Now that we have heard from both sides of the story, IMHO, @zappas owes the dealer an apology for attempting to drag his name through the mud.
Sold Sold Sold
Has anyone had a scenario like this ? Was talking to love4audio about buying a Auralic streamer. Told him I'd be out of the country for a week and would buy when I got back. Well as soon as I reached the states I emailed him to get it done. No response, I emailed 3 times with no answer. Upon looking at the ad it now says Sold. I believe this is wrong on so many levels and I will never buy from this type of seller. What you say ?
@zappas What you have done is give sellers a warning to consider not selling to you... |
Thanks for saving me the trouble of not accepting your offer, or indication of interest, or whatever.
zappas OP184 posts Won't be buying here anymore. Woke. |
@zappas Based upon the seller’s rebuttal to your obviously false claim of being wronged, coupled with your above continued woe is poor me post which further reflects poorly on any litle credibility you had left I’d guess that no one here would be willing to sell to you anyway. |
He’s going through life in "I’m entitled to everything I want" mode. He should only buy brand new from dealers, at or near MSRP, so they’re at least being paid a profit over cost to acommodate his whims. |
@inna . What exactly are you taking his side about? He started a thread calling a dealer out claiming he was wronged, he doesn’t apologize or manup after facts show otherwise but rather claims woke. And, no matter where you are or the circumstances when you bs you’re not right. |
The "customer is always right" is good policy when you’re making at least 40% margin on each widget sold, there’s incentive for repeat business (more widgets to sell), and your customers have some grip on being rational & reasonable adults. This was a PRIVATE SALE, peer-to-peer between 2 hobbyists, where in most cases the basis cost is equal to or higher than their sale price (net loss). As a buyer, I approach sellers with the utmost respect for their time. As a seller, I’m happy to help hobbyists who "operate" like me, and will quickly shut off those who don’t. Not worth the effort. I’m pissed off on behalf of the seller, too. We’ve had countless threads on Audiogon where an OP will complain about some malady / slight and yet still RESUSE to name the manufacturer or dealer. Yet here, seller was clearly a good guy, and OP came right out guns blazing to try and "name & shame"? Wtf?! Anyways, there’s no point trying to convince folks who are (bafflingly) on the other side of this. "No soup for you" policy applies, as needed :) Go find your gear from a less scrupulous seller, or pay MSRP from a dealer who will entertain some silliness for profit. |
Had a need? You're joking right. What was to be accomplished starting this thread? Were you or anyone else going to resolve his complaint for him even if he was in the right which he certainly wasn't. So other than using this as a venue to complain nothing gets accomplished in these type matters ,and this one resulted in him putting himself in a bad light. If that was his mission he accomplished it |
You might have been one of several responders inquiring and making offers, except you weren’t ready to pay. Why should he hold off another good and immediate offer for yours which wasn’t immediate and thus wasn’t certain? How does he know you weren’t hedging some other offer elsewhere? If you really wanted the item, you should have closed the deal with payment. |
@zappas 0 |
Fun thread. First cash "in hand" wins the sale. Sometimes with multiple inquiries, I'll let the possible buyer know where they are in a queue. My reasoning is that they are not then under the impression that they are the only one expressing interest. This past week I saw two CJ pieces (2550, 16LS2) come and go within two days or so. If you really want a thing it pays to be watching and to be ready with cash. Just saying. |
@mulveling @facten @corelli @akg_ca @jperry @mitch2 @chrisoshea Thanks guys! :) |
It looks like you never actually offered to buy the equipment in your initial correspondence. "I'm on vacation for awhile, I'll see what's happening when I get back." is not an agreement or a commitment to buy anything. And then you blame a clearly honest/competent seller for actually selling it to someone else on a public forum. I don't think you understand what an agreement is, let alone a "gentlemen's agreement". |
Not sure what alternative facts you’re smoking (assuming you’ve actually read the thread). Just on the basis of the actual email exchanges, the seller comes off as a gentleman, someone who went out of his way to help a potential buyer, even to the point of finding another seller for him. The OP, on the other hand, was unprofessional and rude in the original convo. Then, on top of that, the OP comes on this forum and lies about the original exchange, slanders the seller, and tries to hurt his business. There’s only one possible takeaway here, obviously. |
Thanks everyone! I actually don't do this for a living. I'm an audio enthusiast, a former music major and indie studio engineer who loves music and audio. I bought and sold tons of new and used gears in the past years. I'd been helping people sell and trade their stuff and I met a lot of good people in the process. True story, recently, I agreed to sell an Enleum HPA-23RM Headphone amp to someone for $2000 and then received another cash offer for $2300 the very next day. I honored the original $2000 without flinching. Now, that's a gentlemen's agreement. How many people on agon would do that right now? And if there were even a semblance of an agreement to buy the item as Zappas so had claimed, I would have honored it. And by saying "I'll see what's happening when I get back" is borderline a brush-off. It's like saying "If it doesn't sell by the time I get back, I'll low-ball you then". And as soon as OP Zappas turns definitively rude, not only he's no longer a gentleman, he becomes instantly ineligible to buy anything from me in the future. This is good riddance. I will not deal with this level of immaturity, entitlement and disrespectfulness.
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Yes, the term “woke” means being tolerant and open to others, including those from different cultures. Cool fact is it was originally coined by Huddie Ledbetter (aka, Leadbelly). He used it in a song in reference to the 1931 case in Alabama where 9 black teenagers were wrongly accused of raping white women. It was a message to his community that, if they were in Alabama, they “best stay woke”, in other words, keep your eyes open. |