Perlisten S5t

For those who have had the opportunity to hear and or own the S5t I am very interested in your impressions/opinions. 
Thank you.


Showing 3 responses by letitbe1306

The S5t is the five-driver subset of S7t so by all means please feel free to let us know how the Perlistens are working out for you. Looking forward to your input on this topic!

Allow me to share some background regarding my post. I have been considering a move from my Harbeths to a floor stander and the S5t's have my attention. The Beryllium tweeter/waveguide DPC-Array is new to me and seems like it could be something I should consider. Unsure about the sound as I have not had the opportunity to audition. As to the country of manufacture, I have reservations that I will not get into here. As to the price, I have no intention of paying retail. I have already been in touch with a respected national dealer and it's clear that with the Harbeths in a trade, some robust discounting will be provided.


Thank you for your take on the S5t, Isolum. 

I am very happy to get your take on the S5t and the Sabrina as the Wilson has my attention also. I feel like the St5 has so much potential in a smaller room with quality solid-state amplification.  Same with the Wilson. Do you know if Perlisten is building all the speaker components entirely in-house?  Also, how long is the break-in on the St5?