Perlisten S5t

For those who have had the opportunity to hear and or own the S5t I am very interested in your impressions/opinions. 
Thank you.

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Showing 2 responses by wrm57

I’ve owned the S7t since December. They are excellent speakers that do just about everything right. This is not to say they are perfect, but only that they have no glaring faults and I have no complaints--and I am extremely picky. They are coherent, dynamic, resolving, and tonally accurate. They can play absurdly loud or with exquisite delicacy. As one of my audio friends says, they are chameleons. Whatever they are fed, they reproduce accurately and transparently without editorializing.

Now, they do require work, as another poster has said. They are extremely sensitive to placement. To get their best, you have to resign yourself to making changes of 1/8 inch repeatedly, front and back, side to side, and with toe in, over time. Tiny changes have big effects with these speakers. And if you change an upstream component that alters the overall sonic profile, you’ll need to revisit set up. But in my experience, every good speaker requires this level of placement care. And they do take forever to break in. I was ready to sell them for the first month I owned them, until the drivers came into their own and I nailed the placement. The bass was the last thing to get right.

I have several speakers and amps that I alternate into my main system. These include PMC IB2i driven by a highly modified Plinius SA-103 or a Reference Line Silver Signature Class A amp; highly modified Cornwall IV driven by a Luxman MQ-300 300B SET; and the Perlistens, usually driven with an upgraded Aric Audio Transcend Push-Pull, which has 60 watts of Class A KT150. But S7t are also super happy with my 200 watt Class A solid state amps. Each of these combos sounds quite different but they are all wonderful. The Perlistens are not as muscular as the PMCs, and don’t reached down to 25hz, but they’re not weaklings by any stretch, and deliver tight, solid bass to the low 30s in my bass-challenged room. They’re not as immediate, dynamic, and live as the modded Cornwalls, but nothing beats horns for those traits, especially driven with a high quality SET amp.

Given their sophisticated tech and design, excellent driver array, impressive build quality, and overall sound, I think the S7t are a high-end bargain. Yes, they are made in China, but by a US company that has deep roots in US audio. Your sonic preferences or politics might make them not your cup. And if you’re not willing or able to set them up properly and feed them what they deserve, they won’t deliver their potential. But make no mistake, the S7t are very fine speakers that can do the audiophile stuff and also communicate the artistry and emotion of a music event. I’m happy I own them.

With all do respect, no one can reliable judge the Perlisten S7t until you’ve taken the time to set it up properly in your own room. This is true for most speakers but especially the S7t. Tiny, painstaking adjustments of the kind that dealers will simply not bother doing will make or break the sound of this speaker. Perlisten might claim they are easy to set up. Not true, IME. Perhaps for adequate sound, but who here is into this hobby for adequate? Take the time to nail the set up and they are excellent.