I have been an audiophile the last 20 years for the last 5 years I have worked with Infigo Audio as my industry affiliation.  It’s been my experience in business and audio conversations that there are 2 areas that are interesting. When giving opinions many audiophiles try to come off smarter than the people they are talking to. Also in conflict resolution if you have disagreements they are more willing to go to extremes. Has anyone else experienced this.  Some seem like they can tell you what to do? How to post etc. which to me is crazy. Most of us are 30, 40, 50, 60,70 plus.  Thoughts everyone?


You don't have to look far,- Ferrari owners, Ducati riders (except for me, of course), Omega watch wearers, PhD holders who insist on "Doctor" as part of their name, Ford vs Chevy guys, sports team fans..... There's no escape

@everyone we INFIGO AUDIO will be in room 831 and 833 Capitol Audiofest in Rockville Maryland this Friday, Saturday and SUNDAY! 

@j-wall i try not to be that way with people. I’m open. I let people borrow and try things because I want them to be happy in the end.  This hobby is supposed to be fun and stress relieving. Happy 

@2psyop yes I agree. Some folks go too far. We are all grown men. Some are very disrespectful and childish 

Post removed 

I too own the Perspectives and had them upgraded to the graphene.

For me it was a great disappointment. I couldn't discern 

an increase in SQ that was worth the cost. Most disappointing. I'm

a big believer in what good  cables  can add to one's system. Power cable

upgrades cannot be underestimated. There is no lack of discussion about cables.

I have made countless cable changes over the years.

Many have been game changing and jaw dropping at different price levels. I now have a full loom of the highest end Townshend cables. These will be my forever cables. I highly recommend Cutious Technologies 

cable as well. There are so many great ones. Mad Scientist as well.

Many companies offer a generous audition/ return period. Cables, cables, cabes.


Do you think that using all caps shows how important your subject matter is? Kinda relates to what you are asking?


I'd say many "audiophiles" I've interacted with have been mostly unpleasant and miserable people.  There are many good ones obviously.  The Facebook groups have some of the most miserable ones I've ever seen.  Mostly the "measurements only matter" types.

Dunning-Kruger effect

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities.

Just sayin'.



I avoid my closest dealer because a guy there is pompous and speaks like he knows more than everyone else in the room. Went in a few weeks back after avoiding for years and a nice young guy was there. Be helpful and open and the hobby will flourish. As a younger guy there is nothing worse than an old egomaniac who is out of touch. Be cool everybody. 

@Ronboco, don't be afraid to ask questions to our group.  There is a lot of knowledge and experience here, and you might still scratch your head afterwards.  Opinions vary so much.  And usually, you will find a wise guy in here somewhere.  No finger pointing please.

I’ve only been in this hobby for a few years so I am not able to give advice on very many things and I know trying to give advice on something I don’t know about just makes me look like a fool. So I just mostly read and learn from everyone else. Happy listening ! 

If you think of HiFi as a hobby, you'll see the same actors in every hobby pursuit. 

If you see posters here, fighting back and forth, it would be easy to assume they are overly sensitive and, as such, helping to answer your question that audiophiles are indeed overly sensitive. But actually they are more like childish kids, who don’t care to just answer simple questions. They don’t mind disrupting a forum with rude and mindless blabbering.


A whisper can be more effective than a shout. Some people enjoy being contrary I suppose, even if it makes them appear ignorant.

@roxy54 actually I do it to make the point. We do things that others don’t agree with and that’s ok 


You have the right to feel that way, and I share your distaste for most of those things. As far as using all caps, I think that is silly and improper. Why do you do it?

@roxy54 yup I’m overly sensitive about folks telling other folks what they are hearing and not hearing.  That people who spend a lot of money on gear are idiots that know nothing about audio.  That it has to measure this and that. That I can’t post in CAPS! That I have to put industry affiliations down when I’m not even discussing the gear or the brand. That the only people who know audio are the guys that are telling others in the end that they are a bunch of suckers.  Yup I’m overly sensitive to that.  

@jacobsdad2000 i 100% agree with you. I’m not a measurements freak. You can have great measurements and a system that sounds like crap.I have people telling me that it must measure this and that. Then I have people telling me I’m not hearing differences that I hear that it’s just confirmation bias. Whatever! 

This is like his 9th or 10th iteration.

Honestly, if the guy's so hot to be on the forum you'd think that after the 4th or 5th banning it might sink in to follow the guidelines.

If anyone is interested, jacobsdad2000 is the former jeffrey125, recklesskelly, jerryg123, earlflynn, juanmanuelfangioi, skypunk, etc. etc. etc.

All banned. 

Personally, I give him less than a month.

So, you can add rude, immature, nasty and predictable to the list of certain audiophile's attributes.

Sometimes I think 'audio' practitioners are atheists with a god substitute. They can be just as single minded and self righteous as the most devoted quite often are. Can be. :-)  

Easily offended, put out, delicate, emotional, wear it on their sleeves. @bpoletti

Tone of a thread, as it happens were your two posts deleted? @roxy54 just asking, no offense. 



By the tone of your thread, it sounds like you might ne.

Thanks for your post ...

These three points are the only things i said and insisted upon  because it is the only factors  that had a great impact on my acoustic experience satisfaction, way more than the upgrades i tried which were anyway near the same cost window ... ...

They apply to any system at any price but it is way more evident with low cost system... Why ?

Nobody with a 50,000 bucks speakers will add straws in his porthole as i did with my low cost speakers ...😁

Because the difference between the optimal working level and the actual working level are not on the same ratio at all with low cost speakers and high -end one ...The designer of high end speakers had adressed some problems already in his design cost and planification in a way the low cost speakers designer could not ...

But this economic factor and design factor dont change the basic fact about the necessary embeddings controls implementation in the two case but it must be done in a way appropriate for each design characteristics ...It is not all speakers luckily for all which will need straws in their porthole to reach their optimal level as with this low cost speakers i own ... 😵

And i never said that upgrading is useless i said it is often meaningless and a waste of money if we dont learn first to optimize what we already have ...

Upgrading must be done AFTER we had learn why and how and with what ...

My very best to you ... 😊


Absolutely! If people did the three things you mention...

  • Basic acoustics -- reflections and frequency curves
  • Basic electrical noise to signal ration optimization
  • Vibration resonance control

...there would be far more satisfaction in the hobby.


I am very satisfied in the hobby, my system and sound.

What bugs me are the manic street preachers and most of them are measurements crowd. Experience in application is worth more to me than a specification sheet, not demeaning a spec sheet it is all part of the process but it is not the process. 

Your opinion is exactly that, it is not fact. Also could do with a little less wokeness around here. 

We participate in a hobby where people have different experiences. Acoustically and equipment wise. Some of us are completely closed minded to cables making a difference. Some think that certain prices are a waste no matter how good the equipment is. The thing that really interests me is that the level of expertise people THINK THEY HAVE! In addition to that they think that that allows them to speak in ways to other audiophiles that are justified in their minds. There is no certifications Or authentication processes that we go through. I have no problem with one’s opinions. Just the way the deliver it!

Absolutely! If people did the three things you mention...

  • Basic acoustics -- reflections and frequency curves
  • Basic electrical noise to signal ration optimization
  • Vibration resonance control

...there would be far more satisfaction in the hobby.

@mahgister i Agree with you. I like to continue to learn in this hobby of ours.  I also try to remain pleasant when discussing audio.  But I’m aware that I’m surrounded by folks that have been in the hobby 20,30, 40, 50 years. I try to talk to them understanding that.  You can’t be dismissive and disrespectful to folks in certain ways. Some of our guys act like they are OZ!

You are right hilde45...

But it is easier for most people to argue at the infinite about cables differences or tube versus digital  ... The only demand here is to PURCHASE something ...

I was totally frustrated myself with any piece of gear BEFORE i enter in simple basic reading about acoustic and then i begin to experiment ...

it is the reason why i am happy with a low cost modified speakers...

I cannot recommend them as a solution as most does with their magical component because i disliked them before learning how to optimize them ...This is basic acoustic , basic electrical noise ratio signal optimization and vibration resonance control ...

it is the reason why even if i like my components i never recommend them as a solution; i recommend studying acoustics ...

People are lazy ... Or dont have the time to do it...I am retired ...

My very best to you ...


You make a good point. I guess what I wanted to say is that many audiophiles offer opinions which would only be justified without any basic psychoacoustics. You’re right that some basics are not that hard to pick up, and experiment with, but many people don’t even do that and many more venture out beyond the simple understandings and claim things which really requires deeper knowledge.





I beg to differ about simple basic fact in psycho-acoustic which are easy to find reading and easy to experiment with ...

You make a good point. I guess what I wanted to say is that many audiophiles offer opinions which would only be justified without any basic psychoacoustics. You're right that some basics are not that hard to pick up, and experiment with, but many people don't even do that and many more venture out beyond the simple understandings and claim things which really requires deeper knowledge.

I beg to differ about simple basic fact in psycho-acoustic which are easy to find reading and easy to experiment with ...

For example i decreased substantially crosstalk between speakers on my desk using simple mechanical wood separation when listening music ... It is not a proposed solution for all but i spoke about it for discovering by ourself by experiment important fact about stereo speakers listenings ...

Nothing esoteric here ...

Simple basic psycho-acoustic fact adressing stereo impeding unrecognized by most crosstalk...

The same is true about Helmholtz resonators and speakers relation ...

The same is true about any basic concept as immersiveness or listener envelopment who are defined in acoustic and with which anyone can experiment for fun and learning ... It is more satisfying than most useless upgrade purchase blind by hype ...

Acoustics is the basic of audio not the gear specs so important it is nor the price tag ...

Then i dont use any "right" when i explain simple basic by proposing simple experiments ...😁😊

I answered because i am the rare one here saying that psycho-acoustic must be studied a bit by audiophiles more than upgrade product reviews and acoustic is more than room acoustic panels ...

Audio is way more complex and im-plicate multidisciplinary field than other hobby, hence there is controversies ...

I discovered the hard way that people who are hard objectivist and price tag branded name subjectivist are dead wrong ...They focus on the subjective or objective aspect of the gear ...

They neglect the psycho-acoustics and physical acoustic and the other two embeddings control as secondary to gear purchase or upgrades ... This is market consumers programming ... I prefer reading basic acoustic and making experiment ... I did well being in heaven with a minimal level of acoustic satisfaction at low cost ...

I come here for friends and serious discussion not to buy products or discussing upgrades ...It is why i spoke too much ... 😊

You are more self controlled ...

And i love your posts by the way ....

my best to you...



(c) people believe they have the "right" to opine on an inordinately complicated field (psychoacoustics)





I see it this way:

(a) people have first hand experience with perceptible differences in quality


(b) people have first hand experience spending money.

Because of (a) and (b):

(c) people believe they have the "right" to opine on an inordinately complicated field (psychoacoustics)

Of course, the space opened up between opinion and knowledge creates room for a lot of BS, marketing speak, and self-righteous blather results. And now everyone wants to be an "influencer."

Is this more true in audio than in other fields? Probably -- because of (c). Most of us are not trying to shoot from the hip about oncology or particle physics.

But perhaps wine and car and fishing hobbyists might disagree. They would probably testify to their own tribe as being especially sensitive.


I think you’ll encounter this is any field of endeavor. it’s a very human weakness.

More often than not, what I've found is that "true experts" have little to prove and therefore tend not to behave in this way. Of course, there are always exceptions.