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Showing 14 responses by mahgister

The greatest problem in the Us now is the division polarization of the different instances of government, and of the population, between those who takes the health crisis very seriously, and those who does not or dont want to understand the prioritization of the health crisis problem...

The Group A (those wo takes that seriously) confinement, testing necessities, impossibility to going back to work, before the health crisis will be under control,are mainly democrats and responsible republicans, yes they exist (Romney for example)...

The Group B is mostly constituted by republicans( underestimating and even negating the health crisis) that takes all the health crisis slightly (Rand Paul), that takes way more seriously the coming depression, that are more preoccupied by the economic crisis, without even understanding the link between the 2...It is simple: Market cannot assess price in total uncertainty period amid a non controlled health crisis... And Bail-outs will not save the economy except if the health crisis in controlled under 6 months...

The fact that Trump is at the head of group B, and promote to going to work, even before the crisis was controlled, and maintain this conditioning of the mind among the general population, create more polarization, impeach and obstruct an homogeneous action and response at all level of government,and more tragically in the general population day to day actions and reactions, all this  irrational  lack of action and contradictory stances of Trump wishful thinking will be see by future historians as the most stupid plan of action in all history amid a pandemic...

What I describe is only factual, feel free to bash me if it gives to your blinded soul some consolation....
Thanks for the video ….My best to you...

This video must be listen to by all....

« According to his own estimate, he is worth in excess of $10 billion. If we take him at his word, that means his charitable contributions come to about 0.05 per cent of his fortune, or five cents for every $100.»

But his worth is at most probably around a billion then he gives 50 cents for 100 dollars...
The act of generosity of Trump are not convincing, it is like I give one dollar to a man in the street...Or Hitler loving his secretaries... Have you ever read about the kindness of Hitler? Read the book written by his secretaries and maids... He was the most loving man in the world... I read it and I think to myself what a good man, really...The wife of " iceman" the psychopath killer said he was the best husband and father that ever exist...A man must be judged by the way he treat his enemy, this is only evangelical simple lesson...

Second I can give to you free of charge a book about his pathology signed by 27 doctors...Are they all deluded?

I like you passion and heart, I am sorry really to be right because in the months to come we will all suffer because of his incompetent rants and smiles.... The State of the world is linked to the economic life of the US...We will all suffer even those who do not vote in America...

Its a shame to say it mahgister but you have fallen in with a bad crowd
You are a good person I dont have doubt, but you are very ingenuous... The proof is in this words of yours...The world is not divided between pro Trump and Trump Bashers except for you....I dont hate trump, I pray for another more mature, more intelligent, and first and foremost less narcissistic man a man who really love men more than money.... 
Some pathological personality has great charm, this is the way they treated their enemy that reveal what they are...Look at what he says after Romney health problem... But I dont want to argue.... I wish you are right and that all I think is pure delusion sincerely...Because we are in great trouble if I am right...I feel that you have a good heart millercarbon, not Trump...I will pray that I am completely wrong for the sake of all....

I dont know what to say to you millercarbon, because I know you are not stupid....

Then we must called it illusion....

The reality is plain simple, Trump has no conscience, it is a con man...Like those who sell consciously snake oil... Travel the world at large, ask literate people what they think about Trump in any country.... Dont say to them that Trump is great.... They will smile politely at you.... Sorry....

It is not a question about left or right policies....democrats or republicans.... this is Trump against anybody, this man has zero empathy...Self pity yes, pity for no one....His political working in action crisis is nil....It is not me who say that this is the states officials...This is the greatest crisis in American history, on par at least with civil war...
If Trump is here in November no one will re-elect him.... Too much dying , too much poverty, no economic recovery... Not only he is unable to do that more the time pass, but he dont want to.... He is ruined now with this crisis with his hotels ans golf course he need cash, he know that...His rant was like the prayer of a …. when people are dying around him....

I have hope because of the solidarity that these circonstances will impose.... And there will be a cure in a not too much time...

My heart is pounding...I think about my family.... I think about unknowns families all across the world....More poor than us in America....We have no excuse if we cannot do like Roubini just said....

The problem is the same in Canada than in the US, people, even wise one normally dont understand the interlocking dimensions of the health and economic crisis, and speak like in the Trump song, perhaps the remedy is worst than the disease... Then not facing the crisis and the right hard things to do, they will delay and worsen the crisis.... It is impossible to go to work without complete shut down, testing at grand scale, for 3 months....if you do not do that the problem will go for one year, the virus will reappear this winter, and the capacity to restart the economy and the market would not be so strong.... We cannot wait....Chinesse, Korea, Taiwan, said the same thing.... We do that or  we go Italian way.... I am afraid for sure not so much  of the virus, I am afraid by the stupidity of some....
Not only we cannot go out in weeks but perhaps in this year....T. is completely senile and nuts and I dont speak about Biden... Listen to the 2 videos of Nouriel Roubini I just post before...He state pragmatically the dimension of this crisis....And to date it is the best analysis in 20 minutes I have seen... Feel free to advise me where better understanding of the crisis are... I want to know....By the way not being senile politically he does not speak left or right ideology....

I am a bit afraid but what? I am not and dont want to be an ostrich....
If you feel too much anxious now dont listen to that now...

if you want to know the situation you will listen to Economist Nouriel Roubini about what we must face in the months to come...This guy predict accurately the 2018 crisis...It seems to own his brain...the 2 videos  complete themselves....
In my experience people are not so much stupid than lazy.... It is difficult for me not being stupid more than half the times each day... That task ask for thinking, reading, studying, be silent(very difficult for me).... I hope I am not totally stupid... I think I am not totally stupid because being stupid is a choice not a genetic affliction... and i try to read and think a lot …. Perhaps not enough? Who want to think? And more important: who want to meditate about his own thinking and acts and choices? Intelligence begins after the meditation then, not solely after some thinking.... Thinking is not enough.... :)

One by one the individual composing the mass are not stupid they are lazy...The mass is a mass....Inert and instinctual like a beast or robotic like an army....Political direction is there to drive the mass to synchronized action instead of erupting instinctual acts...
I cannot give to you my hand but I can offer to you a home in my heart….My best wishes...
Salutations to you thecarpathian...I hope you are well, you and your family in this crisis times ?... My best wishes for you and for all...