Should we care if a piece of equipment comes from a pet-free, kid-free, smoke-free home?

I agree that I do not want a preamp or speaker coated with a film of smoke, but I am confused as to what a child or pet could do that would not be otherwise visible. You would see the cat scratches on the speaker grill, the dog chew marks on the rack, the iguana turds in the amplifier cooling vents. And what's a little dog hair among friends? As a 3 year old, I supposedly put my finger through my grandfather's new DIY speaker but I'm pretty sure he replaced the drivers so even that doesn't really matter. Most things will be visible and/or easily remedied.  Maybe the price will even be a little lower because of the cosmetics. If it doesn't mess with function, not a big deal to me.

What concerns me more is does it come from a drunk-free, drug-free home.  I think befuddled owners are far more worrisome than pets or children.



Have you read and understood Bernard Mandeville before i mentionned it here?

Have you already coupled it with rené Girard ?

Those two hacks never wrote anything even close to as good as The Art Of The Deal.

Looks like we really need to forget about kids, dogs and other home dwelling species or dog peeing on the speaker -- not important at all

We should really make sure it's not communist or any kind of extremist or *ist.

Plenty of "good thoughts" here... Keep'em comin

As an elite eastern university graduate I was taught to banish ignorance with reason.  Alas, I have found that open discussion only makes some wrap their ignorance more tightly around themselves.  Extremism in the defense of extremism is a vice.

Post removed 

Why not speaking to me in my face instead of  insinuating in my back?

By the way are you saying that my explanation of commom roots for fascim and communism in materialist techno-cultism dont say much at all ?

You knew already where this "market" idea was born and why ?

You already linked it to the idea of Calvinism ?


Have you read and understood Bernard Mandeville before i mentionned it here?

Have you already coupled it with rené Girard ?

No.... Then shut up trolling people in their back and claiming in an hypocrital way that i said nothing ...



Lots of words though.

The words never cease. And they never really say much at all.

Lots of words though.

The words never cease. And they never really say anything at all.

I thought you were going to say the cat peed on the salamander rack. cat pee has got to be the foulest of all stenches, if not a cat turd.


@shtinkydog  ,  after I got laid off in '05 I went to nursing school and finished off my working-man career as a nurse; I can tell you that there are a lot worse stenches than cat excrement.

I never buy gear from migrant tribal people with camels due to all the sandy dust issues. Also, I can't deal with anybody who lives outdoors or owns ferrets.

@jbuhl I thought you were going to say the cat peed on the salamander rack. cat pee has got to be the foulest of all stenches, if not a cat turd.  😼

Some seem to have had their sense of humor surgically removed. Lots of words though.


Suppose our humor center had been chirurgically removed but our brain works anyway....😊

And suppose a social context in ebullition which makes an opposition possible between 2 groups and suppose the alleged " joke" can go in 2 direction:

A) " i dont want gear coming from fascist home"


B) "i dont want gear coming from communist home"...


now because your brain work and not removed the "joke" choice A or B express more a political choice aiming at a group, a watchword, than a joke...What René Girard explained well as a designed victim scapegoating group CHOSEN .

Like the joke Goebbels was doing against communists in germany or the joke of Stalin against Nazis...

They can express humor only in a political context where others are of the same political ilk ...out of this context they are watchword or fuel throwed on a fire ...



Now the good news is that the doctor had replaced my humor sense today... You were right it has been removed ... 😁

I dont think this is a good joke in the time being ... It was a joke yes but a bad one...

My humor sense being chirurgically had been replaced now i concur with you : it was just a joke...You are right!...

A very bad one though sorry...

In the meantime search about the unknown Mandeville, a true genius creator of the social-economic modern manual ...You will learn something about communism and fascism techno-cults common roots and their continuation today in propaganda by big corporations ...😊

My humor center is replaced but it is a bad news dont work well continuously ... 😁 it is why there is too much words...

But René Girard and Mandeville are real geniuses we must read together...Thank me later if your working brain has not been removed ... 😉

Some seem to have had their sense of humor surgically removed. Lots of words though.

                                                        Long story, short:



Take note that i dont support anyone...

Hate beget hate...

i recommend to everybody as urgent reading : René Girard "things hidden from the beginning of the world"

I despise any watchword from any parties, fascists communist pro or against...

My job is understanding...

Thanks anyway for appreciation of my historical point...

The true origin of left/right, capitalism-communism parties in the beginning of democracy and industrialisation after Mandeville creation of the market idea and of the social classes idea and of the unconscious, is materialism coupled in the social fabric with corporate techno cultism . It is very easy to spot it in the british empire. This techno cultism linked with corporate powers dominate today over all pawns of the two parties under any names. this techno cultism coupled with A.I. spell doom for freedom.. I cannot elaborate it will be out of place and too long...

Behind all wars there is greed and power but  add to that the techno cultism control which will be the next humanity division between organic human and modified human ...


Thanks for your kind words ...

@mahgister I have to praise you for your posts responding to fascist free household requirement.
You nailed it. The communists/socialists/anarchists/facsists etc. of the world who disregard history drive their idiotic narrative here and fuel the division. We’re hanging by a thread already. And yet they just can’t resist.
I’m surprised he didn’t post any additional videos of the Ivy League school protests supporting terrorists. I guess they don’t have a song yet. What a f-n mess…


I’m surprised he didn’t post any additional videos of the Ivy League school protests supporting terrorists. I guess they don’t have a song yet. What a f-n mess…

                                  Make that: POISON Ivy League!

                              ---MAKE '1984' FICTION AGAIN---


Some stories:

Walked into a friends house one day and he was keeping his granddaughters cat. Cat freaked as I walked in , bounce off the wall and landed right on top of the speaker, flopped onto the end table and broke a figurine.

I bought a Salamander cabinet off craigslist. When I entered the house some funky food odor was pungent. Put cabinet in car and soon realized the cabinet stunk as well. I disassembled it and scrubbed it repeatedly with baking soda. It still took months for that odor to subside. Never did put a finger on what the hell that was.

I kept my neighbors old Lab one day. He just lumber around most of the time. But ever now and then he would get a burst of energy and start slinging his rope toy around and for some reason insisted on doing it right on front of my floor standers. I kept redirecting him to other rooms but he would just run back right in front of my speakers. WTF?

I always perk up when I see smoke,pet and kid free.


You must have missed the recent "The Dog Peed on My Speaker" thread.


@mahgister I have to praise you for your posts responding to fascist free household requirement.
You nailed it. The communists/socialists/anarchists/facsists etc. of the world who disregard history drive their idiotic narrative here and fuel the division. We’re hanging by a thread already. And yet they just can’t resist.
I’m surprised he didn’t post any additional videos of the Ivy League school protests supporting terrorists. I guess they don’t have a song yet. What a f-n mess…

I sold all my gear as coming from a  "free  from audiophile vermin" home ..



       When my daughter was five;  I put a system together for her with a Technics integrated.

      An older child was visiting, turned every knob on the Technics to max and THEN pushed the Power button.     It was on FM and the kid had managed to find a nice spot between channels (White Noise galore).

      Before I could reach the room, she had taken out the right channel's output IC and educated/reminded me about a lot of other peoples' children.     

                       (Just another way kids can abuse equipment.)

       Don't want to smell your cat, dog, or tar/nicotine (never have bought a smoked-in car, either).

       I've always thought there were others out there, that felt as I do, thus: anything I've sold, far as things electronic (since the kids have grown), have been listed as: 'From a smoke, pet, child and vermin* free home'.

                            *No fleas, ticks, roaches or mouse turds, either.

        Can't help but feel: I'm not the Lone Ranger; when it comes to buying a CLEAN piece of electronic gear or cabling.

                        Couldn't care less about the virtue signalers' opinions!

                                          Happy listening!

Jokes are not watchword in an already political hot context.

we smile at jokes, we rally behind watchword...

Do you sense the difference?

Or perhaps some use a watchword making a very bad joke , it can be the case here or you can rewrote this watchword as a joke... ...

But anyway my historical instructive post about fascism and communism common origin in  social techno cultism materialism with Mandeville will teach you something you did not know... Then thank me for the information which is very deep and important... I am only half joking here... 😊 I dont wait for your thanks... 😊


No kidding! Good humored sarcasm, irony and facetiousness are totally lost on a lot of guys here

That’s a fact.

No kidding! Good humored sarcasm, irony and facetiousness are totally lost on a lot of guys here

That's a fact. 

@jl35 When I was around 18 or 19, I upgraded from a $65 refurbished Pioneer receiver that I found at Sears to a $130 Yamaha receiver that my friend's dad was selling.  You guessed it, this thing reeked of cigarette smoke.  He had it in his garage where he and his dad would hang out and built RC airplanes and drink beer and smoke their arses off.  Even the mom was a heavy smoker.  I remember one day going over there with my friend and could not believe the walls on the inside of the house...YELLOW, but the paint was white!!!  It was disgusting.   But ask me if I cared.  It was a Yamaha!  Took it home and it took me about 3 months of spraying Windex (I didn't know any better) into a rag and wiping down the chassis with it.  I stopped smelling it, but the insides still stunk like hell.   Sweet sounding receiver, not so sweet smelling.  Cheers. 

Thanks ...

The one who wrote "fascism free room " used exactly this expression here to stir a political debate or bait someone... I defeated his ignorant or twisted tactic by historical explanation... That was my goal... Anyway very few know about Bernard Mandeville deep genius in economics, psychological, and sociological science ... I always try to inform if i can ... 😊

Historical facts are interesting , political watchwords are useless.



I enjoy your deep dives into a variety of subjects. Admittedly, sometimes I have to scan over your comments due to time constraints.

As mentioned before, I am involved with several "unite", "detoxify" and "depolarize" groups (including my own), and those tidbits you insert now and then are helpful. And, yes, single-worded and/or truncated remarks designed to ambush "the other side" are great conversation killers. Which is the objective for those who use their high IQs to win debates rather than leveraging the asset to seek the truth

Yes, I bought a amp from a smoking - cat home and I had to vacuum all the cat hair out of the amp (cat slept on the amp). It still had issues and had to be cleaned by a tech friend of mine. The smoke literally cakes up on connections, etc.


I enjoy your deep dives into a variety of subjects. Admittedly, sometimes I have to scan over your comments due to time constraints.

As mentioned before, I am involved with several "unite", "detoxify" and "depolarize" groups (including my own), and those tidbits you insert now and then are helpful. And, yes, single-worded and/or truncated remarks designed to ambush "the other side" are great conversation killers. Which is the objective for those who use their high IQs to win debates rather than leveraging the asset to seek the truth.


We recently had an item presented for service that we affectionately named: "The Marlboro Man Turntable."  It had decades of layered smoke and nicotine stains on everything so thick that it, literally, took Bug and Tar remover to get them off.  

We often get into a discussion of the history of a (vintage) item when checked in, but in this case it was a quick in and out process.  I was more than curious about the environment this turntable resided in for years, but was hesitant to ask the owner.  When completed, I notified the owner.  I few hours later, I heard his vehicle pull up behind the shop and went out to greet him.  He opened the door of his truck and thick, billowing smoke exited the vehicle.  Question answered.

I took a photo of the (before) turntable, printed out a next poster-sized copy and have it hanging on the wall in our shop.  It was, truly, the most profound example of "second hand smoke" I've ever encountered.

I’ve got grandkids, a dog all that. No worries. Smoke… no go. Period.

Good point! And important one...

We must ban fetichist if we buy remote control...

This is not political propaganda but hygienic and health recommendation ...


Dog dead flies  bodies inside amplifier kill more person than thunderstorm in antartica each year by the way ...


How can you exclude what's not visible?

How can you see communist or left-right-race-lgbtq-ist or pretty much any *ist selling audio?

Can you imagine what fetishist can do to audio?

Yogiboy thanks for your kind reply...And humor...

But someone in a non political thread throw a political watchword : he does not want to buy from fascism home...

I add i dont want to buy from communist home either...

And then i want to explain for those who are able to think where does these political propaganda and watchwords came from IN HISTORY ...

It is not informative to know where capitalism amd Marxist come from ?

This will makes us able to stay away from political ideologue...

I dont like watchwords from any side in this actual civil unrest in America...

Then i appeal to the brain of people in my post , the other poster may appeal to crowd reaction... I do not act like that sorry...

I apologise if thinking may be disturbing but it is necessary to correct those who throw easy watchword....... 😊

Making people think WITH HISTORY is better than stirring the toxic and intoxicated left/right pot ...

Then my posts about music and about also acoustics and about audiophilia system creation are sometimes "philosophical" but i dont speak to crowd i spoke for those able to think ... Acoustic, music , and audio system creation are anyway philosophical journey too it is about understanding not just purchase and blind consumerism ...

For example i just gave many articles adresses describing an acoustic scientific revolution in the understanding of hearing and music right now  in some thread... This is positive no ?

Better than a post appeal to ban fascism ... Why not communism too ? and why not understanding the link between these two monsters ?

We must understand what is a sound to appreciate our hobby ...It is impossible without philosophy of science...

@mahgister You sound like a nice guy but why do you always have to get philosophical with all your posts?

@mahgister You sound like a nice guy but why do you always have to get philosophical with all your posts?

I know people sleep when some others throw  propaganda watchwords..

I prefer to think sorry skip my post... 😊

I will exclude not only fascist house owner as some did but communist house owner...

Why ?

Because fascism is born from an economical techno pseudo science where corporate powers collude with politic nationalism as in Italy or with religion as in Spain or as with racist biological science as in Germany...

Communism is born from techno cultist economical theory of class warfare born from ignorance by Marx.

All these techno cults based on biology or economy come from before Marx and before Adam Smith from the genius of calvinist Bernard Mandeville trying to solve the scarcity problem and the social control problem after the demise of oligarchic tyranny in England and the birth of democracy in England.

Mandeville thought about deep methods inspired by his calvinist predestination ideology to make the social Hive creative in spite of the sins and with the help of the sins and created before Adam Smith the market concept , Smith plagiarise, and truncate his thoughts , and stole from him the concept of market; and more than that  Mandeville genius created before Freud the concept of the unconscious in 1714. Mandeville called by all Europe the "man of the devil" said " Men are not where they thought they are ". he created the concept of social classes before marx and deeper than him : the pervert psychopath at the head, the nevrotic narcissists,  in the middle and in the margin the self centered sociopath, for sure he does not use these modern words but it is the same .   It is Mandeville who said : " the private vices create the collective virtue"... This truth being too unconvenient to be said as that ,  from Smith to Hayek they pudically rename  the vices a "self interest" in the austrian school of economy  ...😁

He literally wote the social control user manual to govern people without them being conscious of it .This is the reason why Hayek whose economic school win 8 Nobel prizes called him "our master to us all"...Think about that...😊

Then if you do not want to stay ignorant ban fascism yes but as well as communism and dont listen and dont trust any person who ban only one of these two monsters...They had a common root...

Have you not observed that techno cultism is the next religion not fascism alone or communism alone but something much worse ? materialism gave birth to techno-cultism which is the father of transhumanism religion ...

Many idiotic people stir the pot with left/right propaganda... Be over it and think by ourselves...

As you can see my post is philosophical not as some just did about ideological watchword ...

inform yourself before repeating watchwords of any left or right propagandist...


As said Chesterton : "the modern world is full of chritian ideas gone mad"

Calvinist predestination from which modern economy is born, unbeknowst to most economist save Hayek and few others, is such an idea gone mad. Add materialism and you had techno-cultism ideology of the fascist kind or of the communist kind , pick your flavor. ...


...pardon....' or one with a vacant mind living there.'

Try a AZ Statehouse address.... ;) 😏😎

.....any 'undesirable mail' should be forwarded to an address in AZ for a vacant lot... 

@hilde45, y'all got That 10/10.... and @waytoomuchstuff got it right 'bout the comb poem....

Anywhat...send this out with a sale...

DISCLAIMER: Object for sale is 10/10 on it's 'rated' and/or 'deterministic performance' as designed and manufactured.

"Cosmetic appearance" Does Not Include :

Odors, dust, 'glazed' or 'coated' finish(es) exterior and interiors, or 'sticky' to the hand.  Was used in a normal human habitation by apparently normal humans in seemingly typical ways and by normal means.

Any of the above is the 'enhancement' brought on by the normal 'antique=unique process" we're proud to be a part and participant in.

Please Note:

Fastest method of 'reversing' the A-UP is to pressure-wash the item throughly at a local car wash (including the blower): note that this will have to be done manually.

Further and complete drying with require having the device dry in a sunny day with low humidity for 3~5 days.  Open unit to inspect for any trapped moisture; if found, repeat drying time and inspection.

Not responsible for unit failure and/or any site damage due to electrical and/or fire.

Thanks for the transaction, and Good Luck!" 


Kids? Fine.

If hifi kit survives kids’ earliest years, it’s solid. If kit survives kids’ teenage music-discovery years, it’ll beat kryptonite.


Dogs? Fine.

Dogs might shed, they might drool, but they also guard the home against burglars breaking in to steal a listening session.


Birds? Fine.

Bird dust will coat the kit and protect it from ill effects of tar etc. should there have been any smoking on the premises.


Cats? Fine.

Better that cats perch upon / sleep atop the kit than had the birds.
May prevent coin deposits in cooling vents; caution top-firing woofers.
Cat dander - see Birds.


Reptiles? Fine.

If you contract Salmonella from the kit, you know the previous owner didn’t douse said kit with sanitizer spray, and so perhaps also avoided Febreze.


Fish? Fine.

Aquarium-borne humidity simulates a subtropical / coastal environment and certifies the kit’s gold plating is authentic.


Ferrets? NO.


Smoking? Fine.

Tar will seal up the bird dust / cat dander coating and thus protect circuits from aquarium-borne humidity shorts, especially kit with cheap / worn plating.


#1 on my No-No’s Top 10 List?

“Foam party-free.” Not to be confused with “Foam Party - Free!”

Aside from the equipment conditions, smells and fragrances are a major issue for those suffering from allergies. Fumes from perfume and cologne are virtually impossible to eliminate and, in my case, inflame sinuses and cause extreme headaches.    

I once purchased a pair of Linn Isobarik speakers from a well known Canadian broadcaster. He occasionally mentioned his love for his cats when extolling the virtues of the music he played.

Unknown to all his CBC listeners was the fact that his cats used the top firing drivers of the Isobariks like a nest to sleep on! I had to replace two sagging midrange units and two flattened dome tweeters...