Speaker system

Hi, I have a Large room 45x65 ft and want to put a "Budget-friendly" audio system in 

I am thinking of 4 x 8" powered speakers with Bluetooth connection and maybe a 12" Sub if needed.

Any suggestions? 


Here is some practical advice- keyword a search in older forums and you should be able to cull some information together that may help you in what you're trying to do. Try something like "large room system"  "large room speakers"

Your question has infinite possibilities which is why you're getting garbage responses. Plus a lot of people here are pompous blowhards.


Good Luck

I assumed with the moniker "dvij" that this was a "Patel" application.

Silly me.



Totally lacking in detail, even after many questions, the premise that he thought he was going to fill 3000 square feet with half a car stereo, and has no idea of a budget so he cobbles a couple numbers together.

Yeah, not buying it.

The indignant "thanks for nothing" was a good touch, though.

Really, is this digitalviper again? The imaginary room the op describes is the size of a twelve car garage…almost 3,000 square feet. Its been a troll thread from the get go…dvij likely means digitalviper 2 (i J in roman numerology is 2)

Thank you for your "Knowledge" guys

Learned a lot from you guys and will get by with some real knowledge. 

You had a lot of fun by being Rude.

I am sure I can get some constructive info elsewhere.

Anyway thanks for your "valuable" time and input.

God Bless


Lots of rude comments. Give the guy a break. If you don't have anything constructive to provide why bother being rude or condescending. Ridiculous. 

@torquerulesok ...or send him out to the wet skid pad with some vague directions on parking brake application vs. quick twists of the steering.

901s' could certainly 'fill' the ops' space...2 pairs hooked up to a K-watt pro amp driven by a simple pre with a cell for source...

Back when, a salesclone admitted they'd driven a pair of 901s' with a kilowatt amp and the little suckers acted like they wanted More....never tried that with mine... ;)

You would be better served looking at a pro audio site.

i.e.Yamaha or QSC powered speakers with 15inch woofers and possibly a sub.

Altec Lansing VOT solid state amp and solid state preamp.

You may want to divide the room if possible. I doubt if you will be experiencing any type of sound stage. That may not be that important.

BTW I have Yamaha DSR 15's ,2 FOCAL CMS subs that I am controlling with a Benchmark DAC 3 HGC ,OPPO CD player and Cambridge sound streamer.......Sounds great outside for party's or large indoor rooms ...I am not saying this is to die for. It sounds a lot better than you would expect of a PA system.

Good Luck

For such a large space (hospitality?) and the stated budget you will most likely be better off to start with a Public Address (PA) system.

If you have a "Guitar Center" nearby you could consult them (they carry self powered Bluetooth speakers).

If no "GC" then look for a local pro-sound company.



If you have a large room like this, you must live in a mansion.  That said you will have a difficult time filling that room with sound.  If you can afford a room that size in your home, you can certainly afford a larger size system.  That is a huge room.  Perhaps install a system with speakers in the ceiling to hear music throughout this room.  Not sure how to image a sound stage in such a large space.  There are a lot of very knowledgeable people in this group to get advice.  Perhaps include a picture of the room you are working with.  Perhaps, find a smaller room in your house to set up a listening room.

I can sell you a pair of Bose 901’s. They are perfect for this application. 

Well, maybe a simple answer to a couple questions would help.

Are you looking to fill the whole room with high level volume  (as for parties) or wanting to place a system within a listening area (for a more personal presentation for yourself and guests).  

What music sources do you require? 

A nice system can be developed within your budget. 



"I have no Idia of Budget, maybe 1500 - 3000?"

And no idea of how to spell idea....

The OP is looking for HiFidelity, not a PA system.

where’s that spotty kid in the wrx?

on second thoughts @yoyoyaya you might be correct..

Behringer perhaps ?

Get a used PA system. I will sound rubbish but at least it will be loud and it will sound better than driving a small hi fi system to destruction  - and it will last longer.

Used Altec Lansings driven by Pass ACA via Mod Squad passive preamp using your iPhone out

“He needs a Raven Blackhawk and Tekton Moabs with Swarm Sub's”


The OP is looking for HiFidelity, not a PA system.

Is that you MC?

ticks NPD/incoherency boxes as well……I say most probably..

Gallo satellites plus sub would probably suit OP‘s requirements IMHO

on Townshend podiums, of course..

Welcome, @dvij, and thank you for starting a most amusing thread. Your question is akin to a learner-driver walking into a racing drivers' meeting uninvited and asking, "hi guys, I'm having trouble making a full U-turn quickly in traffic. A buddy told me I could cross over my arms instead of shuffling the steering wheel through my hands. Any thoughts?"


@geof3's suggestion to go to Best Buy is constructive and helpful. In the drivers' meeting they would reply, "take the bus".  



The key is to use all Siltech wiring, and ensure you know someone who can do the required cryogenic treatment if it hasn't already been done. Then find the best cable elevators that money can by, also cryogenically treated, and top everything off with four, yes four Shakti Hallograph Soundfield Optimizers and have them cryo'd for synergy. With those items, you can use virtually any components and they'll sound exquisite, and it won't be subtle. 

Get The Sixes POWERED SPEAKERS by Klipsch.  I have a set in the waiting room of our offices. It's  40' x 40' . Sounds pretty good.

Silent disco headphone system....space too large, hopes ditto, budget....lots of used....🤷‍♂️

don’t forget springs !,,,,,

Stacked pair of LaScala in the old beater road cabinets, paint em black, two Hafler DH-200, DH-101 preamp and a beater CD player….

should be able to shred your head in that small room….

ask me HOW i know…

Post removed 

Please include a picture of your "45x65 ft room". Without a picture, it doesn't exist.

You will need at minimum a pair of Klipsch LaScalas to have a chance at filling that space but since you don't seem to want to answer some basic questions it's going to be impossible to help you. 

Does everyone agree? No. At your price point it might be good to go to Best Buy and pick out something to put together. For your room size, the speakers you suggest would be worthless. If you just want some sound in your room then have it. But it would require some power and some good sized speakers to really get your room cooking.

Sorry, Don't want to waste anyone's time. If you can help with some suggestions, would be appreciated.

I have no Idia of Budget, maybe 1500 - 3000?

Got the Suggestion from someone for a Sound town (KALE-208WPW-PAIR)

with 18" Sub or two 12" subs.

Just wanted to know if anyone agrees.



I suggest you stop wasting people’s time with pointless questions.

   I agree!

Russ, the guy says he has a 2900+ sq. ft. room and he wants to put the equivalent of a car stereo in it. He just joined today. I'll be surprised if this is remotely legitimate.

We will need a little more info than that. Is this for listening to music? How loud? TV? What source? What is your actual budget?