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Showing 16 responses by nonoise

i'm not really surprised that Frank is blasting away at those most hurt by this and not a peep about the slush fund for the filthy rich. He keeps looking down at what he thinks is the problem and not up at the well fed vultures that run this economy, always looking for a way to further enrich themselves at the expense of the less fortunate. 

But at least he's staying in character. 👍

All the best,
I've been waiting for that stimulus package since he's been in office. He promised it to get elected and then went the way of his donors and benefactors. 

What he would like to see is public financing of existing projects only to award them to his cronies through privatization. Another example of reverse socialism.

Windmills are starting to look like an option.

All the best,
“Raymond Shaw is the kindest, warmest, bravest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life,' and even now I feel that way - this minute. And yet, somewhere in the back of my mind, something tells me it's not true.”

Bill Gates had this to say about Trump's plan to just open everything up and go back to work:
"It’s very tough to say to people, ‘Hey, keep going to restaurants, go buy new houses, ignore that pile of bodies over in the corner. We want you to keep spending because there’s maybe a politician who thinks [gross domestic product] GDP growth is what really counts,’” Gates said, adding that a shutdown may need to remain in place for six to 10 weeks.
All the best,

You need to take your act on the road. You can be part of the warm up act before Trump goes on stage at his rallies. You can also change your job title to Official Trump Fluffer. 

All the best,
The man has declared war on half the country. 
"It's a two way street, they have to treat us well too."---Trump

Do governors have to grovel and praise him? Or maybe drop any investigations their AGs have? 

He went on to say Gov. Cuomo could have had 2-3,000 ventilators if he'd only ask for them 2 years ago. No one saw this coming years ago so what did he mean by that?

He's clearly enjoying this and loves to torment those he has a grudge with. When told that Sen. Romney has Corona-19 and is in quarantine, he said. "Gee....that's too bad." and smirked when asked if he was being sarcastic. 

I think it's time to crack open a Truly Cherry flavored Hard Seltzer.

All the best,

Since you love the worst president this country has ever seen and compare him to the one who started the great decline of the middle class, form which we've never recovered, all I can say is even a grade school kid could do a better job of governing than Trump.

That, and I don't know where you come from but I draw the line at trees, barnyard animals, and any non-human species. Oh, and close relatives.

Enjoy your Kool-Aid.

All the best,
Just heard that Jack Ma, CEO of Alibaba, sent 500.000 test kits and 1 Million masks to the US. They were supposed to have gone to the CDC and no one is saying where they are.

Could it be that they're part of the stash being used by the wealthy and well connected? It was Ma who was touted by Trump as bringing thousands of jobs to the US that never materialized so he is connected to the right people.

All the best,

Where the hell is Dr. Fauci?

 In an interview with Science magazine, he was asked about Trump's constant lying and misstatements and he asked, "what am I supposed to do, push him down?" 


No more appearances from Dr. Fauci. Trump also said he was becoming a TV star and there's only room for one TV star in this cabinet.

Now we have Dr. Brix who said something akin to "it's only the old who will die" so is it safe to ask if eugenics is being entertained as a solution?

All the best,
Just saw a doctor who's been in 3rd world countries and she said we're now like a 4th world country, if that were possible. Nurses and doctors are being told to use their masks for at least 5 patients. 30,000 retired nurses answered the call to return to work.

This is like the second coming of the Dark Ages. It's like the intro of a Stephen King novel.

All the best,
There was a doctor from Spain who was openly weeping as he had to perform triage and take the elderly off their ventilators and give them to the younger patients who are going to have a better response.

When things start to really spike in the next week or two, are we going to be in the same predicament? Gov. Cuomo was lamenting that very same sentiment earlier today. He got 400 ventilators and asked what he's to do with the 26,000 remaining patients who need it as well.

All the best,
Please do not take medical advice from a man who looked directly at a solar eclipse.---Hillary Clinton

Her husband is dead & she's in the ICU after ingesting chloroquine:

"We saw Trump on TV -- every channel -- & all of his buddies and that this was safe," she said.
"Trump kept saying it was basically pretty much a cure."

She implored @VaughnHillyard: "Educate the people"
Yes, one side looks like it's turning into a death cult while the other is trying to get people to stop with the both sides do it fallacy. One side is clearly on the side of science, medicine, logic and reason while the other is in la la land.

All the best,

If we all just bought groceries like we normally do, there would be plenty of everything to go around.
Eggsactly. I've been saying that to anyone who'd listen as I shop.
Everyone agrees.

All the best,

Have met a few of them already though, you know , Nutty Irishmen.
Well, you can add one more to the list. Some of my tattoos are of a Celtic Knot, a Shamrock broach, and a Celtic circle of three Irish Wolfhounds chasing each other in a circle with each grabbing the tail of the one in front. 

Something to do with pastoral splendor.
Nutty indeed.

All the best,

According to several people I know with knowledge of the situation, that is why tax returns wont be released. It will show clearly tax fraud was committed. DOJ won’t let that happen and a self granted pardon will block it.
Ah, yes. Trump is listed as "unindicted coconspirator #1" in the case that sent his lawyer, Michael Cohen to prison. As soon as he leaves the WH, he can be arrested and the trial should be very short. On that charge alone, he can serve 10 years.

Then there's AG Barr and his squashing of several cases by his own DOJ and what he's trying to shut down by other jurisdictions AGs. He was always a bagman since his days as AG for Bush. Once a new president is in office, all manner of cases will be reopened.

It will be fun to watch his assets frozen, his properties seized, his offspring fighting like King Lear's kids over his crumbling empire of grift, greed, and avarice. People will line up for their pound of flesh from this con man.

All the best,
Nonoise moderation of the Audiogon Insider's double secret probation club. Sounds tempting.

All the best,