I have been an audiophile the last 20 years for the last 5 years I have worked with Infigo Audio as my industry affiliation.  It’s been my experience in business and audio conversations that there are 2 areas that are interesting. When giving opinions many audiophiles try to come off smarter than the people they are talking to. Also in conflict resolution if you have disagreements they are more willing to go to extremes. Has anyone else experienced this.  Some seem like they can tell you what to do? How to post etc. which to me is crazy. Most of us are 30, 40, 50, 60,70 plus.  Thoughts everyone?


Showing 15 responses by mahgister

And you decide by yourself what is bullshit and what is not ...

You are the big head judge of everything and for all here...

may i laugh please ?

 If i resume in the simplest terms :

2 types of sapiens :

Idiots and wise ...

I guess with a so complex definitive classification that you put yourself in the wise drawer .,..

Do you catch how stupid is your  self serving claim ?


Two types of sapiens. 

Those who have faith in unproven BS.


Those who know nonsense when they see it.


You are comical as a cartoon...


What made you think that what i call my experiments are mere "faith" and your opinion "fact" ?

By the way "tweaks" are disparate useless or useful tricks ...

Embeddings controls in the mechanical,electrical,and acoustical working dimensions are not mere tweaks but a method about how to systematically adress the three working dimensions of any system at any price ...

But i doubt your brain power can differentiate the two ...

Attacking people with the "tin foil hat" for anything located outside your blinders angle of vision is children idiotic play...

Myself i believe in acoustics by the way as the main road then refrain of accusing me to be a "born again" because it suit your own childish beliefs about audio whatever they could be ...

Audio is about studying and experimenting ...

Then if i propose a simple experiment and if instead of doing it you accuse me of being a fool , who do you think is the faithful uncritical believer ?

And here in this forum who is simpleton enough to class all people in "wise" and idiots "believers" and who decide to classify them from his own self serving starting belief point ?

The best upgrade for you in audio will be a mirror purchase ....




Do you catch how stupid is your self serving claim ?

Same to you and your tweaks, fella.

The only "real" insensitivity I see around here is when faith is challenged.

Enjoy some music.


Cats or/and dogs.... Or all people with a brain and heart are welcome ...

We are all animals waiting to be recycled on a higher plane of consciousness...

And there music rules , no need for gear ...😊


And you are certainly among the best soul here  and there i bet ...


.........I’ve gotten to the point that I prefer my cats to least, I’m basically aware of how I’ll be greeted and treated....


Thanks for the information... But i cannot go there ...

For many reasons ...😁

But some can ...

my best to you ...

Infigo Audio is in room 831-833 at the Capital Audiofest in Rockville Hilton in Maryland! This Saturday 10-6. Sunday 10-4pm.

Thanks for your kind words ...

It means a lot for me ...

Nevermind the brain or muscles, we will meet at the heart ...

My respect and best wishes ...


We grew up in different worlds, likely I can’t relate to yours, and you not mine. But I respect your opinion and viewpoint. You seem like a well-read, peaceful person. Also, I agree with some of Jung’s thoughts, although my understanding is topical.


All the best, Mahgister, keep trucking!

I am used to speak with students with brain ... In my last 35 five years job ...

I never encountered mafia, agressive culturists, or just alpha dudes with balls and no brain ...

I spoke my mind in life but not with killers and not with persons with no interests in ideas ...

Audio is about brain experimenting with acoustic ... Not about muscled bodies waiting to slap you because you are right and price tag dont define good sound ... But the working ears do ... ...

Just my 2 cents ....

I encountered only one time a real gangster and we became friends but he was young and he was discovering at 22 years old why he was a biker ( affiliated to a club) and why it was a dead end ... His I.Q. was so high that i felt a bit impressed by his Jung analysis, i was myself 25 ... He had already killed people ( he never said so for sure  but i guess that  seeing some of his friends bikers ) and he was about to, if not changing his life , at least going back on another parallele road alone... Discussing with him was more than interesting ... Ideas had body with him and were not disincarnated abstractions , I was 25 years old , it was the books interests that make us meet ... He never punch me by the way even in heavy discussion , he was very secure and fear nothing especially not me for sure even if i was older and bigger ...i was i guess the only one able to speak with him about Jung and other not well known writers...


All that to say that people here feeling offended by any discussion are not alpha male at all ...And lack brain too ...

Discussing is interesting if we are of good faith and passionnate about a subject as audio is ...

I was so passionnate by audio i read books and articles, experimented and now i know how to embed any system but it will take 6 months at least to me full time for any system...

Some feel offended because i respected knowledgeable people here but i am not so much impressed by high end components and price tag bragging .... Acoustics science impress me ... But to judge a system we must be there listening ...

You are a gentleman ...

And you are right ...

If it does not cost money it cost a so much time to figure out that it cost as much as money but in time ...

I am retired if not i am sure i could not have the leisure to work my audio system full time for more than a year ......

And i spoke my limited truth to balance some others opinion ... thats all ...

Thanks for your kind words ..




You are a gem on this forum. Your generous support of others in this hobby is commendable and heartwarming. Thanks for your insights.

True, one does not have to spend significant $ to get transparency, but knowing what to get is from years of your direct experience. Most others are not as knowledgeable and/or experienced so have to rely on reviews which are slanted towards the latest gear.

I was exposed to transparency in audio by learning how to create it myself at low cost in my room coupling to my satisfaction ..

Is there better ? yes this is an evidence, there is always better design to work with ...

naysayers will say that my system is low fi because they believe only in price tag , i believe my ears and i use acoustics with the design i can afford and it is enough to be immerse in music with no apparent lack ...

it is important for me to claim this fact because disparaging this is inviting people to throw money on a race without inviting them to study basic acoustics BEFORE upgrading  ( not room panel sellers publicity ) ...


My left brain is an audiophile, he is obsessed by details and dont perceive the whole; my right brain dont bother because music carry it very far away and he fly over any sound details ....

I am not neither my right or left brain ; i am a conscious being and i am free to be who i chose to be each moment , there is always two ways to be a fool and only one way to be wise ... We must discover how for ourself ...

It is why acoustics science basic and experiment are so useful for us , there is a right brain side in acoustic experiment related to "sound"  and a left brain side  related to "music" , we must learn how to listen with experiments and learn how to balance these two sides of the cosmos ...

Anyone who had no way to figure out by themselves the way to create acoustic immersiveness in a room with any speakers at any price will stay frustrated or in a sub-optimal state of satisfaction ..

Simple truth, hard truth i learned ...

Then people begin by ignorance to be over sensitive about their gear choices and uncertain about the real limits of their system and the value of their experience ..

In audio learning is the hobby not buying ...

Thanks for your post ...

These three points are the only things i said and insisted upon  because it is the only factors  that had a great impact on my acoustic experience satisfaction, way more than the upgrades i tried which were anyway near the same cost window ... ...

They apply to any system at any price but it is way more evident with low cost system... Why ?

Nobody with a 50,000 bucks speakers will add straws in his porthole as i did with my low cost speakers ...😁

Because the difference between the optimal working level and the actual working level are not on the same ratio at all with low cost speakers and high -end one ...The designer of high end speakers had adressed some problems already in his design cost and planification in a way the low cost speakers designer could not ...

But this economic factor and design factor dont change the basic fact about the necessary embeddings controls implementation in the two case but it must be done in a way appropriate for each design characteristics ...It is not all speakers luckily for all which will need straws in their porthole to reach their optimal level as with this low cost speakers i own ... 😵

And i never said that upgrading is useless i said it is often meaningless and a waste of money if we dont learn first to optimize what we already have ...

Upgrading must be done AFTER we had learn why and how and with what ...

My very best to you ... 😊


Absolutely! If people did the three things you mention...

  • Basic acoustics -- reflections and frequency curves
  • Basic electrical noise to signal ration optimization
  • Vibration resonance control

...there would be far more satisfaction in the hobby.


You are right hilde45...

But it is easier for most people to argue at the infinite about cables differences or tube versus digital  ... The only demand here is to PURCHASE something ...

I was totally frustrated myself with any piece of gear BEFORE i enter in simple basic reading about acoustic and then i begin to experiment ...

it is the reason why i am happy with a low cost modified speakers...

I cannot recommend them as a solution as most does with their magical component because i disliked them before learning how to optimize them ...This is basic acoustic , basic electrical noise ratio signal optimization and vibration resonance control ...

it is the reason why even if i like my components i never recommend them as a solution; i recommend studying acoustics ...

People are lazy ... Or dont have the time to do it...I am retired ...

My very best to you ...


You make a good point. I guess what I wanted to say is that many audiophiles offer opinions which would only be justified without any basic psychoacoustics. You’re right that some basics are not that hard to pick up, and experiment with, but many people don’t even do that and many more venture out beyond the simple understandings and claim things which really requires deeper knowledge.





I beg to differ about simple basic fact in psycho-acoustic which are easy to find reading and easy to experiment with ...

For example i decreased substantially crosstalk between speakers on my desk using simple mechanical wood separation when listening music ... It is not a proposed solution for all but i spoke about it for discovering by ourself by experiment important fact about stereo speakers listenings ...

Nothing esoteric here ...

Simple basic psycho-acoustic fact adressing stereo impeding unrecognized by most crosstalk...

The same is true about Helmholtz resonators and speakers relation ...

The same is true about any basic concept as immersiveness or listener envelopment who are defined in acoustic and with which anyone can experiment for fun and learning ... It is more satisfying than most useless upgrade purchase blind by hype ...

Acoustics is the basic of audio not the gear specs so important it is nor the price tag ...

Then i dont use any "right" when i explain simple basic by proposing simple experiments ...😁😊

I answered because i am the rare one here saying that psycho-acoustic must be studied a bit by audiophiles more than upgrade product reviews and acoustic is more than room acoustic panels ...

Audio is way more complex and im-plicate multidisciplinary field than other hobby, hence there is controversies ...

I discovered the hard way that people who are hard objectivist and price tag branded name subjectivist are dead wrong ...They focus on the subjective or objective aspect of the gear ...

They neglect the psycho-acoustics and physical acoustic and the other two embeddings control as secondary to gear purchase or upgrades ... This is market consumers programming ... I prefer reading basic acoustic and making experiment ... I did well being in heaven with a minimal level of acoustic satisfaction at low cost ...

I come here for friends and serious discussion not to buy products or discussing upgrades ...It is why i spoke too much ... 😊

You are more self controlled ...

And i love your posts by the way ....

my best to you...



(c) people believe they have the "right" to opine on an inordinately complicated field (psychoacoustics)





I can appreciate the OP frustration with many people which are most inclined to insult or take a paternalistic attitude instead of discussing rationally ...

But it is better to not generalize ...

my two cents ...

It is better to adress and answer to each one person and not put all people in the same bag and then creating a thread about "audiophiles" and judging them all together ....

I experienced the same problem  as the OP experienced  but i adressed each individuals poster and answered them...I never complained about this forum as such or about group of people ... We are all different ...

my best to you ...