Check HIFI SHARK. There is a Sutherland KC Vibe MK2 listed for $500.00. I doubt you would go wrong with that one. BTW, my friend owned it before he upgraded to a more expensive model !
Phono Preamp Selection
I have no idea of which Phono Preamp I should purchase. I read the reviews from Audio Science and the author provides testing criteria and results for Phono Preamps. I do not have a awesome system - rather it is just a nice system. I reviewed (Pro-ject Phono Box DC MM/MC / Cambridge Audio Duo / IFI Zen / Schitt Skoll ). My turntable is a MoFi with a Hana MC Cartridge. 500.00 is my budget as I am just a listener of old vintage records. My amp is a Denon and my speakers are bookshelf Triangle(s). Appreciate your time and responses.