The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....

New SR BLUE fuse thread ...

I’ve replaced all 5 of the SR BLACK fuses in my system with the new SR BLUE fuses. Cold, out of the box, the BLUE fuses stomped the fully broken-in SR BLACKS in a big way. As good as the SR BLACK fuses were/are, especially in comparison with the SR RED fuses, SR has found another break-through in fuses.

1. Musicality ... The system is totally seamless at this point. Its as if there is no system in the room, only a wall to wall, front to back and floor to ceiling music presentation with true to life tonality from the various instruments.

2. Extension ... I’ve seemed to gain about an octave in low bass response. This has the effect of putting more meat on the bones of the instruments. Highs are very extended, breathing new life into my magic percussion recordings. Vibes, chimes, bells, and triangles positioned in the rear of the orchestra all have improved. I’ve experienced no roll-off of the highs what so ever with the new BLUE fuses. Just a more relaxed natural presentation.

3. Dynamics ... This is a huge improvement over the BLACK fuses. Piano and vibes fans ... this is fantastic.

I have a Japanese audiophile CD of Flamenco music ... the foot stomps on the stage, the hand clapping and the castanets are present like never before. Want to hear natural sounding castanets? Get the BLUE fuses.

4. Mid range ... Ha! Put on your favorite Ben Webster album ... and a pair of adult diapers. Play Chris Connor singing "All About Ronnie," its to die for.

Quick .... someone here HAS to buy this double album. Its a bargain at this price. Audiophile sound, excellent performance by the one and only Chris Connor. Yes, its mono ... but so what? Its so good you won’t miss the stereo effects. If you’re the lucky person who scores this album, please post your results here.

Overall impressions:

Where the RED fuses took about 20 hours to sound their best, and the BLACK fuses took upwards of 200 hours of total break-in, the BLUE fuses sounded really good right out of the box ... and that’s without doing anything about proper directional positioning. Not that the BLUE fuses don’t need breaking in, they do. The improvement continues through week three. Its a gradual break-in thing where each listening session is better than the last.

Everything I described above continues to break new ground in my system as the fuses continue breaking in. Quite honestly, I find it difficult to tear myself away from the system in order to get things done. Its truly been transformed into a magical music machine. With the expenditure of $150.00 and a 30 day return policy there’s really nothing to lose. In my system, its like upgrading to a better pre amp, amp, CD player or phono stage. Highly recommended.

Kudos to Ted Denney and the entire staff at SR. Amazing stuff, guys. :-)


PS: If you try the SR BLUE fuses, please post your results here. Seems the naysayers, the Debbie Downers and Negative Nellie’s have hijacked the original RED fuse thread. A pox on their houses and their Pioneer receivers.



Showing 50 responses by geoffkait

Riddle me this. The new Audio Magic super Beeswax fuse, you know, the one that’s almost twice the price of the Blue Fuse, has a "push-pull core instead of a single core," according to the blurb on Audiogon currently. I assume that means it has two wires instead of one. Does that mean the signal is directionally correct no matter which way it goes? Or does it mean if one wire blows up accidentally the other wire takes over? Or is it a marketing ploy? You decide. The extra or improved black stuff in the new Beeswax fuse I’m pretty sure everyone understands.

Goody gumdrops, kids! It's time to play "Down the Rabbit Hole with Wolfie". 🐇

Whoa! Huh? Wolf didn't hear the fuse? Oh, well. File under That's the way the cookie crumbles. 🍪

If I could describe the Blue fuses in a few words, I’d say they *put a lot more meat on the bones.* The *textures are much more of what I hear in live music*."

Robert has been bringing over some of his collection of ten-inch classical records from the 40’s and early 50’s. Some are *dead silent* and *spectacular.* I *wouldn’t call them "audiophile" recordings*, but man ’O man are they ever *enjoyable from a pure musical standpoint.* Beautiful covers too. Robert continues to amaze with his knowledge of recorded music .... performances and all.

Last night *I dug into the vault* and dug up a Japanese pressing of Sonny Stitt playing Bird. *Charlie Parker was in the room.* Its available on Ebay in both audiophile pressings, standard mono, stereo and CD’s. If you like great bebop jazz, Parker in particular, this is highly recommended. Go for the stereo version: :.

I can detect no cliches. You are granted safe passage. 😀
The trouble with that strategy is that because breaking in a fuse can be very uh, rocky, with many ups and downs along the way and you might not know if you’re UP or DOWN. Hey that sounds like a Hendrix song! So, if you try to draw conclusions too early, you might conclude the fuse is crap prematurely. If you see what I mean. No one promised you a rose garden. (Your humble scribe had the Audio Magic Super Nano Fuse a couple years ago, trust me it’s not crap.) 😁 You were the one who signed up for this duty. It’s up to you to do a thorough job. We’re all counting on you. 👪

The philosophical question is do you try reversing the fuse early in the burn in process or after burn in is complete? And why? 😳
I always wait til the fuse is fully broken in to reverse direction. That way you should be better able to hear the difference more easily.

I need a fuse cooker. Why don’t y’all fully break in these fuses, mark proper orientation, then send them to me for analysis. ;

>>>>>Most likely because it takes so much time and energy and tube life. 😬 Direction can be determined very easily by reversing the fuse by the customer. Even when fuses are marked the customer has to reverse them anyway. 😳 Besides some fuses are made only when ordered (e.g., Audio Magic Beeswax fuse) so the customer probably would prefer not to wait 10 extra days for his fuse.
You’ll know it when you hear it. Nice cliche! 😬 Confucius say a man’s Audio Xanadu only as good as best system he’s heard.

Tommy, thanks! For a second I was afraid you were going to use more cliches. 😁
Unless I’m reading the article incorrectly the Graphene nanotechnology for lithium batteries was introduced about 7 count em years ago. On the subject for just a sec has anyone given any thought to developing a Graphene doped contact enhancer?

Were you going to buy one? Plus, who would know what value fuse to buy off the top of his head? 

Wolfie wrote,

Indeed, why? Possibly the most unexplained magical tweak in the history of audio snake oil…and note that geoffkait has alleged he doesn’t actually use the things, but is certain they’re directional. They are, but only in the sense that they pump money in the direction of SR.

I suspect you probably meant to write, "the least understood tweak in history, at least by me." Also, all wire is directional, not just fuses. Did somebody leave you off the distribution list? 😧

Looks like it’s the sensitive types vs the insensitive types. Or should that be unsensitive? Maybe just premature hearing loss, who can say for sure?

Jitter wrote,

"One of the things I really wish is that A'gon had a tally count mechanism. For example, I think, but have no idea, that "fusers" are a small minority giving that 1/2" of wire supernatural powers, and that the majority of A'gon readers agree with Wolf."

>>>>>So, you seem to be saying you believe the majority of A'gon readers are pseudo skeptics. might be on to something. 😁

"Why would any non-technical person care about HOW a fuse works when the only thing we're after are the results?"

>>>>Uh, because they're curious?

"Conversely, why would any technical person care about results when the aim is to understand why?"

>>>>Uh, because they're curious? 

707 posts
11-09-2017 8:32am
Oh, he is been out here trolling with his negative energy and BS theories. He simply cannot stand that we enjoy listening to our gear in a manner we prefer. It’s best to ignore than engage him in tiresome dialogues that only ends up satisfying his pitiful satires.

Whoa! What! Hey, somebody jumped the gun. Latka, I hate to judge too quickly but this obviously appears to be just a case of mistaken identity. While on the internet reading skills can often be quite important. 👀

I would be happy with 5 more miles per gallon myself. Getting back on topic Has anyone tried reversing the fuse in his car's sound system? No, I'm not hot dogging you. 🌭

The Naysayers Creedo

"I shall not allow some charlatans and scoundrels to take advantage of young naive and gullible audiophiles. I shall not allow these pseudo scientists and tweakaphiles to besmirch and sully the good names of Ohm, Watt, Faraday, and the other Icons of Science and Electricity. Finally, I shall not allow any of the Laws of Science to be broken or otherwise injured."  - your humble scribe 

Happy to see stalker no. 1 back in action. When did you get out? By the way, four dimensions are way better than two. Looks like you got short changed. 

Just when you thought this thread could not possibly get any funnier. 
Another nice, succinct and condescending post from troll #3. Bravo!
Sorry, no offense, Mitch, but you must have been snoozing since the way these aftermarket fuses work has been explained to death, including the various SR fuses. OK, you can go back to sleep, now.

Al, nice try. The nice legalese notwithstanding. 😄 Nobody including myself or even HiFi Tuning ever suggested the differences in measurements explain the audible differences among fuses. But it is evidence nevertheless. Everybody and his brother except for a few outliers now understands that aftermarket fuses sound better than stock fuses. 

And we also know SOME aftermarket fuses sound better than OTHER aftermarket fuses, for a variety of pretty obvious reasons, I mean unless one turns a blind eye to them or plays dumb. We also know - as HiFi Tuning states on their web site - that cryo’d fuses sound better than non cryo’d fuses and that fuses CONSISTENTLY measure and sound better in one direction than the other. It’s an undeniable truth. Whoops, except for naysayers. One would have to be pretty stubborn, who knows why, to ignore all the evidence that is staring him in the face. Obviously, it would be a hard pill to swallow for some folk. 😛 Now, I realize I’m going to get a lot of the usual 12 Angry Men reponse, "But you can’t PROVE IT!! 😡

You assume proprietary information would not be revealed? Huh? Why assume anything? As I’ve said before any company who reveals anything is making a big mistake. There is no requirement to do so and it only sets the company up for who knows what. This is not a peer review committee. This is not Journal of Physics. This is not the faculty at Harvard.
If not much trouble can someone be so good as to check the Use By date on the Roach Motels?

oregonpapa wrote,

"My take is that the fuses use graphene internally ... and graphene is known to eliminate micro-arcing. Micro-arcing, like micro-vibrations have the effect of smearing and degrading the sound."

Not sure I go along with you on your detective work. For one thing I’m pretty sure the only manufactuer that opens up a fuse, and even then only drilling holes in the end caps, is Audio Magic. For another thing, the issue of micro arcing would most likely be on the outside of the fuse on the end caps, not inside the fuse, where the wire is soldered to the end caps. Also, I’m pretty sure you can see the black stuff on the *outside* of the Black Fuse. That is the Graphene, no? At least. Matrix containing Graphene. Ditto the Blue Fuse if I’m not mistaken, Graphene is on the outside of the fuse. Which of course leads up to my next Pop Quiz. Horray!

Pop Quiz, if Graphene is applied to the *outside* of the fuse what the heck is its function? 😳

I suspect the vibration of walls in concert with seismic low frequency vibration would swamp any micro effects associated with fuses, capacitors, transformers, not that those effects would be inaudible in most cases. That’s why capacitors, fuses and transformers and CD transport mechanisms should be damped - using some effective means, of course, not an ineffective means. That’s also why aftermarket fuses often address vibration concerns, with beeswax, ceramic fuse bodies and such. Personally I like using pure natural cork. Aka Quark! 

Riddle me this. Why do high end amp manufacturers still insist on coupling the transformer directly to the chassis with BOLTS?!

Pop quiz: how many concerns are there for fuses, in terms of signal quality? I’ve just given you one.

That’s only some skinny. Not the whole skinny. Smart move! 😀

Wait! Unless, unless...the wave is traveling on the OUTSIDE of the fuse! What say, Mapman? 😳 And why is the Blue Fuse blue if Graphene is applied to the outside of the fuse? Graphene is black. Or is it? Maybe Smurfs are involved. Or blueberries.
Actually, there’s more to it. I hate to judge before all the facts are in but it appears to be tit for tat. He gets the fuses and for that he posts his "impressions." That’s a little bit different story. That’s why I said a few days ago, he went beyond the call of duty. SR gave a fuse or two and got a hundred posts or whatever in return. Pretty good payoff.

What he said, in response to the dbarger question, in case I’m not interpreting it properly,

"....I was grateful for the opportunity (to be a Beta tester for the Blue Fuse). I reported what I heard IN MY SYSTEM ... nothing more and nothing less. Sometimes opportunity knocks at the door and its up to us to take advantage of it or not.

One more thing dbarger .... I am also beta testing the "secret and elusive super tweak." We’re almost done and approaching a release date. Has nothing to do with SR .... and its fantastic. I’m on my third version of it and each version is better than the last. Looks like the third time is charm."


Ted. Julian Hirsch truly believe that all amplifiers, all electronic components for that matter, sounded the same. That did not make him right.

>>>>Julian Hirsch was not quite so bullet headed. 😃 What he actually said was that amplifiers that measure the same tend to sound the same. He didn’t say all electronic components sound the same.

+1 for Herbies tube dampers, for big tubes two per tube is recommended for even more pizazz. One on glass near the getter and one on the base. Forget about it!
That would be a good trick since, you know, the Cable Cooker is for uh, cables. The Burn In Track off the XLO Test CD might work. Yeah, that’s the ticket! On second thought, the Cable Cooker COULD be made to burn in fuses. 
So, you’re saying because the Cable Cooker can accommodate power cords it can accommodate fuses? That’s a pretty bold deduction, Sherlock. 🕵🏻‍♂️ How would the Cable Cooker be able to handle the wide variety of fuse sizes and ratings? Answer at 11.
@mitch2 you catch on quick. Why would I use fuses or cables if I can avoid them? They are obviously weak links in the audio chain. Not to mention increasingly expensive weak links. Not to mention the super long burn in times associated with those things. Same goes for AC power, AC ground, big toxic transformers, big capacitors, power cords and room anomalies. If you enjoy those various distortions and the pain of those long burn in times more power to you.
A question for those who have extensive experience with fuses: Am I correct in assuming that the primary or perhaps only place they would make an audible difference is in the signal path? 

Probably not prudent to assume anything in this hobby. 
Well, to be fair, EVERYTHING comes with a 30 day money back guarantee these daze.
OK, have it your way. Almost everything. Another rare exception is the new super duper Beeswax fuse from Audio Magic which are only made to order. No waffling. But even the Teleportation Tweak has a 30 day guarantee. More to the point, David Pritchard was trying to make it sound as if SR stuff was the ONLY thing with a 30 day money back guarantee. Which he does frequently. Who knows why? 😛
Huh? That’s what everyone says about all audio tweaks - they’re too expensive! But the money back guarantee is not protection against the high price. That’s not what it’s for at all. It’s to assure the nervous or suspicious customer that the thing WORKS as advertised or as expected. But he still has to pay for it. He can’t avoid the high price if he wants to keep it.