Perlisten S5t

For those who have had the opportunity to hear and or own the S5t I am very interested in your impressions/opinions. 
Thank you.


Showing 2 responses by lsolum

I don’t know about the design and manufacturing process at Perlisten.  The S5t’s sounded very good after 12-15 hours and better still after 100 plus.  When I upgraded the amplification to the Technics SU-R1000, there was a noticeable change in dynamics and presence.  Note that the Technics has built in DSP/room-correction.

I have owned a pair of Perlisten S5t speakers for a few months.  I couldn’t audition them, but I had heard the S7t at Capital Audiofest and then for an extended audition at a dealer.  The S5t’s are very similar to the S7t’s, except at the very low end.  I have Wilson SabrinaXs, Sabrina X’s, and Harbeth Compact 7es xdr’s in other systems.

I love the S5t.  For me, the mist distinctive qualities are clarity, transparency, and extended dynamic range.  It compares in overall quality to the SabrinaX.  So, an excellent speaker.  I would say that it has a tiny bit more sparkle and sheen at the top as compared with the SabrinaX’s.  Bass extension is similar to my ears.


caveats:  Different smplification.  The S5t’s are paired with an NAD M33; the SabrinaX with a McIntosh MA-12000, and the Sabrina’s with a Technics SU-R1000.  I have a Luxman L-509z on preorder for the S5t’s.  That may make a noticeable difference,