Responses from perazzi28
What actually determines volume power? Is it watts? The "Stereophile" review of the Yamaha AS-3200 pointed out that this very fine integrated amplifier should not be used with loudspeakers that present a load of 4 ohms or less. That makes me wonder about the loudspeakers that you are using. Otherw... | |
Thoughts on Speakers for a Small Audio/Video Room +1 for yogiboy Aerial 5T's should be outstanding. I am a big fan of well-designed 2-way loudspeakers in small rooms. I love my Wilson Benesch Vertex loudspeakers with the W-B Infrasonic Generator system. | |
Who positions their speakers straight ahead (zero tow in) and why. To many variables to consider on this subject. Your ears must be the judge. Sometimes, if your loudspeakers are too far apart - some small toe-in will help bring the center image into focus. This is a simple - no cost variable that we all face w... | |
Turntable upgrade +1 for George's PolyTable Signature & the Sutherland Transimpedance TZ Vibe for moving coil cartridges. Or swing for the fences and (as mentioned previously) the DS Audio. George is a GEM! Happy hunting | |
BEST SPEAKER THAT COMES TO LIFE AT LOW LISTENING LEVELS Your ML 11A's are a fine loudspeaker but may not be everyone's cup of tea, so to speak. Other forum members have accurately described the limitations of nearly every loudspeaker to deliver dynamic music at low listening levels attributable to the... | |
Thoughts on Speakers for a Small Audio/Video Room I believe that it would be well worth your time to work out the acoustics of your room before giving up on your Aerial loudspeakers. I am not convinced that stuffing the ports are a valid approach. The overwhelming bass is due to speaker placemen... | |
Which sounds better 2 way or 3 way speaker design A major variable is your room size. Putting a 3-way loudspeaker system in a small room would be fraught with many room interaction issues. A 2-way will mitigate these issues. mofojo is pretty spot on. I'm using a 2 way with a sub that integrat... | |
Integrated Amplifier Recommendations Needed Give this a look, Gato AMP-150 AE Integrated Amplifier Happy hunting | |
Phono stage for second system Sutherland! | |
Turntable suggestions for a newbie Wasn't quite finished..I have 2 tonearms and the super polytable would be terrific. Best of luck | |
Turntable suggestions for a newbie VPI makes a fine TT & I have used mine for decades. I have implemented multiple tweeks with the assistance of George Merrill. Link : His Super Polytable would be on my short list if I were just starting out... | |
Phono Preamp Selection You might check to be certain, but I believe that the Hana's will work with a transimpedance phono stage. Look for a used Sutherland TZ vibe. They retail at $1400 but you may find one on the used market. Ron Sutherland makes 2 more expensive mode... | |
What Power Amplifier Should I Buy? Two things come to mind. The vintage pre-amp may not be up to the task. Ensure that you choose a preamplifier with 2 outputs. Ultimately consider bi-amping, running the Bryston's on the low-end and something else on the tweeters. Could be anoth... | |
$8k for speakers - new or used I still have a pair of the original 804's purchased back at the end of 2002. They still sound quite good, and they are now a part of my Son's system. Like all 3-way loudspeakers, they require optimal placement. With the refinements in the D4 mo... | |
High end bookshelf speakers for Small room There have been some worthy suggestions, but I might add: Yamaha NS 5000's Wilson Benesch 3zero's Subs may not be required particularly in your room due to its size. Happy hunting! |