Responses from newbee
Suggestions for Preamp Tubes If brightness is a problem and you want a bit of warmth you might try JJ 6922's. They don't get great press (JJ in general). They aren't NOS either, but they are inexpensive. I used them for some years in both a pre-amp and CDP with great success.... | |
A life sentence!!! My Silverline Bolero's. They succeeded Quad 63's and Paragon Jubilee/Gems. I've been running them for over 12 years now. FWIW. | |
Silverline Audio FWIW I agree with Grannyring. I've used Boleros for over 12 years. In my modest sized room (13.5x20) they are near perfect to my ear. | |
classical music for the solo piano which hits all the 'keys'. lanx0003 Apparently, I hit the wrong key. Thanks for the correction. | |
Need recommendation for repair service in CA bay area - McCormack DNA-1 FWIW, I've been investigating the McCormack lines looking for an amp for another system. I suggest you do some research as well. There have been considerable conversations about failures of an input board in the DNA .05 and DNA 1 model amps. I don... | |
Which tubes to buy ARC sez you can use KT120, KT88, and 6550's. They just don't necessarily indorse them. Sounds like they voiced the amp for the KT150's. | |
Which tubes to buy I've never used Psvane tubes, but they are getting mixed reviews about quality. Best do some research on this issue as well as whether or not (good or not) they are suitable for you ARC amp. I'm not familiar with your amp but ARC tends to drive th... | |
Maybe critical listening skills are bad? Obviously critical listening skills are bad. Without them you might be able to just enjoy the music. Or not. Without them you'll never have to worry, or if not, you won't have the skills to fix a problem you can't diagnose. For OP, how do you di... | |
Your Favorite Ravel Solo Piano Recordings Well, Chamayou seams to lead the parade, but I also like Louis Lortie on Chandos as well as Osborne. Pascal Roge's old set on London is also quite good. There is also a new set from a Korean pianist which I have not heard (yet) which is getting hi... | |
Best Classical Labels for Sound I noted your preference for big orchestra music and it's sound. I doubt that I can add anything of value to the present recommendations and comments. However, if you decide that smaller scale music is of interest, don't overlook the Steinway &... | |
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album? You've got a lot of great recommendations so I won't give you another list, but when you're shopping don't overlook the Concord Jazz label. The are usually excellent LP's and they have a lot of very high quality musicians often not appearing elsew... | |
Comparing speakers at home questions Different speakers have physical set up differences which have to be considered. Quite often very different. Unless you are time constrained it pays big dividends to spend the time to ensure the speakers are optimally positioned for their best so... | |
No sound Did you blow a fuse in the component? If you haven't checked the fuse do so. | |
Qobuz and Chandos I think Chandos has stopped doing downloads. I assume this affects Qobuz and other services that have used them as well as other end users of this service. | |
A question about tube rolling It is not clear to me what your auditioning drill is. I infer that you are listening to all of the tubes sequentially on the day that they were brought in. I would never make decisions about the value of a tube based on such an experience. Most al... |