Matching solid state amps with tube based pre amps

I was like to get people responses on the mixing a solid state power amps with a tubes base preamp or match only with
solid state preamp.
I run a tube amp and a ss amp with my tube preamp ( not simultaneously). With the ss amp, the stage is slightly smaller ( due probably to the fact that the ss amp is a stereo amp and the tubes are mono blocks), but the SQ is excellent either way. What has not been touched upon is the fact that the ss amp will be less costly to run ( no tube replacements) and in many instances, more reliable. Depending on the tube amp, also less consistent sounding than the ss amp. ( due to bias drift, tube aging etc). No wrong answers, but a ss amp and a tube preamp can be the best of both worlds, IMO.
Have used tube pre/SS amp for years. It's no guarantee but if you find the right combo, it can be great. A many have said, pay attention to impedance matching and spend some time rolling tubes to fine tune the sound. Currently LTA MZ3 into SPL Performer s800 and it's lovely for my Harbeth Super HL5+ speakers.
OP has never shared what his/her listening priorities are.  This question is as much about musical/tonal/soundstage qualities one is seeking as much as electronic compatibility. 
I too have my destination system.
Atma-Sphere MP-1 tube preamp, AGD Audion mono block Class D GaN amps pushing Tetra 606 speakers.
Great SS amps give clean detail and impact and a great tube preamp adds fullness and musicality.
I have a Luxman CL38U SE tube preamp w/a Bryston 3B Cube. Plenty of detail w/a well defined bottom. Makes an excellent match w/my Aerial 5T's.
For almost 30 years I've been running a circa 1990 Bryston 4B SS amp paired with a very rare Mosfet New York Audio Minuet in A tube hybrid preamp. I have always loved that pairing but about a year ago I started to think of maybe looking to upgrade. I auditioned several recommended pairings over maybe 6 months but decided to stick with the Bryston and Minuet in A as I felt my rig sounded better than what I heard at the three high-end dealers I went to. Not saying there are not better sounding combos out there at $3,000 but one dealer told me that the Minuet in A was one of the best hybrid tube preamps around despite its age and is now "a legend" as he put it. I recently had a full restoration done George Kaye, the original engineer/designer of the Minuet in A, and my entire system sounds as good as the day I bought it. Kind of nice to know that some of the older stuff can still be competitive with newer components in the same price range.
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I ran a VAC Renaissance 5 pre into an Ayre VX5/20 with excellent results. Highly recommend the combination mixing tubes an SS.  
I'm running the schiit freya + into krell mono blocks to wilson sophias 
very happy with the sound
I've used a tube preamp with a couple different amps -- an older Adcom 535L and a new Van Alstine SET 400. Both give good grip on the bass and quick timing, but the midrange and upper range were not smooth enough for my ears. I'm running KT 150 tubes on my monos now and it's all working well. 

However, if a Pass or Ayre or Hegel amp come my way, I'm curious to hear those mids and treble ranges smooth out considerably.
I run a McIntosh C2600 tube preamp with McIntosh MC611 SS mono blocks. They work very well together. 
Tube preamp and ss power amp is a good thinking and reduces greatly the use of too many tubes. But that's all. 
Sound quality matters the most 

I have 2 systems using a valve pre in front of SS power amps. 
Supertek DHT Cabernet pre with Accuphase A70 power amp driving Harbeth 40.2 speakers. AR LS16 pre with Bryston 4bsst driving Dynaudio C2 Platniums.

I like the color that a valve pre amps brings to the system whilst using a relatively powerful and neutral power amp to handle the speakers. I experimented with a Light Speed passive pre but preferred the sound of the Pre amps.  I also experimented with the Supratek and AR into my MacIntosh MC75's but found too much color.

I’m running a BAT VK50-SE with an Orchard Audio StarKrimson Ultra GaN FET Amplifier. I’m done. No more searching for the Holy Grail. I haven’t found it but this is close enough for me.
Given no impedance mismatches,

Tube pre --> SS amp --> sensitive speakers = easy meat
Tube pre --> Tube amp --> sensitive speakers = musical easy meat
Tube integrated amp --> sensitive speakers = theoretically optimal, no worry over impedance matching.

All I think I know, or ever expect to learn. 

JFC… If the output of the preamp is 100-1000 ohms, and input impedance of the power amp is 20k to 100k ohms, then what is being matched? (Or what needs to be “matched”?)

What does “matched” even supposed to significantly? What is the meaning of the word Ing the sense that it is being suggested?

I have never had a problem with a SS pre s driving SS or tubes amps.
And also never had a problem with a tube pre drinks a tube or SS amplifier.
But maybe others have?>
As has been previously mentioned, when combining the two, one has to be mindful of  the impedance output and input impedances. How ever, the volume issue mentioned is more likely to be a result of  a high output voltage (typical with tubes) into a high sensitivity amp (not uncommon with ss amps). 
 For at least of thirty years I have had tubed preamps with solid state amps. Back then it was the way to have great reliability and massive power. The preamp is so important in getting the sound right. Audio Research preamps have been at the center of my system for over 40 years. I moved to a tube amp a couple of years ago. In retrospect, I wish I had done it decades ago. While more power is good… more musical is better. All of my solid state amps were designed by Pass… ARC / Pass is a good combination… as I have recently learned ARC / ARC is better… for me.
I have had solid state amps with tubed preamps for 35+ years.  IMHO, it’s the only way to fly. 
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That's like asking which playmate of the month I prefer, June or July. The answer of course is "Yes".    :)

Quality with Quality is the important part.  There is no "right" answer.
If you want to give it a try buy a Schiit Freya +. Great reviews, I’m thinking about trying one. 
I have ran Tube preamps with as amps off and on for years. Great combination.
Lots of people find matching a tube pre with SS amp to be a great option, especially if your speakers aren’t an easy load. 
I like to match components that sound good with components that sound good. Mixing in components that do not sound good with components that sound good just never seems to work out quite as well for some reason.