Sold Sold Sold

Has anyone had a scenario like this ? Was talking to love4audio about buying a Auralic streamer. Told him I'd be out of the country for a week and would buy when I got back. Well as soon as I reached the states I emailed him to get it done. No response, I emailed 3 times with no answer.  Upon looking at the ad it now says Sold. I believe this is wrong on so many  levels and I will never buy from this type of seller. What you say ?


Showing 7 responses by mulveling

As a seller, buyers wo say "next week" flake more often than sellers.  Until you put money down, you have no claim

Totally agree. If it's someone I've dealt with before (and liked), of course I'll give some leeway and try to make the deal work. But otherwise - I'm not a store front, nor a dealer, and I'm selling for a loss. I'm always looking for the easiest, most efficient, low-risk, and hassle-free transaction as a private seller. 

I don't care about your cashflow issues, or globetrotting schedule. That's more likely to make me just shut the conversation off. Let's get the damn deal done. Shoes reversed - if I'm the buyer, I'd pay the cash up FRONT, and ask him nicely to ship in a week (or whatever). I would make (and have made) the same accommodation as seller. But asking a seller to "wait till I get back, then I'll pay you" - is a bridge too far for a stranger. 

@zappas  did you send seller a deposit? 

For private sales, I think even deposits are silly. Do you want it, or not? Do you have the cash, or not? Let's be serious people and not turn this into some financial circus.

that makes no sense. You can be on a public wifi in Minsk (why one would go to Minsk is another question) and take care of business without exposing any of your personal info. Not to mention your communication is encrypted, you have to be very stupid to let your data be stolen. E.g. text your pin code. Even your email is via SSL unless it’s some horrible provider

Yep. Keep your OS and browser up to date, and send PayPal (or whatever) payment securely from anywhere. Or better yet, use dedicated payment apps on your phone. But really, you should have already paid for the item you want up front. Looks like OP is the one wrong on so many levels. Hopefully he's learned from this :) 

This is every bit as much in the seller’s favor as I imagined. @love4audio you’re a solid guy, who went above and beyond in trying to help. Amazing that OP would come here and besmirch you about this experience. 1 more guy I’m not dealing with in the future.

I think it’s ridiculous to expect someone to hold it without payment. I find it more offensive that you are offended.

He’s going through life in "I’m entitled to everything I want" mode. He should only buy brand new from dealers, at or near MSRP, so they’re at least being paid a profit over cost to acommodate his whims.

Besides, this is America not France, it is a huge bazaar where customer is always right. Think about it.

The "customer is always right" is good policy when you’re making at least 40% margin on each widget sold, there’s incentive for repeat business (more widgets to sell), and your customers have some grip on being rational & reasonable adults.

This was a PRIVATE SALE, peer-to-peer between 2 hobbyists, where in most cases the basis cost is equal to or higher than their sale price (net loss). As a buyer, I approach sellers with the utmost respect for their time. As a seller, I’m happy to help hobbyists who "operate" like me, and will quickly shut off those who don’t. Not worth the effort.

I’m pissed off on behalf of the seller, too. We’ve had countless threads on Audiogon where an OP will complain about some malady / slight and yet still RESUSE to name the manufacturer or dealer. Yet here, seller was clearly a good guy, and OP came right out guns blazing to try and "name & shame"? Wtf?! Anyways, there’s no point trying to convince folks who are (bafflingly) on the other side of this. "No soup for you" policy applies, as needed :) Go find your gear from a less scrupulous seller, or pay MSRP from a dealer who will entertain some silliness for profit.