Perlisten S5t

For those who have had the opportunity to hear and or own the S5t I am very interested in your impressions/opinions. 
Thank you.


Showing 2 responses by steve59

I spent several hours listening to the s7t at a local dealer. While tonal balance was very good and bass was tight I didn't find the images realistic in size, An Avi Kaplan song has the acoustic guitar larger than life while his voice was dwarf like in comparison...The speakers might just be very sensitive to placement and they have a lot going for them but it sounded like an amalgamation of top quality that just didn't integrate quite right.

It’s funny to me to hear people boycott imported products because it’s usually the party that got rid of all the import tariffs that kept American manufacturing price competitive that are doing the loudest whining. We are in a global market and even your precious Harley Davidson is packed full of parts made in China. If we want USA products we have to be willing to pay a living wage. and this is a HIFI forum not a reform America platform. back to the s5t.