Sarcasm. Clever. Maybe you are lonely too. Or if not no worries, keep on running around without a mask and you will be."

Mr. Miller, Had I known that you are actually lonely as you elude to in your reply I wouldn't have gone there. I don't roll that way. 

Yes, I have masks for all of us, N99 in fact, carbon filtering also. Not sure why you assumed I wasn't taking all precautions. 

BTW I enjoy most of your posts.  Although I have no way of knowing I'd bet you're a much more pleasant person than your posts suggest.

Stay safe, as will I.


I hate to judge before all the facts are in but it appears audio has been replaced by Wack a Mole. The sport of Kings. 🤗
Anyone want to trade some eggs for some toilet paper?
Ridiculous. There is a shortage of nothing. Until people believe there is a shortage. It's a self fulfilling problem.
If we all just bought groceries like we normally do, there would be plenty of everything to go around.
Grandparents used to opt for Sears Roebuck catalogs between corn cobs....gave one a chance to heal from the 'coarse ones'....

carpathian, I'd go with that plenty 'rolled paper' (by accident, not intent....another long story....), store today had zero eggs....ditto chicken.  We scored the last loaf of bread...

Got more wine for the spouse....

It's been recommended to 'self-inoculate' with alcohol before and after WH press conferences....1 before, 2 between is up to the viewer.... 

My recommendation: paper cups.  Beats broken screens....
GK, Wacking the mole is easy when it's a slow target...

....might be 'entertaining' to become the 'counter-intelligence agent'....;)

Pierce 'The Wall'....find That Door without a doorknob, just a small sign saying:

No Churls Allowed

" grip either, for the Wizard behind the curtain..."

Have masks from a 'bout of walking pneumonia awhile back...keeping them as a 'back-up parachute'....when The Situation begins to be like the second title of a book I own:

"Hell is Other Humans"

(Fortunately, no need to go out 'n about much...light traffic is actually a pleasant side-effect.
Spent most of the weekend ripping out dead kudzu and other weeds without distractions...*G*  Nothing like it for shedding 'negativity'....)  ;)

Stay healthy, J
If we all just bought groceries like we normally do, there would be plenty of everything to go around.
Eggsactly. I've been saying that to anyone who'd listen as I shop.
Everyone agrees.

All the best,

It appears miller has abandoned his own thread.
Perhaps he and his personal fan club, the 'carbon copies', are secretly reading it all and mocking us via pm.
Just a short PSA for our friends who enjoy a drink or three during this unpleasant time. Alcohol suppresses your immune system, so please use good judgment.
And wash those hands like you just picked poison ivy!
Hey Carp.
Scored a 12 pack of toilet rolls at Walmart this morning.

What ya got to trade?

Pair of B&W 801?
Gryphon Diablo?

Nice score, uber. I think the Great TP Shortage is winding down. I'm seeing it numerous places without a mad dash to get it. Now the Great Egg Shortage is in full gear.
Not a fan of the B&W sound. Might let them go for just a 6 roll....
Well, off to Publix to try to score a dozen jumbos. Eggs, that is....
One solution to the toilet paper problem is to encourage folks not to eat. That would also ameliorate the social distancing problem at grocery stores.
Fantastic idea, Geoff!  Covid as a weight loss regimen...

"Wow, you look Great!   Looks like you've lost a few pounds...."

"Yeah, thanks....lost 17 lbs. in 5 days eating toilet paper cardboard cores.
Little bit of salt, garlic....  And I poop scented paper pulp, so I can make my own paper...." what you wish for....;)

NPC thecarpathian, only now feebly grasping what was made explicitly clear from the start:
It appears miller has abandoned his own thread.
Perhaps he and his personal fan club, the ’carbon copies’, are secretly reading it all and mocking us via pm.

Explicitly clear from the OP:
Parties interested in receiving useful information are invited to PM. This way we can share useful information without triggering others, having posts and threads removed, and having to scan past oceans of mindless blather.

Mindless blather. Felt a little harsh to write. Now feels prescient.

Reading comprehension, NPC. Get some.
Many Americans could stand to lose a little weight if you ask me. Make America Skinny Again.


Post removed 
Hiya, miller!
Well, it seems you’ve negated your little ’explicitly clear OP’ speech by in fact, returning to post. Understand?
You see, it’s all about reading comprehension. Get some.
He doesn’t understand that this thread is now about a little friendly banter and camaraderie during a trying time, and we appreciate the moderators for allowing it to continue. These concepts are alien to him. He also believes he and only he is the Keeper of the Truth. He is a beacon of light cutting through the fog of ignorance. I’m telling you, there is no way he doesn’t have a wicker ’throne’ and Burger King hat in his one man bunker. How ironic that the most ignorant one thinks he’s the only one with the answers.

By the way, if you are low on anything, the Middleburg Aldi is loaded with everything. Meat, eggs, chicken, etc. The smaller one by Lowes.
That's good to know.
The wife picked up eggs at BJ's this morning but I like that Aldi so a good excuse to go!
Callous, ignorant, out of touch, and more concerned about economic numbers and how it will reflect on him than about keeping vulnerable people alive...


I agree completely. If we drag this thing out, there will be no society left to come back to, much less gainful employment.


Callous, ignorant, out of touch, and more concerned about economic numbers and how it will reflect on him than about keeping vulnerable people alive...
 Wrong. Just plain wrong.

You want to talk callous. How about the democrats that are trying to shove every last ounce of pork into a bill that should be about economic relief to individuals and businesses. Yes, that means corporations too because that's a LOT of jobs if they fail.

No 15.00 min wage, no obama phones,  no CO2 carbon offsets for airlines, etc. This is not the time nor place for all that crap.


It’s good to have 'decisive' guys like kenjit and miller around in these uncertain times.

Keep up the good work and thanks for supplying this link miller. My eyes strangely turned moist.

Sorry, oz. Not wrong.
Nothing to do with what anyone is trying to add to the relief package.
This is about listening to economists over what EVERY medical expert is advising against.
What’s worse? Waiting it out for a month or two, while this thing will likely peak and decline and continue following isolation practices, or rushing people back to work and negating the most effective weapon against this thing really exploding. Yes, it’s gonna batter the economy, but you’ll have a healthy workforce returning and getting it back on track sooner. Send everyone back before then, and you’ll see a medical and economic disaster exponentially worse. That’s exactly what he’s trying to do. Because of his out of touch ignorance. You hear the ridiculous things he’s saying. None of it based on facts. Just on what he wants to believe.
Sad to say it, but sheeple want the government to take care of them at every turn. I’m not saying this isn’t serious, and we shouldn’t treat it as such. But that means using common sense, like we should be doing during every common flu season.

The bottom line is there is no right way for Trump to turn. The economy tanks, he’s done. The death rate spirals, he’s done. But either way, liberals are ecstatic.

"Mr. President, reassure the American people"

"Donald Trump is giving the American people false hope"

But don’t sweep under the rug what the dems want to do with this relief package. The mainstream media is doing that too. The American public needs to know what selfish, horrible people they are.



Anyone trying to make political capital out of this does so at their own risk.

The public may be gullible at times, but they are never that stupid. 
Anyone trying to make political capital out of this does so at their own risk.

The public may be gullible at times, but they are never that stupid.

I would like to believe you. But methinks you over estimate the intelligence of the average voter........
You're comparing this to the common flu season??! Nonsense.
And there is a right way. The lesser of two evils. Practice isolation until it peaks and declines. Sorry if that 'drags it out'.
Liberals we be ECSTATIC if the economy tanks and the death rate spirals??!
I don't believe that horrible scenario would make anyone feel that way.
And again, nothing I posted has to do with the relief package.
Now your post will likely get deleted because of who you mentioned, but it has shown where you stand.
I believe we are done here.
The public may be gullible at times, but they are never that stupid
Unfortunately nowadays it does appear that yes they really are that stupid.