Phono Preamp Selection

I have no idea of which Phono Preamp I should purchase.  I read the reviews from Audio Science and the author provides testing criteria and results for Phono Preamps. I do not have a awesome system - rather it is just a nice system. I reviewed (Pro-ject Phono Box DC MM/MC  / Cambridge Audio Duo / IFI Zen / Schitt Skoll ). My turntable is a MoFi with a Hana MC Cartridge. 500.00 is my budget as I am just a listener of old vintage records.  My amp is a Denon and my speakers are bookshelf Triangle(s). Appreciate your time and responses.


Showing 1 response by mike4597

Look at the Lounge Audio LCR MK III.  Standard is $410, Silver (upgrades) version is $610.   I bought the Gold version, and it’s is amazing for my Thorens TT and Audio Technica MM cartridge.  Reviews of the standard version are quite good.  Hand made here in the USA.