Perlisten S5t

For those who have had the opportunity to hear and or own the S5t I am very interested in your impressions/opinions. 
Thank you.

Ag insider logo xs@2xletitbe1306

Just to clarify, people don't refuse to buy chinese products because they question the build quality, it's because China is a communist country that supports slavery and slave labor. 



To give you an idea of my previous speakers, they replaced B&W 803 D3. Before them I have owned several other speakers, including Revel F228Be, Revel F208, B&W CM10 S1, and a few more lesser speakers.

How would you say the Perlistens compare to the Revel F208s? I’m looking for speakers that can do better instrument separation similar to what I’ve heard from Rockports.

Any insight is appreciated. Thanks 



Regardless what they say. Just the fact that they have is directivity control and a wave guide makes them best for the kind of setup precision response i expect. 


For what it's worth I don't even consider speakers without waveguides anymore.

I met the guys at Axpona in the Perlisten room. Told me the same thing about very easy to setup, doesn't require much work. I can say they were very knowledgeable about the product and took requests for any music to be played.

Every speaker MFR says this:

I met the Perlisten guys at Axpona. They seemed to indicate that these speakers were designed to be some of the most forgiving speakers w.r.t placement/room deficiencies in comparison to all the competitor offerings.

With all do respect, no one can reliable judge the Perlisten S7t until you’ve taken the time to set it up properly in your own room. This is true for most speakers but especially the S7t. Tiny, painstaking adjustments of the kind that dealers will simply not bother doing will make or break the sound of this speaker. Perlisten might claim they are easy to set up. Not true, IME. Perhaps for adequate sound, but who here is into this hobby for adequate? Take the time to nail the set up and they are excellent.


sorry buddy but you're wrong on that one I even heard the owner saying that the cabinets of the X3 were made in China, before you go flapping your gums maybe you should get your facts straight.


who cares if they're made in China as long as the quality is there, doesn't matter whether they're made in Denmark China or lower slobovia, The monitor audio platinum Gen 2 are phenomenal sounding and the build quality is world class they have 11 layers of hand polished piano locker on them and it takes 144 hours to make each cabinet, do you not think they have good trades people in China? Good trades people are everywhere, and I do like the X3 there a great speaker for $11,000 but I still think that the monitor audio platinum ll and lll are better.

I listened to the 7st the same day I listened to Focal Kanta 2, Sopra 2 and Magico A3.  No offense to the owners here but they were 4 out of 4….I’m starting to wonder if where you listen to a speaker in the rotation makes a difference in perception.  

@letitbe1306 FWIW I brought a musician friend with me to audition primarily the Focal lines, but we were both blown away by Magico A3….might be a worthy addition to your list. They are better looking in person than they are in pics.  

I don’t know about the design and manufacturing process at Perlisten.  The S5t’s sounded very good after 12-15 hours and better still after 100 plus.  When I upgraded the amplification to the Technics SU-R1000, there was a noticeable change in dynamics and presence.  Note that the Technics has built in DSP/room-correction.


Thank you for your take on the S5t, Isolum. 

I am very happy to get your take on the S5t and the Sabrina as the Wilson has my attention also. I feel like the St5 has so much potential in a smaller room with quality solid-state amplification.  Same with the Wilson. Do you know if Perlisten is building all the speaker components entirely in-house?  Also, how long is the break-in on the St5?

It’s funny to me to hear people boycott imported products because it’s usually the party that got rid of all the import tariffs that kept American manufacturing price competitive that are doing the loudest whining. We are in a global market and even your precious Harley Davidson is packed full of parts made in China. If we want USA products we have to be willing to pay a living wage. and this is a HIFI forum not a reform America platform. back to the s5t.


I have owned a pair of Perlisten S5t speakers for a few months.  I couldn’t audition them, but I had heard the S7t at Capital Audiofest and then for an extended audition at a dealer.  The S5t’s are very similar to the S7t’s, except at the very low end.  I have Wilson SabrinaXs, Sabrina X’s, and Harbeth Compact 7es xdr’s in other systems.

I love the S5t.  For me, the mist distinctive qualities are clarity, transparency, and extended dynamic range.  It compares in overall quality to the SabrinaX.  So, an excellent speaker.  I would say that it has a tiny bit more sparkle and sheen at the top as compared with the SabrinaX’s.  Bass extension is similar to my ears.


caveats:  Different smplification.  The S5t’s are paired with an NAD M33; the SabrinaX with a McIntosh MA-12000, and the Sabrina’s with a Technics SU-R1000.  I have a Luxman L-509z on preorder for the S5t’s.  That may make a noticeable difference,


Ironically I now own Magico, the furthest thing away from wooden box speakers. So your lame ass comeback actually applies to yourself instead LOL. Keep your china-made wooden box speakers, thank you. 

Like I said....Being made in China doesn't bother me in the least....Great value. Keep your wooden box speakers ...I'll keep my beautiful looking and sounding BORRESENS. Thank you.


Yikes, seems like you’re the clueless newbie here, this information has been out there for months if you even paid the slightest attention.

Tons of videos of Michael Borresen and Lars Kristensen mentioning that the X3 cabinet was 100% made, assembled, finished in China. Yes including the tacky-looking carbon fibre inserts.

This was also clearly mentioned in the review on hifipig.

If you’re still not convinced, give AGD a call, they’d be happy to tell you the sad truth. Funny how you claim to own the speaker when you don’t know anything about it. Sincerely hope you're not experiencing buyer's remorse now. How can you sleep now that you know a part of it was made in china?


They do require work to get them right, and the image size is one issue placement mends.  In my experience.  Here, in my room.  But once they are dialed in, man oh man are they wonderful.  

@steve59 you know I think you are right. At Axpona I kept going back to listen to the S7t speakers and while the bass was quick, tight and controlled there just wasn't something right about all images. I even commented to the guy running the room about different images either being larger than normal or others seemingly to small. He just nodded like ok! 

I spent several hours listening to the s7t at a local dealer. While tonal balance was very good and bass was tight I didn't find the images realistic in size, An Avi Kaplan song has the acoustic guitar larger than life while his voice was dwarf like in comparison...The speakers might just be very sensitive to placement and they have a lot going for them but it sounded like an amalgamation of top quality that just didn't integrate quite right.

charsort.....I have no distain for Quality Chinese products. AND the Borresen X-3 is totally made in Denmark. haha..Newbie.










I'm just outside of Philadelphia.  If you are near you can listen to mine.

+1 @rpeluso - the OP asked about sound quality.  After reading numerous positive reviews, I hope to someday demo the Perlisten S7t.  



The Borresen X3 that you adore so much and call a 'work of art' had its cabinet made in China, FYI.

I hope you return them at the soonest, but only after you spit on them. Since you have an obvious disdain for chinese-made products.

I agree but there are Dems and Pubs that won't spend alot of $$ if it's Chinese....just a fact of life.

mbmi I'm not questioning people's choices.  I'm simply saying the question asked did not need to incite input about the country of origin.  Simple.  Why make a statement about China being the country of manufacture when the question was about sound quality?  Why do people seemingly look for opportunities to state their political views?  It really is an ugly state we are in.  And I wish things were different.  


rpeluso......I get where you’re coming from but as you can see , for many on here, the country of China is a no- no. There are some fine products made in China so it’s not about the’s about an adversary ( enemy).....Unfortunately, This fact has to be factored into the buying equation for some people. It’s their $$$ and their choice. Not yours or mine.

The question was about the sound of the S5t.  What do we get?  A bunch of crap about China.  Why?  Your opinion about where they are made is not relevant to the discussion/question.  Keep it to yourself.  The question was about the sound of a specific loudspeaker model.  Not your political views of the world.  Ugly.  Ugly. Ugly.  

I looked at the Perlistens....Not worth 14K IMO......Bought the Borresen X-3's for 11K....much better looking and the Borresen sound is lifelike even at low volume.  Looks wise there is no comparison. The X-3's are a  work of art. and made in Denmark, Not China.

Waaaay to many choices out there that are not chifi.  I have Volti New Rivals built in good ol’ TN.  The build and value is off the charts.  

I didn't say I bought the Focals.  I knew they were from France. I liked them best. I bought the Perlisten (2nd favorite) after being told by the dealer there were from Wisconsin. Last time I buy before researching.  I returned them to the dealer, bought the Magicos.


"unfortunately you're very biased and uninformed, monitor audio platinum are made in China and they're world-class sounding speakers, The build quality is exemplary and the sound quality is better than speakers two to three times the price do your research a little bit better lol."


Still wouldn't buy them if I had a choice. Sorry you think my personal opinion is uninformed.


"I would never purposely buy anything from China"


I don't have a choice as to phone, I do have a choice as to Audio Equipment.

So let me get this straight: you acquired them, as in bought, but did not know they were made in China? Then after you had them in your home for a while, you learned they were made in China, so you returned them because you wanted USA. Then you got Focal, which I assume you know are made in France. LOL!!!

He wanted ’all USA’ like a true patriot, but, then, he settled for ’all France’ because it was still white white cream pie white. His patriotism extended all the way to France right across the Atlantic somehow!!! (It was China that he couldn’t do). It tends to be the typical story of all the lousy wrinkled old bigots on forums such as these...

@deep_333 :


I only speak from my experience of owning these speakers myself for the past year or so. 

They do require some work with placement, and interaction with room, acoustics, but once they are placed properly, they are very good.

@thyname , I met the Perlisten guys at Axpona. They seemed to indicate that these speakers were designed to be some of the most forgiving speakers w.r.t placement/room deficiencies in comparison to all the competitor offerings.

14 k a pair, for speakers made in China, seems like a lot of dough. Saw a few reviews out there. You’ll figure it out.

I would never purposely buy anything from China unless I was planning fire insurance fraud. 14K?....cKaZy


@baylinor , @tonydennison , Last i heard, you are typing on your phone or PC made in China. Throw them away and let your fingers type in thin air or just scream loud enough and we might just hear you across the continent.

I’ve owned the S7t since December. They are excellent speakers that do just about everything right. This is not to say they are perfect, but only that they have no glaring faults and I have no complaints--and I am extremely picky. They are coherent, dynamic, resolving, and tonally accurate. They can play absurdly loud or with exquisite delicacy. As one of my audio friends says, they are chameleons. Whatever they are fed, they reproduce accurately and transparently without editorializing.

Now, they do require work, as another poster has said. They are extremely sensitive to placement. To get their best, you have to resign yourself to making changes of 1/8 inch repeatedly, front and back, side to side, and with toe in, over time. Tiny changes have big effects with these speakers. And if you change an upstream component that alters the overall sonic profile, you’ll need to revisit set up. But in my experience, every good speaker requires this level of placement care. And they do take forever to break in. I was ready to sell them for the first month I owned them, until the drivers came into their own and I nailed the placement. The bass was the last thing to get right.

I have several speakers and amps that I alternate into my main system. These include PMC IB2i driven by a highly modified Plinius SA-103 or a Reference Line Silver Signature Class A amp; highly modified Cornwall IV driven by a Luxman MQ-300 300B SET; and the Perlistens, usually driven with an upgraded Aric Audio Transcend Push-Pull, which has 60 watts of Class A KT150. But S7t are also super happy with my 200 watt Class A solid state amps. Each of these combos sounds quite different but they are all wonderful. The Perlistens are not as muscular as the PMCs, and don’t reached down to 25hz, but they’re not weaklings by any stretch, and deliver tight, solid bass to the low 30s in my bass-challenged room. They’re not as immediate, dynamic, and live as the modded Cornwalls, but nothing beats horns for those traits, especially driven with a high quality SET amp.

Given their sophisticated tech and design, excellent driver array, impressive build quality, and overall sound, I think the S7t are a high-end bargain. Yes, they are made in China, but by a US company that has deep roots in US audio. Your sonic preferences or politics might make them not your cup. And if you’re not willing or able to set them up properly and feed them what they deserve, they won’t deliver their potential. But make no mistake, the S7t are very fine speakers that can do the audiophile stuff and also communicate the artistry and emotion of a music event. I’m happy I own them.

I've heard the S7t's at the last 2 Axpona exhibits and while very impressive they seemed not able to play that delicate when asked to. I also was interested in the smaller S5t and was told by the representative the sound was very close but the S5t didn't go as low. Again a very forceful sound but in the end didn't think I would enjoy. Just another point of view.

op if you love harbeths you will find very few loudspekers you will like better the harbeths hsave a very particular sound due tothe cabinet design

perhaps you should work on improving your existing gear

dave and Troy

audio intellect nj

Allow me to share some background regarding my post. I have been considering a move from my Harbeths to a floor stander and the S5t's have my attention. The Beryllium tweeter/waveguide DPC-Array is new to me and seems like it could be something I should consider. Unsure about the sound as I have not had the opportunity to audition. As to the country of manufacture, I have reservations that I will not get into here. As to the price, I have no intention of paying retail. I have already been in touch with a respected national dealer and it's clear that with the Harbeths in a trade, some robust discounting will be provided.


2 posts


I had them for a minute.  Knew little about them when I acquired them other than I enjoyed them more Magico A5 in the same price range.  I returned them once I found they were Chifi. Not because of quality but wanted all USA. Focals sounded better to me than Perlisten but knew that was not USA at time...


So let me get this straight: you acquired them, as in bought, but did not know they were made in China? Then after you had them in your home for a while, you learned they were made in China, so you returned them because you wanted USA. Then you got Focal, which I assume you know are made in France. LOL!!!


For those interested in the Perlisten story, you can read more HERE. Yes, they are made in China, but in a factory they own. The Chinese guy who has the factory is a member of ownership group.


I had them for a minute.  Knew little about them when I acquired them other than I enjoyed them more Magico A5 in the same price range.  I returned them once I found they were Chifi. Not because of quality but wanted all USA. Focals sounded better to me than Perlisten but knew that was not USA at time...



unfortunately you're very biased and uninformed, monitor audio platinum are made in China and they're world-class sounding speakers, The build quality is exemplary and the sound quality is better than speakers two to three times the price do your research a little bit better lol.

@tonydennison Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe he inquired about sound quality. 

High horses not required. 

I would never purposely buy anything from China unless I was planning fire insurance fraud. 14K?....cKaZy

14 k a pair, for speakers made in China, seems like a lot of dough. Saw a few reviews out there. You'll figure it out.

Same as @rpeluso , I own the S7t speakers. Not the one you are looking at. I have had them for almost a year now, and very happy with them. They do require some work with placement, and interaction with room, acoustics, but once they are placed properly, they are very good.

To give you an idea of my previous speakers, they replaced B&W 803 D3. Before them I have owned several other speakers, including Revel F228Be, Revel F208, B&W CM10 S1, and a few more lesser speakers.

The S5t is the five-driver subset of S7t so by all means please feel free to let us know how the Perlistens are working out for you. Looking forward to your input on this topic!