Sold Sold Sold

Has anyone had a scenario like this ? Was talking to love4audio about buying a Auralic streamer. Told him I'd be out of the country for a week and would buy when I got back. Well as soon as I reached the states I emailed him to get it done. No response, I emailed 3 times with no answer.  Upon looking at the ad it now says Sold. I believe this is wrong on so many  levels and I will never buy from this type of seller. What you say ?


Showing 5 responses by facten

Since you asked "What you say ?"

So you had a transaction that didn't go the way you wanted you're not the 1st person nor will you be the last that this will happen to.  Aside from having a convenient platform to vent your woes is the outcome going to change that a thread was necessitated.

As often happens with these whiner woe is me threads the other side of the story comes out and all that was accomplished is the Op losing whatever prior perceived credibility he/she may have had.

@inna . What exactly are you taking his side about? He started a thread calling a dealer out claiming he was wronged, he doesn’t apologize or manup after facts show otherwise but rather claims woke. And, no matter where you are or the circumstances when you bs you’re not right.

Had a need? You're joking right. What was to be accomplished starting this thread? Were you or anyone else going to resolve his complaint for him even if he was in the right which he certainly wasn't.  So other than using this as a venue to complain nothing gets accomplished in these type matters ,and this one resulted in him putting himself in a bad light. If that was his mission he accomplished it

@zappas Based upon the seller’s rebuttal to your obviously false claim of being wronged, coupled with your above continued woe is poor me post  which further reflects poorly on any litle credibility you had left I’d guess that no one here would be willing to sell to you anyway.