The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.


To All ...

Lets try to keep this thread on topic ... its about Synergistic Research Blue fuses. Thanks ...

OK…back to the topic then…how do Synergistic Research Blue fuses work? What do they do? I have read the descriptions of how they're made, clad in graphene and blueness, bombarded with tesla coil lightening, not made in China, applied quantum something…but by putting claims of personal wealth, unimpeachable credentials, unquantifiable personal opinions, and user approval statistics aside for a moment, could anybody explain what happens to the current running through these fuses that makes it so helpful to the other parts of the circuit? El redundo amundo desperado…mui bueno.
“I don’t know, Chief, if he’s very smart or very dumb.” - Quint 🦈
At this point I do expect the usual smokescreen of nonsensical responses like those of the esteemed (primarily by himself) geoffkait, or simply more "I think these fuses work and that's that!" comments from those who sincerely believe that Blue Fuses are fabulous, and who tend to bristle when their opinion of a seemingly mystical (unexplained, magical, imagined) technical remedy is being questioned. Since this thread remains, my questions still remain unanswered. Still.
Lets try to keep this thread on topic ... its about Synergistic Research Blue fuses.

Yes that’s right, it’s all about Blue Fuses as this thread is where the sales are coming from..

Are they what they say they are, with only subjective opinions, from dubious "expectation biased" purchasers without any Electronic or Scientific knowledge or backup as Wolf pointed out above.

Or are they just another money grabbing "snake oil" product, that’s making in the order of 500% profit on each fuse.

Can you really hear the difference when they are reversed, when the AC mains has no one way direction, as it switches it’s direction 60 x a second!!

Cheers George
What’s this, the Frick and Frack comedy routine? The Backsliders tag team? Did somebody forget to put the Cucaracha Motels out? Once you let them into your house they can be very resistant to removal. Must be some kind of new virulent strain.
Wolf ...

I can't answer your question of how they "work," but I trust my ears to hear what I hear. They work for me. I do think that the applied graphene on the fuses is one thing that offers an improvement in SQ. 

The only time I "bristle" is when the dialog sinks to the level of personal attacks. I don't doubt that you don't hear a difference in fuses and I do. A lot of things could be involved here. System variances, room variances and hearing acumen are just a few. I'd say that the ratio of those who hear an improvement and those who do not are about 99/1. 
You make me "bristle."

Good your taking notice.

Keeping it real as you said " Lets try to keep this thread on topic ... its about Synergistic Research Blue fuses"

Now just to get the unjustified superlatives and directional ability stopped the awesome foursome heap on these "snake oil" BLUE FUSES.

Which may change to GOLD or whatever is next, to keep the ball (profits) rolling along, I’m fairly sure there’ll be a price hike though. Then there’ll be a new thread maybe " The new Synergistic Research GOLD fuses .... "

BTW: Correct me if I’m wrong, but has anyone noticed, that not once has Synergistic Research voiced their opinion here and backed anyone’s posts about how these mains fuses are directional and the massive sound improvement they can make????.

Dennis Had director/founder of "Cary Audio", opinion on snake oil fuses ect.

Cheers George
Post removed 
Still awaiting your explanation of who the "awesome foursome" are as I notice you deftly avoid that every time asked.
Your sly underhand digs will not be tolerated any longer, you paint yourself in an oh so righteous light and yet have nothing to say bar the same worn out spiel over and over again .
^^^ Yes, uberwaltz, and that’s the problem. Its all fine and good to have opinions, and opinions are welcome, but when derogatory terms like "snake oil," "shill," "slick salesman," "goop," and intimating that "profits" are somehow evil ... well, that’s where I draw the line. Why? Because actors posing as "experts" will dissuade others, especially newbies, from buying the product under discussion. Man, its tough enough for the big guys to stay in business these days, not to mention the startups like Tim Mrock and his Total Contact. I’ll come to the businessman’s and the entrepreneur’s defense every time.

I installed an SR Blue fuse in my "new" Grover DVD player a little over a week ago now ... the difference is remarkable. Of course I pasted the end caps with TC before installing the fuse. Talk about bass response! In spades.

And by the way, if anyone is interested in a low budget, high end CD player, give Grover a call. He makes really good cables too.

Here's tonight's music recommendation. Features the great Terry Gibbs on vibes. Outstanding sound and performances. With the exception of the first cut, all are demo quality.

I installed an SR Blue fuse in my "new" Grover DVD player a little over a week ago now ... the difference is remarkable. Of course I pasted the end caps with TC before installing the fuse. Talk about bass response! In spades.

" the difference is remarkable. Talk about bass response! In spades."
To the non technical gullible, a fuse cannot do this. THIS IS PURE BS!!!!

This is pure "snake oil" an AC mains fuse cannot EVER do this in a CD player, there are transformer/s after the mains fuse, then bridge rectifier/s, then every power supply section after the bridge rectifier’s is super regulated by different + and - regulators for each section, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for a mains fuse to do this BS.

EG: It’s like saying someone dropped an drop of water in the Pacific Ocean off California and we could still see the ripples at Bondi Beach it caused here in Australia, that just how stupid, stupid, stupid all this "snake oil" fuse BS is.

As I said before get Synergistic Research to back up your statements here on Audiogon with posts of their own. As every manufacture I've seen on Audiogon has something to say if their product is mentioned and discussed in a thread.

Cheers George

Reading your last post George, I was reminded of the buggy whip manufacturer who continued pouring money into his business after Henry Ford started spitting out Model-T’s by the thousands via the new fangled assembly line.

One more time ... please keep these words out of your dialog: "The non technical gullible," "PURE BS," "snake oil, "stupid, stupid, stupid,"

Can you see how these words in your texts can be construed as personal attacks, or damaging to a businessman who has poured his entire life and fortune into his/her business?

Other than the verbiage above, your post was just fine and it got your point across ... and it would go a long way in not getting your posts deleted, and/or the entire thread burned down by the Mods again.

Thanks ...

Please answer the question I have now asked you 3 times.
If you cannot manage this and can,only pour ridiculous baseless vitriol on every post then I suggest you give yourself a timeout to reflect 

Thank you
Hi @uberwaltz

While you are waiting for George to answer your question, perhaps you need to be reminded you have yet to answer mine, posed to you in this thread initially 04-06-2018 11:44am and then subsequently 04-06-2018 5:55pm.

Additionally, while I certainly understand you are under no obligation, you mentioned in your 04-08-2018 7:29am post that "And with that I bid thee all farewell. Time to abandon ship before it sinks without a trace." Looks like you've had a change of heart.

You and others should take note that at least IMO, @georgehifi is rather knowledgeable and should be commended for imparting his knowledge. Even in cases where I or someone else might disagree with George, at least he can always demonstrate a rationale explanation. This is in contrast to so many others on this site who simply state the impossible, and then do nothing more than act childish once presented with a thought out rebuttal. 
Because imho blind double testing does not truly work, note i state IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, nothing more and nothing less.
nothing more nefarious than that
If it is truly any concern to yourself, I returned as it looked like it may have taken a turn for the better but recent posts by George and others are destined to land it right back into the mire again .

And as I have stated numerous times science does NOT hold or have all the answers, sorry but I have witnessed just too much in my work experience to be able to assert that everything can be easily categorised and explained.
I openly admit I truly do not know  exactly why the fuses work , in my system, in my house and to my ears but they do.
And apparently quite a few thousand other users of said fuses think the same......

I installed an SR Blue fuse in my "new" Grover DVD player a little over a week ago now ... the difference is remarkable. Of course I pasted the end caps with TC before installing the fuse. Talk about bass response! In spades.

  " the difference is remarkable. Talk about bass response! In spades."
To the non technical gullible, a fuse cannot do this. THIS IS PURE BS!!!!

This is pure "snake oil" an AC mains fuse cannot EVER do this in a CD player, there are transformer/s after the mains fuse, then bridge rectifier/s, then every power supply section after the bridge rectifier’s is super regulated by different + and - regulators for each section, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for a mains fuse to do this BS.

EG: It’s like saying someone dropped an drop of water in the Pacific Ocean off California and we could still see the ripples at Bondi Beach it caused here in Australia, that just how stupid, stupid, stupid all this "snake oil" fuse BS is.

As I said before get Synergistic Research to back up your statements here on Audiogon with posts of their own. As every manufacture I've seen on Audiogon has something to say if their product is mentioned and discussed in a thread.

Cheers George
Alright, let's talk about why these fuses might improve what we are hearing.  If you believe a quieter current produces better sound, if you believe grain-free copper produces better sound, then why couldn't a fuse made of superior materials also improve the quality of current and final sound over the stock form?  The AC main input fuse is part of the current pathway--take it out, there is no pathway.  Even though the energy passes through transformers and other power supplies, there must be a burden of distortion carried forward that degrades the quality of the modulated signal all the way to the speakers' diaphragms.  Simply put, superior materials produce a purer sound, and these fuses contribute to that over stock by being superior conductors that are more in line with the better copper, tubes, windings, capacitors, speakers, etc used in better gear vs cheaper, budget gear.  You bought higher-end gear because it contains superior materials throughout--stock fuses are not superior--they are a minimum that can be improved upon.  Even from a layman's understanding, this is not that difficult.      
^^^ jafreeman ...

And then there is the Tesla Coil treatment and the graphene application to consider also. 

Georgehifi ...

Are you also in the camp that claims that IC's, PC's and speaker cables can't make an improvement? Just curious ... 

stock fuses are not superior--they are a minimum that can be improved upon.
You said that, don’t make out it’s fact.

Are you also in the camp that claims that IC’s, PC’s and speaker cables can’t make an improvement? Just curious ...
There have measurable capacitance, resistance and inductance’s with these that can effect the sound
A FUSE DOES NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You "Awesome Foursome" really are "Technical Neanderthal’s"
Once again with your CD player BS statements:
" the difference is remarkable. Talk about bass response! In spades."
You are full of it, and every time I see this sort of BS posted about fuses I will react to it.

An AC mains fuse cannot EVER do this in a CD player, there are transformer/s after the mains fuse, then bridge rectifier/s, then every power supply section after the bridge rectifier’s is super regulated by different + and - regulators for each section, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for a mains fuse to do this BS.
EG: It’s like saying someone dropped an drop of water in the Pacific Ocean off California and we could still see the ripples at Bondi Beach it caused here in Australia, that just how stupid, all this "snake oil" fuse BS is. It’s just a massive money grab!

Cheers George

George ... you just don't get the program here, or at least in this thread. No personal attacks, remember? Remove the personal insults and you will gain immeasurable credibility. Thanks again ...

George ... you just don't get the program here,
There is no program here it's all smoke and mirrors, that's all, with no cred whatsoever.

Cheers George 
Thank you @uberwaltz 

I appreciate your candid reply.

I disagree about the double blind testing not working, but at least you're a gentlemen and clearly state that is your opinion, which of course you are entitled to.

Again, thanks.
I see 12 Angry Men is still playing. “You can’t Prove it!” If aftermarket fuses are a money grab as everyone’s favorite Angry Man suggests, then it is surely the most successful money grab in the history of audio. Well, at least next to cables. And it looks like Brimar is the new king money grabber with their new $400 Black fuse. Whoa!  

And just how did these money grabbers sustain such a wildly successful money grab campaign for over 15 years without any amps exploding, any houses burning down, any lawsuits, and letters to editor, barely a squeak on audio forums or more than a few disgruntled customers who probably ordered the wrong value, have hearing acuity issues or installed them in the wrong direction? Clever marketing? Mass hallucination? Placebo effect. Global conspiracy? You decide.

You are full of it, and every time I see this sort of BS posted about fuses I will react to it

Really? Every single time? Do you mean you won’t let others discuss their experience with fuses here without you calling it BS every single time? Before you answer, please consider that a "yes" answer reveals you as a troll. People should be entitled to discuss their on-topic experiences in this thread without you chiming in every time that you think they are BS. Please answer thoughtfully.
yet again you refer to the "awesome foursome" with out answering my question of who this foursome is?.
You throw this phrase out in the same ridiculous post that is a repeat of the post before it and before that and before that etc.
So , by your own admission, you will continue to harass anybody who posts here who has a different opinion to yourself and deliberately disrupt the intent of this thread is what you are saying.
Be VERY carefull on what you say next......


To All ...Lets try to keep this thread on topic ... its about Synergistic Research Blue fuses. Thanks

I recently received a Blue Fuse to try out in a component. It did have a positive impact in overall sound quality. Since I've had a number of component and cabling changes of late, I'm holding off on final impressions until I can properly A/B it vs the stock fuse. 

I did reverse the fuse and was advised to keep it in that position, at least overnight, before coming to a conclusion. Within 4 hours I had had enough and could not deal with the poor sound quality. I reversed it back to the original position I started with and was once again able to enjoy my system.

I don't consider myself a skeptic but I am slow and cautious in my approach to tweaks, generally only after considerable feedback and findings. It's not something I jump into.

My preliminary finding is that yes there was an improvement and two, in this application, directionality was evident (for this one component).

I have one component that came stock with a Black Fuse. Once my system is fully settled (by the end of May) I will see if a Blue Fuse brings any benefit to it. My other components do not take fuses. With my most recent amp, access to fuses is too difficult/complicated for me to justify doing so.
It's good to see that a fuse thread is finally staying on the subject of fuses. I'm glad the mods did whatever they did to stop the intentional ruin of yet another fuse thread. Last night was surreal, to say the least.

All the best,
Post removed 

Got interested in your thread when you first brought to light your experience with the Synergistic Red fuses.  I had a different component system back then which consisted of a tube pre and a tube amp.  I have since downsized and simplified my listening to a Hegel 160 integrated amp.  I wanted to try some different power cords, so I took advantage of the Synergistic sale of its Black power cable which included a free Blue fuse, just before it ended.   That gave me the chance to try the much talked about Blue fuse and put an end to my interest and curiosity.  For some reason after reading the positive results and raves from various users of the Red fuses then the Black, there was little doubt in my mind that this tweak wouldn't work.  Because my units took multiple fuses, I didn't jump right away.  But since the downgrade and that no brainer sale, the God's spoke to me that the timing was just right.  And another fortunate blessing for me, the Hegel only took one fuse.  After selling my old equipment, I upgraded my interconnects and speaker cables to the top of the manufacturers line.  And that was the kind of improvement I heard when I put the Blue fuse in.  There was more detail, and mind you, Hegel already was giving me loads of refine detail.  But the Blue fuse kicked it up notches  more.  I must have lucked out and put the fuse in the right direction, because it sounded superb and I didn't dare bother to experiment and switch it around.  My Father's advice was, "If it ain't broke, don't screw with it".  So for around $150.00, this has got to be one of the best bang for your buck tweaks I've ever come across.  Again, It was like a two or three steps interconnect upgrade, but only cheaper.  
I'd like to thank you for sharing you experience to all those that are and were open to it, like myself.  And for those that didn't, continue to enjoy your systems in its present state.      

But imagine what the sound could be if the fuse was inserted in the wrong direction. Now you won’t be able to stop thinking about it. 😛

Aren't you glad that the Blue fuse sounds great as soon as you install it?  I think that is one of it's best features.
Just checking in. 

Dim George still doesn't understand the difference between your and you're, and wolf still hasn't heard a blue fuse, despite "hours and hours or extensive testing". 

Hahaha, imagine my surprise. Oh my.

To those who HAVE heard the benefits of blue fuses, keep enjoying them. 

Now, back to the music... can be made for designing better components like speaker cables, interconnects, tubes, teflon coated internal wires, better transformers, caps, diodes, etc., no case regarding how specifically "premium" fuses can do anything but their job has been produced anywhere."
You are not making any sense besides the fact that many times people here have explained why fuses can make a difference if you can understand how wire can make a difference then you should be able to understand why a fuse can make a difference because as you should know if you don't know a fuse works because theres a wire inside!
My Littelfuse fuses are made from superior materials,

No, they aren't. You must have missed it back when I posted the make up of fuses (from a site on fuses) that states they're made of cheap tin and various metal alloys with a cheap nichrome wire for the element.

Why they "might" work is guessing.

Sure, as long as they "measure" about the same. Has anyone bothered  to measure them after swapping out the fuse? Like teo_audio stated, with an analyzer? They sure don't sound the same. As someone else has pointed out, it does more than protect. An amp or any piece of gear that uses a fuse won't work unless it's installed. That says a lot about the fallacy that all it does is protect: it has influence beyond merely protecting. 

As Paul MacGowan pointed out in the link I provided earlier, the amp he helped design sounded horrible after implementing the fuse. It introduces something into the equation.

All the best,
Thanks to all who have posted in this newly opened thread with positive input. 

 I kind of envy those who can't hear the difference in tweaks, or discount them without even trying them. Why do I envy them? Because they will be saving themselves a boat load of money in this hobby. Of course along with that, they will never enjoy the benefits that such tweaks can bring to an audio system. 

For those who can hear the difference, the benefits are obvious ... and we will be enjoying the hobby even more than we do today.

For those who are using SR fuses, especially the Blue fuse, and Tim's "Total Contact," here's an outstanding music recommendation:

If this disc doesn't have your toes tapping and you dancing around your room .... I'll eat  my hat. :-)

This thread was re-opened at the request of the Author, but keep in mind that if your comments go off topic or not related to the subject, they will be removed. We only want the Thread to be kept on-topic and relevant to our members.
Regarding measuring the impact of fuses directly it strikes me that this method may be worth trying -- taken from an interview with the designer of AQ power cords and conditioners

Magic sure, but Garth stresses that he is an engineer, and all his claims can be measured. But how? It turns out to be elegantly simple: a difference file. Play a track on a digital system with stock power cables from the wall, and digitally record the output. Then add audiophile power cables or a power conditioner, and record the same track. On a computer, align the recordings perfectly so they start and stop at exactly the same point. Flip the phase on one track and add them together. What you get is a difference file—if the two files are identical, the result would be total silence. If the power cable or conditioner is making a difference (hopefully an improvement), the difference track should be playing all the information that was masked in the stock playback.

Garth sent me two difference tracks, one from a Niagara 7000 and one from Power Conditioner X, retailing at $5000. The tracks were created about a year ago at Bernie Grundman Mastering, and compared the Niagara 7000 to a number of competing conditioners. I expected to hear a collection of unidentifiable blips and clicks—random leading edges and low-level details. Instead, I heard music. It's metallic and thin sure, and there's little low frequency information, but you can identify the track; here, the opening bars of "Mediterranean Sundance / Rio Ancho " from Friday Night in San Francisco by Paco de Lucía, John McLaughlin, and Al Di Meola. You can hear the cheers and clapping, and clearly identify the guitars and follow the melody. I was startled, because that's a lot of information to lose. Power Conditioner X's difference file was a lot quieter and even went silent for a few moments, showing it was doing less work than the Niagara.

Post removed 

Thank you, that is an Excellent method of actually determing a real sonic difference.
I would welcome the same test on a Blue fuse for sure.
Anybody have the capability to do that here?
Of course, and I hate to be the one to bring this up, you could try using your ears. Hel-loo! 🤡 Who is it you’re hoping to convince? Wolfie? Georgie? gdhal? 
That was pointless and completely unwarranted.
Yes of COURSE it would be good to have some scientific proof to quiet the sceptics.
No need to sink to their level now is there? 

+ 1 @uberwaltz

You should know though that according to his humble scribe, it’s a time honored tradition here for him to have the last word. That could explain it.   🤓