I wonder what you would think if we scheduled a monthly Zoom Meeting?

I was thinking about what it might be like if our discussion group scheduled a monthly Zoom Meeting?  This would allow everyone to finally put a face to a name and it might really allow everyone to be more interactive.  This might also allow our discussion group to take things to the next level.  We might also want to develop some rules of engagement.

I would like to hear your responses.  We can then weigh in to see if this might be something we might do.



This will depend on whether Tammy allows us to give this a try.  I have no idea at this point.  I have a feeling there might not be more than 20.  We will also need to publish Rules of Engagement and have members sign off on them.  Just think how much fun it would be to finally see who we all are and to talk to each other.  I will make certain ground rules will be laid out at the beginning of each meeting.  My hope is for us to have members perhaps have seminars or at least have a member give talks on certain topics and then open things up for discussion.


Warmest regards,


Larry Edwards

How many people would be on this zoom call Larry? If you've been on multi person zoom calls before for business you should know what a mess they are. Too many people trying to talk, others get bored and start looking at their phones. How could this possibly work. By all means, set it up. I'm anxious to hear about the result. 

I can't imagine it being a good thing. 

So far, I like the responses I am receiving.  I personally think it would be fun to talk to each other rather than communicate online.  This could take things to the next level.  I also think it could allow for a lot of friendships to be formed.  It would be nice to finally see what we look like.  Can you imagine the kind of conversations we could have and the level of sharing we could have?  Perhaps, we could decide on what topics we want to cover or perhaps have someone teach a class?  .  

It would be interesting, or not. I'd be up for it. It may be a cluster you know what. I imagine people would be kinder. Zoom meeting are great. I do a couple a week. They make the impossible possible. Good things could happen. There would be off shoots of different interests. Wow, now I'm thinking about it!

I once told a joke during during a Zoom meeting.
It wasn't remotely funny.

All the best.


The silence is deafening, but the faces of the gathering is painful....

I live in the UK and have been looking for audio clubs to join where I can either meet up or take part in online meetings just to talk about hifi. I couldn’t find any, perhaps I don’t know where to look, but it’s what led me to join this site. I would happily join any discussion group, even if it’s just to listen to others experience with different media. For example I am a strictly digital guy, but I’m fascinated by everything hifi so enjoy hearing about any setup as one day I could venture into vinyl when I’ve completed my current setup.

I agree timezones would be something to overcome, but if it worked there could be groups based on location and also on subject to help focus the people choosing to attend.

If one got setup and I can make it then I’m game, additionally if anyone in the UK knows of any other groups let me know!

dekay, I didn't...and that's more than I needed to absorb into an image that I might observe anyway.... ;)

I use a Post-It, myself...color changes with mood.

One could post an avatar instead of a cam image.  One that could echo the tenor of the discussion on the virtual table....in constant 'morph-mode', constantly convulsing from one face to another....

One might want Scotch, f'sure.....neat, sweet. and refilled repeats. 


Post removed 
Post removed 

I apologize for cheep cracks, but it begins to smack of ’us’ v. ’them’, and I’m real borderline imho (and being realistic ’bout it)...

I pose no real threat to those who’d discuss ’deep tech’ concerns, but have enough experience and decades to discern that which seems in excess. If only imho, which is subject to being in a Roman arena...

"Send in the clowns....we’ve ought to have clowns..." (melody implied)...

One might have different daily topics...but how strict do you see moderation applied? Otherwise, I’d just lurk and spare y’all.....🤔

*edit interrupt: lurk v. luck...which seems applicable, anyway...*

@dekay ....

...or the laptop in the john on a tv tray....;)

@larry5729 ...! ASL!  Brilliant!

I'm already wearing hearing aids, and with ASL you've got to know it to understand the jokes and the 'questionable language'....😏👍

...members....DeKay will like that....

...as long as no one 'pans down'....*L*


we would have to list the rules of engagement.  Members would need to sign.  Perhaps this might be useful for online discussions as well. 

How long are these Zooms going to be (may have to move my easy listening chair into the computer room)?




The problem with internet socializing is the risk of scammers. They are everywhere these days and very sophisticated in their methods. Probably not a good idea to invite a bunch of strangers to get together on the internet to share info. 

An open 'Pardon' to my removed post...*chagrined foot shuffle*

I'm intrigued by the thought of 'us going RT', but still wondering about the 'ground rules'.  Who makes the cut?

How 'adamant' can one become?  Where does one persons' chide become 'over the line'/attack?  Does 'imho' step over the 'red line' on a monitor for one when a disagreement is in stalemate?


What happens when the 'keyboard curtain' is pulled back?
Having to key ones' thoughts requires some vague consideration prior to 'post'.

Are we ready to do this?  

I would be in. Hoping for civil exchange and if it didn't work we can always not join anymore. But I would give it an opportunity. 

Post removed 

Good one DeKay.  I think you might be quite entertaining during our Zoom Meetings.  I get the feeling you like the idea.  Remember, this is totally voluntary and it is your choice to participate.  However, I do feel it would be a lot of fun to be able to talk to each other.  I also think this would stimulate people to share, teach and to learn.  There is a lot of talent to draw upon.  


Being that I'm rich, famous and extremely sexy I will require more info in order to properly ponder your post.




Thought more about your OP and wonder if such could be incorporated via the "Insider" forum here @ A'Gon.

Not familiar with it (Insider), but as it's pay to play it might be a better venue for what you suggest.

It might start with chats/zooms with manufacturers (on a monetary level), but perhaps it could evolve to chats/zooms involving (only) non commercial members (those who are willing to pay a reasonable fee for such a service) eventually.

I've only experienced one Zoom (8 participants of non-blood family) and found it overwhelming, to say the least, but that's just me.



Too many different interests, like I could not care less about a next to obsolete and clearly inferior method of music playback called vinyl listening, while others, stuck in their world of obsolescence would defend it no matter what.  Nope, pass on that Zoom call.

Perhaps a zoom call for everyone is a bit difficult but it’s still a great idea. How about having zoom in the private message area where just a few people could get together. Or how ever many would like to. 


Everyone needs to realize his would be optional.  You simply can decide to not attend.  Simple as that.  I am sure many of us would like to know what we look like and to finally carry on a conversation in order to get to know each other.  I thought it would be fun for those who want to attend.

I knew I would get mixed feedback.  However, think about finally getting to see each other, talk to each other and to get to know each other.  This could add a new dimension to this group.  I also think we might see people more hesitant to reply with sarcastic statements because they have finally seen their face and have learned there are some great people in this group.  

I have the solution. There is a link for audio clubs right? Start an “online” audio club with someone acting as moderator and have monthly zoom meetings as a component of that club. Those who would like to join can and those who don’t want to won’t. Simple!

I’ve had stage fright since the 3rd grade.
That, and I’m afraid one of you is really Will Smith.

All the best,

I too dislike Zoom. But.

Perhaps face to face would garner move civility?

On line abuse by hidden cowards is so bad that there’s the Center for Countering Digital Hate, an international organisation. 


I like the idea. Not sure how the logistics would work. It would be nice to be in a gathering of people who are not trolls, flamers, disrespecters, and the like that ruin so many threads including this one.

Maybe there are some female audiophiles who could sit around in their...nevermind.

For me, zoom is what my basset hound does in the back yard when being chased by the saint bernard...

How about an audiophile Barn Dance...bikini car wash? Or skip the interplay and simply put spy cams in all the participating members sound rooms and see what they're up to at all times. No hair and makeup required.


I tried to exchange info just this week and the moderators filtered it and wouldn’t allow it. I couldn’t even use the word text or email. I couldn’t even share a pic of my system with this gentleman. Did I do something wrong? 



This thread is becoming a good list of people *not* to invite -- the instant-doubters, the hermits, the naysayers, the nattering nabobs of negativism. How quickly they jump in to say "impossible" or "I don't wanna."

Copy out the names of these folks and just don't invite them.

As for exchanging personal information on messages, it's not hard. Easy to do. Not an obstacle. Anyone who can spell a number or write the word geemail can figure it out.

Let see if you get a few from the positive camp and we can have a go.

It’s a great idea but even if they wouldn’t be open to it the moderators should at least allow personal information to be exchanged in the private messaging section of Agon. This way people that live in the same area can get together and talk audio and listen to each other’s systems. 

I think it’s kind of you to suggest that.

Judging by the responses so far, it doesn’t look like a community zoom will happen any time soon as people seem much more prone to bashing one another than conversing 😀