Phono Preamp Selection

I have no idea of which Phono Preamp I should purchase.  I read the reviews from Audio Science and the author provides testing criteria and results for Phono Preamps. I do not have a awesome system - rather it is just a nice system. I reviewed (Pro-ject Phono Box DC MM/MC  / Cambridge Audio Duo / IFI Zen / Schitt Skoll ). My turntable is a MoFi with a Hana MC Cartridge. 500.00 is my budget as I am just a listener of old vintage records.  My amp is a Denon and my speakers are bookshelf Triangle(s). Appreciate your time and responses.


If I were you I'd be searching the used sections as you'll get much more for your dollar.

I tried 4 different ones, with the same budget (~$500). Ended up with the Moon lp 110 v2. Some integrated have terrific phono stages too, if you ever want to upgrade from the Denon.

When you say "old vintage records" are you listening to 78s, 45s, and/or monophonic records? 

Parasound ZC ZPhonoXRM for $249. Incredible value and great sound. I have used this phono with Hana ML and Thorens TT. 

I am not very familiar with this price category, although I have over fifty years of experience with phono stages. +1 buy used, this will get you in a higher performance category. I much prefer tubes phono stages. Finally, disregard anything you have read on ASR, some guys with instruments that love to chart things… but their reviews are vitally guaranteed to lead you away from good sounding equipment and towards flat lifeless sounding equipment. 

@ghdprentice I have heard good things about Jolinda, and a lot on the used market (which may be a red flag?)

I would echo Schiit Skoll at that price point. If you're into diy, build out the Pete Millett LR Phono and then get a step up transformer or head amp.

If you like old vintage stuff, tubes are the way to go. As mentioned, look used. You can often find older ARC phono stages for a song. There are others. ASR tends to be full of blowhards that have little concept of actual music so it would seem. Take the “reviews” with a grain of salt.

“I reviewed (Pro-ject Phono Box DC MM/MC  / Cambridge Audio Duo / IFI Zen / Schitt Skoll ).”

By reviewed are we to understand that a review was read or were these units auditioned?

I had a couple of Projects and they were good products. I even bought the $129 one while my regular one was being repaired and it was not bad at all. I don’t think you could go wrong with any of them. 

Look at the Lounge Audio LCR MK III.  Standard is $410, Silver (upgrades) version is $610.   I bought the Gold version, and it’s is amazing for my Thorens TT and Audio Technica MM cartridge.  Reviews of the standard version are quite good.  Hand made here in the USA.

Check out the Dynavector P75 Mk2

excellent well made adjustable preamp 

I owned one for several years and was very satisfied 

good luck

+1 for the Schiit Skoll ($399)

+1 for the Moon LP110 v2. ($750, a bit out of his $500 target price. Older models of this used to be $600. Perhaps look for used).

PS AUDIO.....MM/MC the last Phono Preamp you ever need. Even if you upgrade your Table or cart in the future.

Used there are actually a number of very good sounding MC stages at that price point. I’ve owned the Dynavector P75 (any version - I had a Mk 1!) and PS Audio GCPH. Both very good. The GCPH had a little hum at higher gain levels but I understand there are ways to mitigate this (maybe even just rotating the toroid).

I always love & recommend Jim Hagerman’s phono products (killer value), and though I haven’t yet heard his new Bugle MC, it should be amazing for the money ($289 new).

I ended up getting the Gold Note PH-10 with the PSU-10 power supply. The PH-10 offers all the settings you will need and they are on the fly. Very good value for a high end phono preamp.

I compared a MOON 110 vs the internal stage on my Rogue RP-1.  The MOON was not significantly better than the RP-1 so I did not purchase.  But the the RP-1 phono is well regarded for its price point.  Occasionally the MOON pops up on USaudiomart for ~$300.  That would proly be a bang buck solution. 

I have heard Jolinda equipment, although not the phonostage. Sounded great to me, natural and musical. I think they went out of business in 2017. But, I’m not sure that would stop me. Well made high end simple devices like phonostages should last decades and should be sevicable by any good audio technicians.

Personally, this probably gives you a real discount. I personally would take it over a Sim any day. I used to own some Sim equipment, looks nice, built well, not very musical.

“ I used to own some Sim equipment, looks nice, built well, not very musical.“

I was just thinking that other day when I returned a $12K tube phonostage. Looked amazing, built well but not very musical. I mean it sounded nice but nothing like something that draws you into music immediately. I’d experienced that instant immediacy with Shindo, Accuphase, New Audio Frontier to name a few. When you know what to listen for, you know it right away :-)

Check HIFI SHARK. There is a Sutherland KC Vibe MK2 listed for $500.00. I doubt you would go wrong with that one. BTW, my friend owned it before he upgraded to a more expensive model !

Yes, Hagerman Bugle MC is probably a good option also.

I built 2 Bugle 3s kits and liked them.  About as good as the EAR clone.

Lounge Audio I believe has a large lead time, like a couple of months.

I second the Sutherland KC Vibe.  I have had one for  a year and a half and it's been great.  

Hello smerk, I'm very pleased with my Schiit Skoll.  It has a neutral presence which is one aspect that I prefer in phono preamps.  The Skoll's flexibility allows you to adjust gain so that both MC and MM carts are compatible.  The remote control is an added convenience.  Also, IMO, the price point (under $400) makes it an excellent value.  I listen to a variety of vinyl from all genres/artists and the Skoll does a fine job with all.  BTW my primary TT is a "vintage" Denon DP 51F loaded with a Dynavector 10x5-Mk ll cart.  Good hunting in your search.

@ghdprentice perhaps you mean Jolida? Now Black Ice. I have their tube DAC. Amazing for the money with good NOS tubes.

phono’s are out of budget for the OP

@z32kerber GN PH-10 and PSU-10 are great for the money but used are 3x the OP’s budget and even the PH-5 might be overkill - the Denon may become the weak link at that point.

OP. Lots of great suggestions but the Skoll is a bargain and you can try one for 2 weeks - not long but enough, I think. Low risk.


In that range I would suggest a Parks Puffin, a tube Parks Budgie, or an Audion tube phone stage.

The Budgie was great but the Audion was next level.

The Pearl 3 Phonostage Built and ready for use, for the monies being asked in the Link, really does give a substantial VFM.

This type of design using quality components, when built by the hand of a competent EE, or enthusiast, adept with EE Skills, will produce a Phonostage very difficult to compete with. 

Have a read on the Pearl 3 Thread to be found in the Link, to learn about the designers, design concept, through to the Builds being produced and user reports on offer.



You might check to be certain, but I believe that the Hana's will work with a transimpedance phono stage. Look for a used Sutherland TZ vibe. They retail at $1400 but you may find one on the used market.  Ron Sutherland makes 2 more expensive models, and you may catch someone upgrading!

Don't know specific models, particularly if you include used options (+1). I would make sure that

1) you can set different resistance values for your MC cart, as it affects sound profoundly;

2) the settings are available from the front. Dip switches on the back or underneath the unit (or even inside: yikes) are pain to work with, IMHO. Even is you only play around in the beginning, dials/switches not in front are impeding you to adjust the unit to its fullest potential.

my 2c.

As an individual who has over a period of many years experienced in use numerous Phonostages, as a result of visiting the homes of other Audio Enthusiasts who have Analogue Sources and attending Forum arranged Phonostage Bake Off's. The demo's received have left myself with a certain way of generalisation for describing the impressions made.

Note: These demo's had, which are being described are not recent and are demo's that in general were restricted to a few repeat tracks used for each device, and one track the devices owner believed allowed to to perform at its best.

The assessments made and being shared, even though formed subjectively, are from my own encounter with the sound able to be produced, where the overall experience and evaluation made is indelible to myself.   

When being at a Phonostage Bake Off, there are a range of Phon's that range in purchase value (commercial background) / build value ( DIY / Commission Build). At the events I have attended, the Values of Purchase /Build are batched. Up to £2K, £2K - £4K - £4K and above.

I have not discovered a Phon' from a (commercial background) in the 'Up to £2K' range that has been selected to go on into the next scale of upping the price range. I have witnessed and agreed with the decision made for a ( DIY / Commission Build) to be selected to enter into the up the scale price range.

I have witnessed at a Bake Off, where a £2K -£4K( DIY / Commission Build) has been in the final group to be contested, and the Finale has been between a £10K (commercial background) and a £2K -£4K( DIY / Commission Build).

Using short periods of time for assessing a Phon' is not ideal, but in comparison events on a particular system, there are Phon's that just fall away as not bringing anything with noticeable attraction. Then there are the Phon's that Pop with their appeal, and then Phon's that Popped with appeal, that are bettered by Phon's with more attraction for their uniqueness of an attractive Pop. 

My experiences had, strongly suggest the best experiences to be has with a Phon', where a limited budget is a controlling factor for the purchase to be made, is that a ( DIY / Commission Build) is able to offer a route to own a Phon' that has substantial and notable improvements over (commercial background) Phon's that are costing similar, and in some cases, the  ( DIY / Commission Build) will compete very similar to a (commercial background) Phon' that has a cost that is much much more. 

The hardest part in making a selection, is learning where there is to be found from a Phon', an end sound that is of most attraction to the end user.  Getting this in place, takes footwork and broadening ones own experiences of being demo'd  Phon's in use.  

@pindac Have you had the opportunity to audition the Pearl 3 phono stage at some point? If so what were your impressions? It is available as a DIY kit for only $150.

I have not heard the Pearl 3, but have been able to listen to a variety if DIY / Commission Built Phon's in both SS and Valve, that have been extremely attractive as a device in comparison to other devices, of which some are DIY Kit and others from a Commercial background.

A Phon' produced as design from a designer like that of the range of Pearl Phon's with the 3 being the latest from 2023, has the potential to make a really good impression. There are user reports to be found that compares it to other Phon's and it is the recommended model as the outcome.

There are also builds now showing there are components now being made known that are making a further impression of betterment, which at some point may commence being referred to as an upgrade.

As stated, the EE skill set of the builder goes a long way when producing Phon's.

I tried out 4 or 5 in that price range when starting out. Went with the $500 Graham Slee. Upgraded to the $1000 Graham Slee. Both are very good IMHO. I’d look for the $1000 one used for $500 or a little more or less. 

Don't know if you've bought anything yet, but this just popped up.  Spend the extra $100 and you'll have a KILLER phono stage.  Read the terrific reviews. 

Not associated in any way with seller.

Audio by Van Alstine make a great unit for a very reasonable amount. It was well reviewed and AVA Hifi stuff is built to last.