The problem with PLC

Firstly what is PLC? PLC stands for the PERFECT LOUDSPEAKER COMPANY. It is a hypothetical speaker company that would manufacture a perfect speaker and sell it to the public. 

Now here is the problem with this idea. Imagine a genius somewhere invents a perfect speaker. It can do 20~20Khz with 0.01% distortion at all levels/frequencies. It is as flat as a pancake and has CTPRT or Custom Tunable Polar Response Technology. 

Now he decides to put it in a plain unmarked cardboard box and put it on the market. No dealership, no marketing. Stereophile calls PLC and asks for a sample to review. PLC agrees and sends them out a pair. The selling price? $700 a pair. 

The review would go something like this. ''Here we have a newcomer to the speaker industry. The PLC speaker One designed by expert tuner, Master Kenjit CEO of PLC. A budget speaker. Looks very plain and ordinary. Sounded a bit flat. Not highly recommended as it did not sound very special. But nice first attempt. Suitable for college students on a budget.''


Perfect from 20-20khz. We have never seen anything like it. ZERO resonances. Impedance flat as a pancake. Miraculous. But didnt sound very good, so we cannot give it a Stereophile recommendation.


Now with a review like that few audiophiles would buy it. But lets say an audiophile takes a chance and buys a pair. He listens to it for a few months and decides its not quite right...

PLC speaker does not manage to sell enough pairs to continue operating and closes down a few years down the line. 

Now this is a hypothetical situation but this is EXACTLY what could happen even if the PERFECT speaker came along and put on the market. Unfortunately there is a saying which seems applicable that you should not cast pearls before swine. 

If the speakers had a beautiful gloss finish, were priced at $50K a pair and was sent out to all the high end dealers, and all the youtube reviewers were paid to provide excellent reviews, then it would be a totally different story. 

And therein lies the problem with perfect speakers. 

You need perfect audiophiles that understand perfect sound before you bother inventing perfect speakers. End of story. 


Every time kenjit assaults the Audiogon community, they do this,

And he just keeps coming back for more. He must really hate those who actually have a decent system and thinks he's going to make us doubt our ears.

All the best,



Worlds greatest audiophile, who longs for the great cd players of the 70’s


What a joke

2channel: the OP has more threads removed (by AudiogoN) than you know.

The problem is Dill, its not possible to provide proof of everything. For example how can you prove that your speakers are RIGHT? Can you prove that they dont suffer from lobing? Can you prove that they dont need to be retuned? Can you prove that there aren't any problems with the impedance plot? Have you measured them? 

How can it be proven that I am not the worlds greatest audiophile? It cant be proven one way or the other so you may as well just believe me.

2channel: the OP has more threads removed (by AudiogoN) than you know. He is a one trick pony that doesn't provide any facts to his posts and never provides proof of anything he says or does. It is what it is.

There is realyy no justification of calling the OP names. No one is forcing you to read the tread. (Clockwork Orange) That is why I quit after the first obnoxiuos response. 



”The fool sure pulls a lot of you in.“

like just did you?

haha right.


wooops!! Me too 

And I just discovered that Avogadro patented Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity!

Einstein actually invented and produced something tangible, of value.

"Avogadro’s Number, Quantum Theory of Light, General Theory of Relativity, Special Theory of Relativity, The Photoelectric Effect, Wave-Particle Duality, Brownian movement, the relationship between mass and energy, Bose-Einstein Condensate, and many more.".

Einstein “invented” Avogadro’s number?  Interesting…

Post removed 

You know what, @kenjit ? I will give you this: your posts are, if nothing else, consistently on-brand. Even as a casual reader on this site, within the first two sentences of your post I knew exactly who the author was. Don’t ever change, pal.

@loomisjohnson So the purported clown idiot has generated 39 (now 40) responses to his nonsense. Which, I must admit, means he wins (LOSES) again.


An act that fails.

Failure to pass the test.

So the purported clown idiot has generated 39 (now 40) responses to his nonsense. Which, I must admit, means he wins again.

Funny you say that. Most of his inventions were theoretical so not tangible. 


Most of his works were discoveries not inventions, and some were proven while he was still alive.

Kenjit and Einstein mentioned in the same sentence is wrong on so many levels...


They used to ridicule Einstein when he was alive. The world only found out he was a genius once hed died. Sad but true.

Completely false. He was widely recognized but within and without academia while still alive. You really don't know what you're talking about.

Post removed 

@kenjit They used to ridicule Einstein when he was alive. The world only found out he was a genius once hed died. Sad but true.


Einstein did a lot more than talk and make unnecessary noise.

Einstein actually invented and produced something tangible, of value.

"Avogadro’s Number, Quantum Theory of Light, General Theory of Relativity, Special Theory of Relativity, The Photoelectric Effect, Wave-Particle Duality, Brownian movement, the relationship between mass and energy, Bose-Einstein Condensate, and many more.".


Refrigerators, electromagnetic pumps, sound reproduction apparatus and light intensity self-adjusting cameras. 

The lonely clown plays a funny role here to get attention, recgnition and responses

or maybe just the worlds finest tuner on the planet? They used to ridicule Einstein when he was alive. The world only found out he was a genius once hed died. Sad but true.

No naming calling but the PLC stands for Pierrot the Lonely Clown. Pierrot was seen as a lonely fellow sufferer at the time.  The lonely clown plays a funny role here to get attention, recgnition and responses.  So far, he seems doing ok.  I even respond too.

OP, I'm ready to pay well over the "market price" of $700 and invest $999 on a pair of your PLCs.  Just let me know when they are ready to ship, your PayPal info, and I'll clear my old speakeres out of the way for them.  I'll just set my old one's out by the curb with a "Free" sign on them as they will be totally useless at that point.

It’s my belief we are to love one another. Hoping you all have a peaceful day. 

Its easy to crack on Kenjit,  but in the end, he is just like the rest of us seeking his own perfection.  He has communicated with me at length about designing and tuning parts that he has for a speaker build.  He has quality components and has a good idea of what he wants to achieve. Unfortunately, he lives across the Ocean from me and to do what he ask, I would need his drivers or at least very accurate detailed measurements to design the very specific curves that he wants to achieve. Kenjit is easy to slam because of his comments, but overall,  he is out there chasing the dream like everyone else. 

 As bdp24 stated, he's the master of the straw man. I do have a question for OP: if there was a perfect speaker, wouldn't it have to have perfect amplification and sources to be perfect?

@kenjit I just posted this in response to Kenjit on another thread…

Late to the party here but…Great musicians playing amazingly beautiful sounding music do not play in spherical inert halls.  One of the worlds Best Sounding Halls is the BSO (Boston Symphony Hall).  Basically a wooden box …like my Cornwall IV speakers.

Kenjit lives in a hell of his own making.  He thinks he is the reality he is one of the oldest and most forgotten inmates in the bowels of the asylum.

😒....The Day Is My Enemy......(Prodigy)....

Kenjit: A Simple Proposition.

Post Your System here at AG.

I will post mine in response...Public Promise, lots of witnesses....

Lets' see who draws the most jeers 'n cheers.

Loud Enough To Piss You Off

@bigtwin Ha! I was just messin' around:)

Private message may have had a worse outcome... 3 at at least...but it is amusing...sometimes....

@macg19  Actually, I didn't read his post.  I simply scrolled to the bottom.  But you are correct.  A private message would have been more appropriate?  Of all the time wasters on this site, @kenjit must be in the top three.  

@bigtwin unfortunately you just fell into the KJ trap and contradicted yourself, as I have also just done...

"it is our duty to get as close as we can."

- our duty? You must be high to try to include rational people in your club of one. There is no "we", it is just you in your asylum.

@kenjit  A very simple comment.  The day you post your Virtual System, is the day I will start reading your posts.  Until that day...................

Nothing is perfect.
Perhaps a child’s laugh and the smile of a lover.

Enjoy the journey!

Some things are more perfect than others and it is our duty to get as close as we can. If you dont care about achieving perfect sound, why are you involved in this hobby? This hobby is only for the prIvileged few that want absolute PERFECTION

As soon as I started reading this nonsense I knew immediately it must be kenjit. The vacuous windbag that claims to know everything, but clearly doesn’t know anything because he doesn’t even own a stereo.

Wait how would you know what I own or dont own? You have no idea what I have or dont have. You have no idea what my custom tuned system sounds like because you've never heard them. Face it. 

There is literally no such thing as the perfect speaker. This is why there is so much variety. Perfection doesn’t exist because every person and their ears are unique.

Wrong. A perfect speaker has to be accurate. Most speakers have a lot of COLORATION. These colorations are not accurate and they are WRONG. I understand that imperfect audiophiles may enjoy colorations but they are wrong. A speaker is either right or wrong. This has nothing to do with what you prefer. 

Nothing is perfect.
Perhaps a child's laugh and the smile of a lover.

Enjoy the journey!

I dunno. Rooms aren’t perfect. Ears aren’t perfect. Amps aren’t perfect. I would think a perfect audiophile could compliment any imperfect speaker with an opposingly imperfect amplifier and end up with a perfectly balanced sound. Maybe audiophile should be more of a verb and less of a noun. 

It may be true that low cost equipment flies under the radar. My question - how many print subscribers here? Much like musicians, if we funded our critics better, would would be in a better position to comment on the extent of their content. As it stands, you get what you pay for. It’s enjoyable to read a clever, well written story about a subject that may interest you - at least more enjoyable than listening to somebody talk about how their straight ruler lined up with the frequency curve. Talk about judging with your eyes….

As soon as I started reading this nonsense I knew immediately it must be kenjit. The vacuous windbag that claims to know everything, but clearly doesn’t know anything because he doesn’t even own a stereo. There is literally no such thing as the perfect speaker. This is why there is so much variety. Perfection doesn’t exist because every person and their ears are unique. What sounds great to one person doesn’t to another. His only goal is to bag on audiophiles generally and speakers in particular instead of understanding that measurements on paper don’t truly tell you how good or bad speakers truly sound (much of what our ears hear are not captured in measurements). It’s also ultimately about the synergy of an entire stereo system including the listening space.

The moral of the story is kenjit is his own best audience.

All the best,

Well great topic.  I personally have found the PLS and I enjoy them every night in long listening sessions with my audio buddies.  I guess I am blessed in this area.  My search is now over.

Happy Listening.  

but who is going to buy a 500 dollar loudspeaker and match it with 5000 dollar gear? 

according to possibilities it's truly possible and frequency of such purchases is far larger than every once in a while.