Perlisten S5t

For those who have had the opportunity to hear and or own the S5t I am very interested in your impressions/opinions. 
Thank you.


Showing 3 responses by magnuman


unfortunately you're very biased and uninformed, monitor audio platinum are made in China and they're world-class sounding speakers, The build quality is exemplary and the sound quality is better than speakers two to three times the price do your research a little bit better lol.


who cares if they're made in China as long as the quality is there, doesn't matter whether they're made in Denmark China or lower slobovia, The monitor audio platinum Gen 2 are phenomenal sounding and the build quality is world class they have 11 layers of hand polished piano locker on them and it takes 144 hours to make each cabinet, do you not think they have good trades people in China? Good trades people are everywhere, and I do like the X3 there a great speaker for $11,000 but I still think that the monitor audio platinum ll and lll are better.


sorry buddy but you're wrong on that one I even heard the owner saying that the cabinets of the X3 were made in China, before you go flapping your gums maybe you should get your facts straight.