
Responses from oberoniaomnia

AA for us
@grislybutter  One cure is "buy once - cry once". - it takes longer to get to a decision. - that decision is better founded. - no second guessing/FOMO anymore. I also like Haroun - A British Audiophile's rule of thumb when upgrading: UPGRADE.... 
AA for us
@maxwave  "We should consider our gears as music instrument .         Once we buy a piano or a violon ; we keep it a very long time . We don't sell theme  after two years , just because there are new ones on the market ." I don't have my 1/4,... 
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.
Look at cheap audio man channel, or Andrew Robinson, and the story changes. ChiFi, Head-Fi, Emotive etc. You will not even get me to look at a Krell video (own a Pass). Also in my direct circle, a 30ish woman into her Klipsch speakers, a sub 30 gu... 
TEAC PE-505 Phonostage demagnetization function???
@drrsutliff Thanks for this. That makes slightly more sense.  I still have trouble to see how such a former can be permanently magnetized with constantly changing voltages going through coils. Doing a voltage sweep IS a demagnetization procedure.... 
TEAC PE-505 Phonostage demagnetization function???
The coils are typically made from copper wire, and Cu-metal cannot be permanently magnetized. That is physics/material science. Yes, degauss = demagnetize, but still does not address what can possibly get magnetized in a phono cartridge. The ques... 
VPI to What
VPI super prime scout to Rega Naia package. Immediately noticed tighter bass, plus overall more refinement.  
No More Fake Reviews - So Who’s Gonna Tell Us What To Buy?
The only reviews I trust are where reviewer bought the item with their own money at retail price. [Plus gear that is made available by friend who bought it: the Amir ASR approach] Everything else is an infomercial. I would welcome a disclosure man... 
Are your records a health concern?
I would not consider this article to be too well informed. It continues the vinyl degradation myth, which has been repeatedly debunked. Playing records with properly set-up table does not degrade the vinyl. -- Wow and Flutter is very well controll... 
Refurbished / Re-tipped Cartridges - Are they worth Buying?
I guess you are talking about MC carts, as replacement stylus in MM carts are a non-issue, IMHO. I had my SoundSmith Zephyr MIMC* rebuilt by SoundSmith after a mishap, and I have zero issues with that. With antique carts, I would rather consider ...