Responses from polkalover
Speaker or amplifer I always built a system from the speakers on up. But the only opinion that matters is yours. | |
Vinyl sounds better (shots fired) Vinyl has a sound signature and so does digital. I like the ritual of vinyl and the convenience of digital- especially when it’s hi-res. | |
Will a high quality preamp really make a difference in sound?? Also speaker cable Your system is only as good as your weakest link. This doesn’t mean you have to spend gobs of money. It means you spend on quality gear that gives you your desired sound. | |
Calculation verification please By my calculations, I load the cartridge to what sounds best to me. | |
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024? My upgrade is coming in Jan 2025. A pair of Mur audio SP1 speakers. Can’t wait | |
??? What Is The MOST Expensive System You Ever Heard ??? What Was Your Opinion ??? Let’s not forget the law of diminishing returns and the placebo effects. | |
Thiel Owners @pablohoney - north east florida | |
Thiel Owners Anyone interested in a pair of CS1.2? They are a little worn but still make beautiful sounds. They are in storage and thought someone might want to enjoy them. I haven’t listed them yet but seeing if there are any interested parties? | |
Top 10 Live Albums I have 2 I listen to regularly as I am not a live album aficionado- sinatra at the sands and rust never sleeps. | |
Ugliest Component of the Year 2024! I’m not sure which I like best the black speakers that look like they have a white mushrooms growing on the side or the speakers that grew a massive tulip erection. great designs for the blind. | |
What devices have you found useful when inspecting your stylii for cleanliness? I use the onzow zero dust stylus cleaner. Just lower the needle down a few times and voila - cleaned. Frequency depends on you. | |
Help me find my ideal Stereo Integrated Amp Musical fidelity m6si or above meets that criteria. I own one and it’s a rock solid beast of a performer | |
Friends hi-fi system not very good, what do you do or say? I would turn it around on them- ask them right back and say well what do you think? They’ll most likely say yes. Then ask is that the sound your going for? ….the conversation will ensue naturally…. | |
Time for a new cartridge For what it’s worth I use a soundsmith paua and also have the musical fidelity nu vista vinyl pre and they sing. | |
Bluesound mode not really cutting it I’ll be in the minority here - but the problem is not the node. It’s your DAC or preamp. The node is just serving the file so to speak. |