
Responses from regafan

Frank is gone. AVA lives on!
I bought an amplifier off him. Dealing with Frank was very easy. RIP Frank.  
Meitner i upgrades
Meitner Audio are located in Calgary, Alberta. A long way from Ontario, 2 long days drive. There is also a mail strike going on in Canada right now. This is not helpful.  
Looking for my End Game Speaker
I am currently running Monitor Audio Platinum 300 3g's and while I enjoy them, I have them 1 meter from the wall behind and beside them. They need room.    
DarTzeel’s new direction
These must be daunting times for DarTzeel retailers.  
Marantz SA-10 Vs Esoteric K-05Xs
The SA-10 has been replaced by the new Model 10 SA-CD player. Coming in at 75-76 pounds this is a very large and heavy unit. The Model 10 is about half again more expensive  than the SA-10 it is replacing.  
Upgrade From SME IV to V - Worth It
Exchanging the VandenHul phono cable for a Graham unit will be an improvement. The IC 70 and especially the IC-90 cables from Graham really add like to the SME tonearms.  
Anything SS sounds better than D'Agostino ?
The current darlings of the well-healed audio cognoscenti are (in no particular order) : CH Precision, JMF Audio, and Solution.  Jonathan Valin ,Robert Harley and many other notable audio enthusiasts run this stuff.   
Have you heard darTZeel Amplifiers
It sounds like DarTZeel is no longer with us. Roy Gregory and Jay's Audio are both reporting the demise of this once great audio company.  
Rega Planar 3 upgrades
It is possible that it would be cheaper to sell your P3 and purchase a P6 in its place. I think highly of Rega's but I don't like felt mats. Ringmat Solutions or some other high quality brand would be my manner of course.  
Esoteric SA-10 or Ayre CX-7e: Too close to call??
Marantz just announces a new SA-CD player and a new network audio player in their new 10 series. The SA-CD player weighs in at 76 pounds, List for these two items is around 10 000 dollars USD.  
Time For a CD Player Upgrade
I own a Marantz SA-KI Ruby currently. It sits on top of 4 Stillpoints to mitigate the effects of vibration. They helped. If I was buying a new CD player right now I would be looking at the Luxman brand. I enjoy the Luxman sound from their CD playe... 
Phono Preamp Selection
Audio by Van Alstine make a great unit for a very reasonable amount. It was well reviewed and AVA Hifi stuff is built to last.  
Is Mark Levinson still considered up there with the best of the best?
The best of the best would be JMF Audio, CH Precision, and Solution, in no particular order. Levinson would still be considered very good audio equipment.  
Magico S3 II or III vs. Rockport Atria II
One consideration with Magico's is that they must be 3-4 feet away from any walls, bookshelves, et cetera.  
Anyone at home at Krell?
They may not survive this. Several key players have left recently. Couple that with the passing of Rondi.