
Discussions mglik has started

Repeater/extenders are evil!69414
What does it take to be a die hard Beatles fan?285559
How can you evaluate a system with highly processed music?258745
Do I buy an upscale TT?547463
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?46230576
Better Isoacoustics footers16730
Anyone have experience with a Quad 405 amp with Quad 57s?10183
Anyone experienced a London Decca Reference cartridge?14244
Will rebuilt Quad ESL 57s take the place on a great $30K dynamic speaker?283028
Are ceramic speaker drivers a good thing?169213
Is the Walker LP system necessary if one already uses a good RCM?132415
Active or passive power conditioner?7734
Is an isolation transformer better than a power conditioner?1027661
Has anyone heard the newest version of the Klispschhorm?366735
Is it good to upgrade the crossovers in your speakers?552630