Matching solid state amps with tube based pre amps

I was like to get people responses on the mixing a solid state power amps with a tubes base preamp or match only with
solid state preamp.

Showing 1 response by dwiphefl1128

For almost 30 years I've been running a circa 1990 Bryston 4B SS amp paired with a very rare Mosfet New York Audio Minuet in A tube hybrid preamp. I have always loved that pairing but about a year ago I started to think of maybe looking to upgrade. I auditioned several recommended pairings over maybe 6 months but decided to stick with the Bryston and Minuet in A as I felt my rig sounded better than what I heard at the three high-end dealers I went to. Not saying there are not better sounding combos out there at $3,000 but one dealer told me that the Minuet in A was one of the best hybrid tube preamps around despite its age and is now "a legend" as he put it. I recently had a full restoration done George Kaye, the original engineer/designer of the Minuet in A, and my entire system sounds as good as the day I bought it. Kind of nice to know that some of the older stuff can still be competitive with newer components in the same price range.